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Profile Publications (3)

Publications By Brittany B. Lewis


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The role of voltage-gated calcium channels in neurotransmitter phenotype specification: Coexpression and functional analysis in Xenopus laevis., Lewis BB, Miller LE, Herbst WA, Saha MS., J Comp Neurol. August 1, 2014; 522 (11): 2518-31.   

Dissection, culture, and analysis of Xenopus laevis embryonic retinal tissue., McDonough MJ, Allen CE, Ng-Sui-Hing NK, Rabe BA, Lewis BB, Saha MS., J Vis Exp. December 23, 2012; (70):

Cloning and characterization of voltage-gated calcium channel alpha1 subunits in Xenopus laevis during development., Lewis BB, Wester MR, Miller LE, Nagarkar MD, Johnson MB, Saha MS., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2009; 238 (11): 2891-902.   

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