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Profile Publications (6)

Publications By Shobha Vasudevan


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A Specialized Mechanism of Translation Mediated by FXR1a-Associated MicroRNP in Cellular Quiescence., Bukhari SIA, Truesdell SS, Lee S, Kollu S, Classon A, Boukhali M, Jain E, Mortensen RD, Yanagiya A, Sadreyev RI, Haas W, Vasudevan S., Mol Cell. March 3, 2016; 61 (5): 760-773.

Upregulation of eIF5B controls cell-cycle arrest and specific developmental stages., Lee S, Truesdell SS, Bukhari SI, Lee JH, LeTonqueze O, Vasudevan S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 14, 2014; 111 (41): E4315-22.   

MicroRNA-mediated mRNA translation activation in quiescent cells and oocytes involves recruitment of a nuclear microRNP., Truesdell SS, Mortensen RD, Seo M, Schroeder JC, Lee JH, LeTonqueze O, Vasudevan S., Sci Rep. January 1, 2012; 2 842.   

Posttranscriptional activation of gene expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes by microRNA-protein complexes (microRNPs)., Mortensen RD, Serra M, Steitz JA, Vasudevan S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 17, 2011; 108 (20): 8281-6.   

miRNPs: versatile regulators of gene expression in vertebrate cells., Steitz JA, Vasudevan S., Biochem Soc Trans. October 1, 2009; 37 (Pt 5): 931-5.

Metazoan oocyte and early embryo development program: a progression through translation regulatory cascades., Vasudevan S, Seli E, Steitz JA., Genes Dev. January 15, 2006; 20 (2): 138-46.

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