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Profile Publications (4)

Publications By Lance Davidson


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Measuring mechanical properties of embryos and embryonic tissues., Davidson L, Keller R., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2007; 83 425-39.

Radial intercalation of ciliated cells during Xenopus skin development., Stubbs JL, Davidson L, Keller R, Kintner C., Development. July 1, 2006; 133 (13): 2507-15.   

Planar cell polarity genes regulate polarized extracellular matrix deposition during frog gastrulation., Goto T, Davidson L, Asashima M, Keller R., Curr Biol. April 26, 2005; 15 (8): 787-93.   

BMP antagonism by Spemann's organizer regulates rostral-caudal fate of mesoderm., Constance Lane M, Davidson L, Sheets MD., Dev Biol. November 15, 2004; 275 (2): 356-74.

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