Heat-shock mediated overexpression of HNF1β mutations has differential effects on gene expression in the Xenopus pronephric kidney. , Sauert K, Kahnert S, Roose M, Gull M, Brändli AW , Ryffel GU , Waldner C ., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (3): e33522.
The nephrogenic potential of the transcription factors osr1, osr2, hnf1b, lhx1 and pax8 assessed in Xenopus animal caps. , Drews C, Senkel S , Ryffel GU ., BMC Dev Biol. January 31, 2011; 11 5.
Aging of Xenopus tropicalis eggs leads to deadenylation of a specific set of maternal mRNAs and loss of developmental potential. , Kosubek A, Klein-Hitpass L, Rademacher K, Horsthemke B, Ryffel GU ., PLoS One. October 22, 2010; 5 (10): e13532.
Heat-shock inducible Cre strains to study organogenesis in transgenic Xenopus laevis. , Roose M, Sauert K, Turan G, Solomentsew N, Werdien D, Pramanik K, Senkel S , Ryffel GU , Waldner C ., Transgenic Res. August 1, 2009; 18 (4): 595-605.
Red fluorescent Xenopus laevis: a new tool for grafting analysis. , Waldner C , Roose M, Ryffel GU ., BMC Dev Biol. January 28, 2009; 9 37.
Transcription factor HNF1beta and novel partners affect nephrogenesis. , Dudziak K, Mottalebi N, Senkel S , Edghill EL, Rosengarten S, Roose M, Bingham C, Ellard S, Ryffel GU ., Kidney Int. July 1, 2008; 74 (2): 210-7.
Marking transgenic Xenopus froglets with passive micro transponders. , Waldner C , Roose M, Ryffel GU ., Transgenic Res. August 1, 2007; 16 (4): 539-40.
Transgenic Xenopus laevis strain expressing cre recombinase in muscle cells. , Waldner C , Sakamaki K, Ueno N , Turan G, Ryffel GU ., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2006; 235 (8): 2220-8.
The HNF1beta transcription factor has several domains involved in nephrogenesis and partially rescues Pax8/lim1-induced kidney malformations. , Wu G, Bohn S, Ryffel GU ., Eur J Biochem. September 1, 2004; 271 (18): 3715-28.
Distinct molecular and morphogenetic properties of mutations in the human HNF1beta gene that lead to defective kidney development. , Bohn S, Thomas H, Turan G, Ellard S, Bingham C, Hattersley AT, Ryffel GU ., J Am Soc Nephrol. August 1, 2003; 14 (8): 2033-41.
Tagging muscle cell lineages in development and tail regeneration using Cre recombinase in transgenic Xenopus. , Ryffel GU , Werdien D, Turan G, Gerhards A, Goosses S, Senkel S ., Nucleic Acids Res. April 15, 2003; 31 (8): e44.
What can a frog tell us about human kidney development. , Ryffel GU ., Nephron Exp Nephrol. January 1, 2003; 94 (2): e35-43.
ERH (enhancer of rudimentary homologue), a conserved factor identical between frog and human, is a transcriptional repressor. , Pogge von Strandmann E, Senkel S , Ryffel GU ., Biol Chem. September 1, 2001; 382 (9): 1379-85.
FLP and Cre recombinase function in Xenopus embryos. , Werdien D, Peiler G, Ryffel GU ., Nucleic Acids Res. June 1, 2001; 29 (11): E53-3.
Misexpression of Xsiah-2 induces a small eye phenotype in Xenopus. , Bogdan S, Senkel S , Esser F, Ryffel GU , Pogge v Strandmann E., Mech Dev. May 1, 2001; 103 (1-2): 61-9.
Inhibitor of the tissue-specific transcription factor HNF4, a potential regulator in early Xenopus development. , Peiler G, Böckmann B, Nakhei H, Ryffel GU ., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 2000; 20 (23): 8676-83.
The mutated human gene encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor 1beta inhibits kidney formation in developing Xenopus embryos. , Wild W, Pogge von Strandmann E, Nastos A, Senkel S , Lingott-Frieg A, Bulman M, Bingham C, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, Ryffel GU ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 25, 2000; 97 (9): 4695-700.
Ectopic pigmentation in Xenopus in response to DCoH/ PCD, the cofactor of HNF1 transcription factor/pterin-4alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase. , Pogge v Strandmann E, Senkel S , Ryffel GU ., Mech Dev. March 1, 2000; 91 (1-2): 53-60.
Distinct promoter elements mediate endodermal and mesodermal expression of the HNF1alpha promoter in transgenic Xenopus. , Ryffel GU , Lingott A., Mech Dev. January 1, 2000; 90 (1): 65-75.
The embryonic expression of the tissue-specific transcription factor HNF1alpha in Xenopus: rapid activation by HNF4 and delayed induction by mesoderm inducers. , Nastos A, Pogge von Strandmann E, Weber H, Ryffel GU ., Nucleic Acids Res. December 15, 1998; 26 (24): 5602-8.
Patterning the expression of a tissue-specific transcription factor in embryogenesis: HNF1 alpha gene activation during Xenopus development. , von Strandmann EP, Nastos A, Holewa B, Senkel S , Weber H, Ryffel GU ., Mech Dev. June 1, 1997; 64 (1-2): 7-17.
HNF4beta, a new gene of the HNF4 family with distinct activation and expression profiles in oogenesis and embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis. , Holewa B, Zapp D, Drewes T, Senkel S , Ryffel GU ., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 1997; 17 (2): 687-94.
Mesoderm and endoderm differentiation in animal cap explants: identification of the HNF4-binding site as an activin A responsive element in the Xenopus HNF1alpha promoter. , Weber H, Holewa B, Jones EA , Ryffel GU ., Development. June 1, 1996; 122 (6): 1975-84.
Regulation and function of the tissue-specific transcription factor HNF1 alpha ( LFB1) during Xenopus development. , Weber H, Strandmann EP, Holewa B, Bartkowski S, Zapp D, Zoidl C, Ryffel GU ., Int J Dev Biol. February 1, 1996; 40 (1): 297-304.
Transcriptional hierarchy in Xenopus embryogenesis: HNF4 a maternal factor involved in the developmental activation of the gene encoding the tissue specific transcription factor HNF1 alpha ( LFB1). , Holewa B, Strandmann EP, Zapp D, Lorenz P, Ryffel GU ., Mech Dev. January 1, 1996; 54 (1): 45-57.
A highly specific and sensitive monoclonal antibody detecting histidine-tagged recombinant proteins. , Pogge von Strandmann E, Zoidl C, Nakhei H, Holewa B, Pogge von Strandmann R, Lorenz P, Klein-Hitpass L, Ryffel GU ., Protein Eng. July 1, 1995; 8 (7): 733-5.
Developmental expression of the maternal protein XDCoH, the dimerization cofactor of the homeoprotein LFB1 ( HNF1). , Pogge yon Strandmann E, Ryffel GU ., Development. April 1, 1995; 121 (4): 1217-26.
Genomic structure of the Xenopus laevis liver transcription factor LFB1. , Zapp D, Bartkowski S, Zoidl C, Klein-Hitpass L, Ryffel GU ., Gene. December 8, 1993; 134 (2): 251-6.
Elements and factors involved in tissue-specific and embryonic expression of the liver transcription factor LFB1 in Xenopus laevis. , Zapp D, Bartkowski S, Holewa B, Zoidl C, Klein-Hitpass L, Ryffel GU ., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 1993; 13 (10): 6416-26.
Chimeric liver transcription factors LFB1 ( HNF1) containing the acidic activation domain of VP16 act as positive dominant interfering mutants. , Denecke B, Bartkowski S, Senkel S , Klein-Hitpass L, Ryffel GU ., J Biol Chem. August 25, 1993; 268 (24): 18076-82.
Developmental regulation and tissue distribution of the liver transcription factor LFB1 ( HNF1) in Xenopus laevis. , Bartkowski S, Zapp D, Weber H, Eberle G, Zoidl C, Senkel S , Klein-Hitpass L, Ryffel GU ., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1993; 13 (1): 421-31.
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Liver cell specific gene transcription in vitro: the promoter elements HP1 and TATA box are necessary and sufficient to generate a liver-specific promoter. , Ryffel GU , Kugler W, Wagner U, Kaling M., Nucleic Acids Res. February 11, 1989; 17 (3): 939-53.
A cell-specific activator in the Xenopus A2 vitellogenin gene: promoter elements functioning with rat liver nuclear extracts. , Döbbeling U, Ross K, Klein-Hitpass L, Morley C, Wagner U, Ryffel GU ., EMBO J. August 1, 1988; 7 (8): 2495-501.
Hepatocyte-specific promoter element HP1 of the Xenopus albumin gene interacts with transcriptional factors of mammalian hepatocytes. , Schorpp M, Kugler W, Wagner U, Ryffel GU ., J Mol Biol. July 20, 1988; 202 (2): 307-20.
Synergism of closely adjacent estrogen-responsive elements increases their regulatory potential. , Klein-Hitpass L, Kaling M, Ryffel GU ., J Mol Biol. June 5, 1988; 201 (3): 537-44.
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An estrogen-responsive element derived from the 5' flanking region of the Xenopus vitellogenin A2 gene functions in transfected human cells. , Klein-Hitpass L, Schorpp M, Wagner U, Ryffel GU ., Cell. September 26, 1986; 46 (7): 1053-61.
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In contrast to other Xenopus genes the estrogen-inducible vitellogenin genes are expressed when totally methylated. , Gerber-Huber S, May FE, Westley BR, Felber BK, Hosbach HA, Andres AC, Ryffel GU ., Cell. May 1, 1983; 33 (1): 43-51.
Estrogen dramatically decreases albumin mRNA levels and albumin synthesis in Xenopus laevis liver. , May FE, Ryffel GU , Weber R, Westley BR., J Biol Chem. December 10, 1982; 257 (23): 13919-23.
Comparative analysis of Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene sequences. , Jaggi RB, Wyler T, Ryffel GU ., Nucleic Acids Res. March 11, 1982; 10 (5): 1515-33.