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Profile Publications (47)

Publications By Paul Witkovsky


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D2-like dopamine receptors promote interactions between calcium and chloride channels that diminish rod synaptic transfer in the salamander retina., Thoreson WB, Stella SL, Bryson EI, Clements J, Witkovsky P., Vis Neurosci. January 1, 2002; 19 (3): 235-47.

Contributions of AMPA- and kainate-sensitive receptors to the photopic electroretinogram of the Xenopus retina., Szikra T, Witkovsky P., Vis Neurosci. January 1, 2001; 18 (2): 187-96.

Photoreceptor classes and transmission at the photoreceptor synapse in the retina of the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Witkovsky P., Microsc Res Tech. September 1, 2000; 50 (5): 338-46.

Caffeine-sensitive calcium stores regulate synaptic transmission from retinal rod photoreceptors., Krizaj D, Bao JX, Schmitz Y, Witkovsky P, Copenhagen DR., J Neurosci. September 1, 1999; 19 (17): 7249-61.

Dopamine D2 receptor-mediated modulation of rod-cone coupling in the Xenopus retina., Krizaj D, Gábriel R, Owen WG, Witkovsky P., J Comp Neurol. September 7, 1998; 398 (4): 529-38.

Gain of rod to horizontal cell synaptic transfer: relation to glutamate release and a dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium current., Witkovsky P, Schmitz Y, Akopian A, Krizaj D, Tranchina D., J Neurosci. October 1, 1997; 17 (19): 7297-306.

Both high- and low voltage-activated calcium currents contribute to the light-evoked responses of luminosity horizontal cells in the Xenopus retina., Akopian A, Krizaj D, Witkovsky P., Dev Biol. July 11, 1997; 762 (1-2): 121-30.

Dependence of photoreceptor glutamate release on a dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel., Schmitz Y, Witkovsky P., Neuroscience. June 1, 1997; 78 (4): 1209-16.

D2 dopamine receptor-mediated inhibition of a hyperpolarization-activated current in rod photoreceptors., Akopian A, Witkovsky P., J Neurophysiol. September 1, 1996; 76 (3): 1828-35.

Glutamate release by the intact light-responsive photoreceptor layer of the Xenopus retina., Schmitz Y, Witkovsky P., J Neurosci Methods. September 1, 1996; 68 (1): 55-60.

Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors decreases a high-threshold calcium current in spiking neurons of the Xenopus retina., Akopian A, Witkovsky P., Vis Neurosci. January 1, 1996; 13 (3): 549-57.

Feedback from luminosity horizontal cells mediates depolarizing responses of chromaticity horizontal cells in the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Gabriel R, Krizaj D, Akopian A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 11, 1995; 92 (8): 3556-60.

Dopaminergic neurons in the retina of Xenopus laevis: amacrine vs. interplexiform subtypes and relation to bipolar cells., Witkovsky P, Zhang J, Blam O., Cell Tissue Res. October 1, 1994; 278 (1): 45-56.

The effects of L-glutamate, AMPA, quisqualate, and kainate on retinal horizontal cells depend on adaptational state: implications for rod-cone interactions., Krizaj D, Akopian A, Witkovsky P., J Neurosci. September 1, 1994; 14 (9): 5661-71.

Modulation of transient outward potassium current by GTP, calcium, and glutamate in horizontal cells of the Xenopus retina., Akopian A, Witkovsky P., J Neurophysiol. May 1, 1994; 71 (5): 1661-71.

Identification of cone classes in Xenopus retina by immunocytochemistry and staining with lectins and vital dyes., Zhang J, Kleinschmidt J, Sun P, Witkovsky P., Vis Neurosci. January 1, 1994; 11 (6): 1185-92.

Effects of submicromolar concentrations of dopamine on photoreceptor to horizontal cell communication., Krizaj D, Witkovsky P., Dev Biol. November 5, 1993; 627 (1): 122-8.

Extracellular dopamine concentration in the retina of the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Witkovsky P, Nicholson C, Rice ME, Bohmaker K, Meller E., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 15, 1993; 90 (12): 5667-71.

Light-evoked contraction of red absorbing cones in the Xenopus retina is maximally sensitive to green light., Besharse JC, Witkovsky P., Vis Neurosci. March 1, 1992; 8 (3): 243-9.

Dopaminergic interplexiform cells and centrifugal fibres in the Xenopus retina., Schütte M, Witkovsky P., J Neurocytol. March 1, 1991; 20 (3): 195-207.

A chromatic horizontal cell in the Xenopus retina: intracellular staining and synaptic pharmacology., Stone S, Witkovsky P, Schütte M., J Neurophysiol. December 1, 1990; 64 (6): 1683-94.

Slow light and dark adaptation of horizontal cells in the Xenopus retina: a role for endogenous dopamine., Witkovsky P, Shi XP., Vis Neurosci. October 1, 1990; 5 (4): 405-13.

Serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the retina of the clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Schütte M, Witkovsky P., J Neurocytol. August 1, 1990; 19 (4): 504-18.

Photoreceptor to horizontal cell synaptic transfer in the Xenopus retina: modulation by dopamine ligands and a circuit model for interactions of rod and cone inputs., Witkovsky P, Stone S, Tranchina D., J Neurophysiol. October 1, 1989; 62 (4): 864-81.

Morphology and synaptic connections of HRP-filled, axon-bearing horizontal cells in the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Stone S, MacDonald ED., J Comp Neurol. September 1, 1988; 275 (1): 29-38.

Dopamine modifies the balance of rod and cone inputs to horizontal cells of the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Stone S, Besharse JC., Dev Biol. May 24, 1988; 449 (1-2): 332-6.

GABA release from Xenopus retina does not correlate with horizontal cell membrane potential., Cunningham JR, Neal MJ, Stone S, Witkovsky P., Neuroscience. January 1, 1988; 24 (1): 39-48.

GABA and glycine modify the balance of rod and cone inputs to horizontal cells in the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Stone S., Exp Biol. January 1, 1987; 47 (1): 13-22.

Center-surround organization of Xenopus horizontal cells and its modification by gamma-aminobutyric acid and strontium., Stone S, Witkovsky P., Exp Biol. January 1, 1987; 47 (1): 1-12.

Pharmacological modification of the light-induced responses of Müller (glial) cells in the amphibian retina., Witkovsky P, Stone S, Ripps H., Dev Biol. February 25, 1985; 328 (1): 111-20.

The actions of gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine and their antagonists upon horizontal cells of the Xenopus retina., Stone S, Witkovsky P., J Physiol. August 1, 1984; 353 249-64.

Rod and cone inputs to bipolar and horizontal cells of the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Stone S., Vision Res. January 1, 1983; 23 (11): 1251-8.

Blue-sensitive rod input to bipolar and ganglion cells of the Xenopus retina., Yang CY, Hassin G, Witkovsky P., Vision Res. January 1, 1983; 23 (10): 933-41.

Intracellular recording from identified photoreceptors and horizontal cells of the Xenopus retina., Hassin G, Witkovsky P., Vision Res. January 1, 1983; 23 (10): 921-31.

Transport and phosphorylation of 2-deoxy-D-glucose by amphibian retina. Effects of light and darkness., Witkovsky P, Yang CY., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 1982; 80 (2): 173-90.

Uptake and localization of 3H-2 deoxy-D-glucose by retinal photoreceptors., Witkovsky P, Yang CY., J Comp Neurol. January 10, 1982; 204 (2): 105-16.

A freeze-fracture study of synaptogenesis in the distal retina of larval Xenopus., Nagy AR, Witkovsky P., J Neurocytol. December 1, 1981; 10 (6): 897-919.

Synapse formation and modification between distal retinal neurons in larval and juvenile Xenopus., Witkovsky P, Powell CC., Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. March 11, 1981; 211 (1184): 373-89.

Properties of a blue-sensitive rod in the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Yang CY, Ripps H., Vision Res. January 1, 1981; 21 (6): 875-83.

A microspectrophotometric study of normal and artificial visual pigments in the photoreceptors of Xenopus laevis., Witkovsky P, Levine JS, Engbretson GA, Hassin G, MacNichol EF., Vision Res. January 1, 1981; 21 (6): 867-73.

Excitation and adaptation in the vertebrate retina., Witkovsky P., Curr Top Eye Res. January 1, 1980; 2 1-66.

The threshold versus pigment relation of Xenopus rods., Engbretson GA, Hassin G, Witkovsky P., Vision Res. January 1, 1979; 19 (4): 367-73.

The formation of photoreceptor synapses in the retina of larval Xenopus., Chen F, Witkovsky P., J Neurocytol. December 1, 1978; 7 (6): 721-40.

Formation, conversion, and utilization of isorhodopsin, rhodopsin, and porphyropsin by rod photoreceptors in the Xenopus retina., Witkovsky P, Engbretson GA, Ripps H., J Gen Physiol. December 1, 1978; 72 (6): 821-36.

Rod sensitivity and visual pigment concentration in Xenopus., Engbretson GA, Witkovsky P., J Gen Physiol. December 1, 1978; 72 (6): 801-19.

The visual pigment and vitamin A of Xenopus laevis embryos, larvae and adults., Bridges CD, Hollyfield JG, Witkovsky P, Gallin E., Exp Eye Res. January 1, 1977; 24 (1): 7-13.

Photoreceptor thresholds and visual pigment levels in normal and vitamin A-deprived Xenopus tadpoles., Witkovsky P, Gallin E, Hollyfield JG, Ripps H, Bridges CD., J Neurophysiol. November 1, 1976; 39 (6): 1272-87.

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