The spleen and skin wound healing in Xenopus adults. , Franchini A , Della Rocca A, Bertolotti E ., J Morphol. July 1, 2016; 277 (7): 888-95.
The thymus and skin wound healing in Xenopus laevis adults. , Franchini A , Bertolotti E ., Acta Histochem. September 1, 2014; 116 (7): 1141-7.
Skin wound healing in different aged Xenopus laevis. , Bertolotti E , Malagoli D, Franchini A ., J Morphol. August 1, 2013; 274 (8): 956-64.
The thymus and tail regenerative capacity in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Franchini A , Bertolotti E ., Acta Histochem. July 1, 2012; 114 (4): 334-41.
Tail regenerative capacity and iNOS immunolocalization in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Franchini A , Bertolotti E ., Cell Tissue Res. May 1, 2011; 344 (2): 261-9.
Targets and effects of yessotoxin, okadaic acid and palytoxin: a differential review. , Franchini A , Malagoli D, Ottaviani E., Mar Drugs. March 16, 2010; 8 (3): 658-77.
Expression of the genes siamois, engrailed-2, bmp4 and myf5 during Xenopus development in presence of the marine toxins okadaic acid and palytoxin. , Franchini A , Casarini L, Malagoli D, Ottaviani E., Chemosphere. October 1, 2009; 77 (3): 308-12.
Toxicological effects of marine palytoxin evaluated by FETAX assay. , Franchini A , Casarini L, Ottaviani E., Chemosphere. September 1, 2008; 73 (3): 267-71.
Evaluation of the effects of the marine toxin okadaic acid by using FETAX assay. , Casarini L, Franchini A , Malagoli D, Ottaviani E., Toxicol Lett. March 8, 2007; 169 (2): 145-51.
Immunocytochemical evidence of PDGF- and TGF- beta-like molecules in invertebrate and vertebrate immunocytes: an evolutionary approach. , Franchini A , Kletsas D, Ottaviani E., Histochem J. September 1, 1996; 28 (9): 599-605.