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Profile Publications (8)

Publications By Perry J. Blackshear


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Inhibition of native and recombinant nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate peptide., Gay EA, Klein RC, Melton MA, Blackshear PJ, Yakel JL., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. December 1, 2008; 327 (3): 884-90.

Identification of a novel Xenopus laevis poly (A) binding protein., Cosson B, Braun F, Paillard L, Blackshear P, Beverley Osborne H., Biol Cell. September 1, 2004; 96 (7): 519-27.

The NIEHS Xenopus maternal EST project: interim analysis of the first 13,879 ESTs from unfertilized eggs., Blackshear PJ, Lai WS, Thorn JM, Kennington EA, Staffa NG, Moore DT, Bouffard GG, Beckstrom-Sternberg SM, Touchman JW, Bonaldo MF, Soares MB., Gene. April 4, 2001; 267 (1): 71-87.

Interactions of CCCH zinc finger proteins with mRNA. Binding of tristetraprolin-related zinc finger proteins to Au-rich elements and destabilization of mRNA., Lai WS, Carballo E, Thorn JM, Kennington EA, Blackshear PJ., J Biol Chem. June 9, 2000; 275 (23): 17827-37.

Identification of four CCCH zinc finger proteins in Xenopus, including a novel vertebrate protein with four zinc fingers and severely restricted expression., De J, Lai WS, Thorn JM, Goldsworthy SM, Liu X, Blackwell TK, Blackshear PJ., Gene. March 4, 1999; 228 (1-2): 133-45.   

Mechanisms of MARCKS gene activation during Xenopus development., Shi Y, Sullivan SK, Pitterle DM, Kennington EA, Graff JM, Blackshear PJ., J Biol Chem. November 14, 1997; 272 (46): 29290-300.

Calcium binding and conformational properties of calmodulin complexed with peptides derived from myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and MARCKS-related protein (MRP)., Porumb T, Crivici A, Blackshear PJ, Ikura M., Eur Biophys J. January 1, 1997; 25 (4): 239-47.

Specific protein binding to a conserved region of the ornithine decarboxylase mRNA 5'-untranslated region., Manzella JM, Blackshear PJ., J Biol Chem. April 5, 1992; 267 (10): 7077-82.

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