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Profile Publications (4)

Publications By Philip Pinheiro


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VEGFA-dependent and -independent pathways synergise to drive Scl expression and initiate programming of the blood stem cell lineage in Xenopus., Ciau-Uitz A, Pinheiro P, Kirmizitas A, Zuo J, Patient R., Development. June 1, 2013; 140 (12): 2632-42.   

Uncoupling VEGFA functions in arteriogenesis and hematopoietic stem cell specification., Leung A, Ciau-Uitz A, Pinheiro P, Monteiro R, Zuo J, Vyas P, Patient R, Porcher C., Dev Cell. January 28, 2013; 24 (2): 144-58.   

Gene structure, transcripts and calciotropic effects of the PTH family of peptides in Xenopus and chicken., Pinheiro PL, Cardoso JC, Gomes AS, Fuentes J, Power DM, Canário AV., BMC Evol Biol. May 6, 2010; 10 373.   

Tel1/ETV6 specifies blood stem cells through the agency of VEGF signaling., Ciau-Uitz A, Pinheiro P, Gupta R, Enver T, Patient R., Dev Cell. April 20, 2010; 18 (4): 569-78.   

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