From tadpole to adult frog locomotion. , Sillar KT , Simmers J, Combes D., Curr Opin Neurobiol. October 1, 2023; 82 102753.
Bimodal modulation of short-term motor memory via dynamic sodium pumps in a vertebrate spinal cord. , Hachoumi L, Rensner R, Richmond C, Picton L, Zhang H , Sillar KT ., Curr Biol. March 14, 2022; 32 (5): 1038-1048.e2.
Developmental stage-dependent switching in the neuromodulation of vertebrate locomotor central pattern generator networks. , Hachoumi L, Sillar KT ., Dev Neurobiol. January 1, 2020; 80 (1-2): 42-57.
Control of Xenopus Tadpole Locomotion via Selective Expression of Ih in Excitatory Interneurons. , Picton LD, Sillar KT , Zhang HY ., Curr Biol. December 17, 2018; 28 (24): 3911-3923.e2.
Developmental changes in spinal neuronal properties, motor network configuration, and neuromodulation at free-swimming stages of Xenopus tadpoles. , Currie SP, Sillar KT ., J Neurophysiol. March 1, 2018; 119 (3): 786-795.
Sodium pump regulation of locomotor control circuits. , Picton LD, Zhang H , Sillar KT ., J Neurophysiol. August 1, 2017; 118 (2): 1070-1081.
Mechanisms underlying the endogenous dopaminergic inhibition of spinal locomotor circuit function in Xenopus tadpoles. , Picton LD, Sillar KT ., Sci Rep. October 20, 2016; 6 35749.
Deep- brain photoreception links luminance detection to motor output in Xenopus frog tadpoles. , Currie SP, Doherty GH, Sillar KT ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 24, 2016; 113 (21): 6053-8.
A behaviorally related developmental switch in nitrergic modulation of locomotor rhythmogenesis in larval Xenopus tadpoles. , Currie SP, Combes D, Scott NW, Simmers J, Sillar KT ., J Neurophysiol. March 1, 2016; 115 (3): 1446-57.
Mechanisms underlying the activity-dependent regulation of locomotor network performance by the Na+ pump. , Zhang HY , Picton L, Li WC , Sillar KT ., Sci Rep. November 6, 2015; 5 16188.
A switch in aminergic modulation of locomotor CPG output during amphibian metamorphosis. , Combes D, Sillar KT , Simmers J., Front Biosci (Schol Ed). June 1, 2012; 4 (4): 1364-74.
Short-term memory of motor network performance via activity-dependent potentiation of Na+/K+ pump function. , Zhang HY , Sillar KT ., Curr Biol. March 20, 2012; 22 (6): 526-31.
Development of a spinal locomotor rheostat. , Zhang HY , Issberner J, Sillar KT ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 12, 2011; 108 (28): 11674-9.
Long-lasting effects of chemical hypoxia on spinal cord function in tadpoles. , Robertson RM, Björnfors ER, Sillar KT ., Neuroreport. October 6, 2010; 21 (14): 943-7.
The nitric oxide/cGMP pathway tunes the thermosensitivity of swimming motor patterns in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Robertson RM, Sillar KT ., J Neurosci. November 4, 2009; 29 (44): 13945-51.
Electrical coupling synchronises spinal motoneuron activity during swimming in hatchling Xenopus tadpoles. , Zhang HY , Li WC , Heitler WJ, Sillar KT ., J Physiol. September 15, 2009; 587 (Pt 18): 4455-66.
Thermal activation of escape swimming in post-hatching Xenopus laevis frog larvae. , Sillar KT , Robertson RM., J Exp Biol. August 1, 2009; 212 (Pt 15): 2356-64.
Group I mGluRs increase locomotor network excitability in Xenopus tadpoles via presynaptic inhibition of glycinergic neurotransmission. , Chapman RJ, Issberner JP, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. September 1, 2008; 28 (5): 903-13.
Neuromodulation and developmental plasticity in the locomotor system of anuran amphibians during metamorphosis. , Sillar KT , Combes D, Ramanathan S, Molinari M, Simmers J., Brain Res Rev. January 1, 2008; 57 (1): 94-102.
Synthesis, conformation and biological evaluation of the enantiomers of 3-fluoro-gamma-aminobutyric acid ((R)- and (S)-3F-GABA): an analogue of the neurotransmitter GABA. , Deniau G, Slawin AM, Lebl T, Chorki F, Issberner JP, van Mourik T, Heygate JM, Lambert JJ, Etherington LA, Sillar KT , O'Hagan D., Chembiochem. December 17, 2007; 8 (18): 2265-74.
Nitric oxide modulation of the electrically excitable skin of Xenopus laevis frog tadpoles. , Alpert MH, Zhang H , Molinari M, Heitler WJ, Sillar KT ., J Exp Biol. November 1, 2007; 210 (Pt 22): 3910-8.
The contribution of the NMDA receptor glycine site to rhythm generation during fictive swimming in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Issberner JP, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. November 1, 2007; 26 (9): 2556-64.
Modulation of a spinal locomotor network by metabotropic glutamate receptors. , Chapman RJ, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. October 1, 2007; 26 (8): 2257-68.
Developmental and regional expression of NADPH-diaphorase/nitric oxide synthase in spinal cord neurons correlates with the emergence of limb motor networks in metamorphosing Xenopus laevis. , Ramanathan S, Combes D, Molinari M, Simmers J, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. October 1, 2006; 24 (7): 1907-22.
Development and neuromodulation of spinal locomotor networks in the metamorphosing frog. , Rauscent A, Le Ray D , Cabirol-Pol MJ, Sillar KT , Simmers J, Combes D., J Physiol Paris. January 1, 2006; 100 (5-6): 317-27.
Metamodulation of a spinal locomotor network by nitric oxide. , McLean DL, Sillar KT ., J Neurosci. October 27, 2004; 24 (43): 9561-71.
Developmental segregation of spinal networks driving axial- and hindlimb-based locomotion in metamorphosing Xenopus laevis. , Combes D, Merrywest SD, Simmers J, Sillar KT ., J Physiol. August 15, 2004; 559 (Pt 1): 17-24.
Divergent actions of serotonin receptor activation during fictive swimming in frog embryos. , McLean DL, Sillar KT ., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. May 1, 2004; 190 (5): 391-402.
Evolutionary divergence in developmental strategies and neuromodulatory control systems of two amphibian locomotor networks. , Merrywest SD, McLean DL, Buchanan JT, Sillar KT ., Integr Comp Biol. February 1, 2004; 44 (1): 47-56.
The in vitro and in vivo enantioselectivity of etomidate implicates the GABAA receptor in general anaesthesia. , Belelli D, Muntoni AL, Merrywest SD, Gentet LJ, Casula A, Callachan H, Madau P, Gemmell DK, Hamilton NM, Lambert JJ, Sillar KT , Peters JA., Neuropharmacology. July 1, 2003; 45 (1): 57-71.
Mechanisms underlying the noradrenergic modulation of longitudinal coordination during swimming in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Merrywest SD, McDearmid JR, Kjaerulff O, Kiehn O, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. March 1, 2003; 17 (5): 1013-22.
Fast inhibitory synapses: targets for neuromodulation and development of vertebrate motor behaviour. , Sillar KT , McLean DL, Fischer H, Merrywest SD., Brain Res Brain Res Rev. October 1, 2002; 40 (1-3): 130-40.
Nitric oxide selectively tunes inhibitory synapses to modulate vertebrate locomotion. , McLean DL, Sillar KT ., J Neurosci. May 15, 2002; 22 (10): 4175-84.
Alpha-adrenoreceptor activation modulates swimming via glycinergic and GABAergic inhibitory pathways in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Merrywest SD, Fischer H, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. January 1, 2002; 15 (2): 375-83.
Spatiotemporal pattern of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase reactivity in the developing central nervous system of premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , McLean DL, Sillar KT ., J Comp Neurol. August 27, 2001; 437 (3): 350-62.
Adrenoreceptor-mediated modulation of the spinal locomotor pattern during swimming in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Fischer H, Merrywest SD, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. March 1, 2001; 13 (5): 977-86.
The development of neuromodulatory systems and the maturation of motor patterns in amphibian tadpoles. , McLean DL, Merrywest SD, Sillar KT ., Brain Res Bull. November 15, 2000; 53 (5): 595-603.
The distribution of NADPH-diaphorase-labelled interneurons and the role of nitric oxide in the swimming system of Xenopus laevis larvae. , McLean DL, Sillar KT ., J Exp Biol. February 1, 2000; 203 (Pt 4): 705-13.
Development and role of GABA(A) receptor-mediated synaptic potentials during swimming in postembryonic Xenopus laevis tadpoles. , Reith CA, Sillar KT ., J Neurophysiol. December 1, 1999; 82 (6): 3175-87.
Development and aminergic neuromodulation of a spinal locomotor network controlling swimming in Xenopus larvae. , Sillar KT , Reith CA, McDearmid JR., Ann N Y Acad Sci. November 16, 1998; 860 318-32.
A role for slow NMDA receptor-mediated, intrinsic neuronal oscillations in the control of fast fictive swimming in Xenopus laevis larvae. , Reith CA, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. April 1, 1998; 10 (4): 1329-40.
Pre- and postsynaptic modulation of spinal GABAergic neurotransmission by the neurosteroid, 5 beta-pregnan-3 alpha-ol-20-one. , Reith CA, Sillar KT ., Dev Biol. October 3, 1997; 770 (1-2): 202-12.
Aminergic modulation of glycine release in a spinal network controlling swimming in Xenopus laevis. , McDearmid JR, Scrymgeour-Wedderburn JF, Sillar KT ., J Physiol. August 15, 1997; 503 ( Pt 1) 111-7.
Voltage oscillations in Xenopus spinal cord neurons: developmental onset and dependence on co-activation of NMDA and 5HT receptors. , Scrymgeour-Wedderburn JF, Reith CA, Sillar KT ., Eur J Neurosci. July 1, 1997; 9 (7): 1473-82.
Involvement of brainstem serotonergic interneurons in the development of a vertebrate spinal locomotor circuit. , Sillar KT , Woolston AM, Wedderburn JF., Proc Biol Sci. January 23, 1995; 259 (1354): 65-70.
Modulation of rhythmic swimming activity in post-embryonic Xenopus laevis tadpoles by 5-hydroxytryptamine acting at 5HT1a receptors. , Wedderburn JF, Sillar KT ., Proc Biol Sci. July 22, 1994; 257 (1348): 59-66.
Presynaptic inhibition of primary afferent transmitter release by 5-hydroxytryptamine at a mechanosensory synapse in the vertebrate spinal cord. , Sillar KT , Simmers AJ., J Neurosci. May 1, 1994; 14 (5 Pt 1): 2636-47.
Descending serotonergic spinal projections and modulation of locomotor rhythmicity in Rana temporaria embryos. , Woolston AM, Wedderburn JF, Sillar KT ., Proc Biol Sci. January 22, 1994; 255 (1342): 73-9.
Control of frequency during swimming in Xenopus embryos: a study on interneuronal recruitment in a spinal rhythm generator. , Sillar KT , Roberts A ., J Physiol. December 1, 1993; 472 557-72.
Modulation of swimming rhythmicity by 5-hydroxytryptamine during post-embryonic development in Xenopus laevis. , Sillar KT , Wedderburn JF, Simmers AJ., Proc Biol Sci. November 23, 1992; 250 (1328): 107-14.