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Profile Publications (6)

Publications By Karuna Sampath


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The PDZ domain protein Mcc is a novel effector of non-canonical Wnt signaling during convergence and extension in zebrafish., Young T, Poobalan Y, Tan EK, Tao S, Ong S, Wehner P, Schwenty-Lara J, Lim CY, Sadasivam A, Lovatt M, Wang ST, Ali Y, Borchers A, Sampath K, Dunn NR., Development. September 1, 2014; 141 (18): 3505-16.   

The pro-domain of the zebrafish Nodal-related protein Cyclops regulates its signaling activities., Tian J, Andrée B, Jones CM, Sampath K., Development. August 1, 2008; 135 (15): 2649-58.   

Zebrafish Staufen1 and Staufen2 are required for the survival and migration of primordial germ cells., Ramasamy S, Wang H, Quach HN, Sampath K., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 393-406.

Induction of the zebrafish ventral brain and floorplate requires cyclops/nodal signalling., Sampath K, Rubinstein AL, Cheng AM, Liang JO, Fekany K, Solnica-Krezel L, Korzh V, Halpern ME, Wright CV., Nature. September 10, 1998; 395 (6698): 185-9.

Functional differences among Xenopus nodal-related genes in left-right axis determination., Sampath K, Cheng AM, Frisch A, Wright CV., Development. September 1, 1997; 124 (17): 3293-302.   

Conserved left-right asymmetry of nodal expression and alterations in murine situs inversus., Lowe LA, Supp DM, Sampath K, Yokoyama T, Wright CV, Potter SS, Overbeek P, Kuehn MR., Nature. May 9, 1996; 381 (6578): 158-61.

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