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Evolution of Somite Compartmentalization: A View From Xenopus. , Della Gaspera B , Weill L, Chanoine C ., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 9 790847.
Lineage tracing of sclerotome cells in amphibian reveals that multipotent somitic cells originate from lateral somitic frontier. , Della Gaspera B , Mateus A, Andéol Y, Weill L, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ., Dev Biol. September 1, 2019; 453 (1): 11-18.
Xenopus SOX5 enhances myogenic transcription indirectly through transrepression. , Della Gaspera B , Chesneau A, Weill L, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ., Dev Biol. October 15, 2018; 442 (2): 262-275.
Myogenic waves and myogenic programs during Xenopus embryonic myogenesis. , Della Gaspera B , Armand AS, Sequeira I, Chesneau A, Mazabraud A , Lécolle S, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2012; 241 (5): 995-1007.
Mef2d acts upstream of muscle identity genes and couples lateral myogenesis to dermomyotome formation in Xenopus laevis. , Della Gaspera B , Armand AS, Lecolle S, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (12): e52359.
The Xenopus MEF2 gene family: evidence of a role for XMEF2C in larval tendon development. , della Gaspera B , Armand AS, Sequeira I, Lecolle S, Gallien CL, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C ., Dev Biol. April 15, 2009; 328 (2): 392-402.
Spatio-temporal expression of MRF4 transcripts and protein during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis. , Della Gaspera B , Sequeira I, Charbonnier F, Becker C, Shi DL , Chanoine C ., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2006; 235 (2): 524-9.
Myogenic regulatory factors: redundant or specific functions? Lessons from Xenopus. , Chanoine C , Della Gaspera B , Charbonnier F., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2004; 231 (4): 662-70.
Specific activation of the acetylcholine receptor subunit genes by MyoD family proteins. , Charbonnier F, Della Gaspara B , Armand AS, Lécolle S, Launay T, Gallien CL, Chanoine C ., J Biol Chem. August 29, 2003; 278 (35): 33169-74.
Expression of MRF4 protein in adult and in regenerating muscles in Xenopus. , Becker C, Della Gaspera B , Guyot M, Donsez E, Armand AS, Charbonnier F, Launay T, Chanoine C ., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2003; 227 (3): 445-9.
Xenopus muscle development: from primary to secondary myogenesis. , Chanoine C , Hardy S ., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2003; 226 (1): 12-23.
Two myogenin-related genes are differentially expressed in Xenopus laevis myogenesis and differ in their ability to transactivate muscle structural genes. , Charbonnier F, Gaspera BD, Armand AS, Van der Laarse WJ, Launay T, Becker C, Gallien CL, Chanoine C ., J Biol Chem. January 11, 2002; 277 (2): 1139-47.
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Long-term denervation modulates differentially the accumulation of myogenin and MRF4 mRNA in adult Xenopus muscle. , Nicolas N, Mira JC, Gallien CL, Chanoine C ., Neurosci Lett. December 24, 1999; 277 (2): 107-10.
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Localization of Myf-5, MRF4 and alpha cardiac actin mRNAs in regenerating Xenopus skeletal muscle. , Nicolas N, Mira JC, Gallien CL, Chanoine C ., C R Acad Sci III. May 1, 1998; 321 (5): 355-64.
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Cloning and expression of a thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1 in the perennibranchiate amphibian Proteus anguinus. , Ho Huynh TD, Gallien CL, Durand JP, Chanoine C ., Int J Dev Biol. June 1, 1996; 40 (3): 537-43.
Morphological and biochemical analysis of regeneration after cardiotoxin injury of Xenopus laevis fast muscles. , Saadi A, Nicolas N, Gallien CL, Chanoine C ., Int J Dev Biol. September 1, 1994; 38 (3): 507-12.