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Profile Publications (8)

Publications By Rolf Kemler


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The p300/CBP acetyltransferases function as transcriptional coactivators of beta-catenin in vertebrates., Hecht A, Vleminckx K, Stemmler MP, van Roy F, Kemler R., EMBO J. April 17, 2000; 19 (8): 1839-50.

The C-terminal transactivation domain of beta-catenin is necessary and sufficient for signaling by the LEF-1/beta-catenin complex in Xenopus laevis., Vleminckx K, Kemler R, Hecht A., Mech Dev. March 1, 1999; 81 (1-2): 65-74.   

Expression of the Armadillo family member p120cas1B in Xenopus embryos affects head differentiation but not axis formation., Geis K, Aberle H, Kühl M, Kemler R, Wedlich D., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 1998; 207 (7): 471-81.

Nuclear localization of beta-catenin by interaction with transcription factor LEF-1., Huber O, Korn R, McLaughlin J, Ohsugi M, Herrmann BG, Kemler R., Mech Dev. September 1, 1996; 59 (1): 3-10.

Catenins in Xenopus embryogenesis and their relation to the cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion system., Schneider S, Herrenknecht K, Butz S, Kemler R, Hausen P., Development. June 1, 1993; 118 (2): 629-40.   

Plakoglobin and beta-catenin: distinct but closely related., Butz S, Stappert J, Weissig H, Kemler R., Science. August 21, 1992; 257 (5073): 1142-4.

The uvomorulin-anchorage protein alpha catenin is a vinculin homologue., Herrenknecht K, Ozawa M, Eckerskorn C, Lottspeich F, Lenter M, Kemler R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 15, 1991; 88 (20): 9156-60.

A conserved family of nuclear proteins containing structural elements of the finger protein encoded by Krüppel, a Drosophila segmentation gene., Schuh R, Aicher W, Gaul U, Côté S, Preiss A, Maier D, Seifert E, Nauber U, Schröder C, Kemler R., Cell. December 26, 1986; 47 (6): 1025-32.

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