Extended Synaptotagmin Interaction with the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Depends on Receptor Conformation, Not Catalytic Activity. , Tremblay MG, Herdman C, Guillou F, Mishra PK, Baril J, Bellenfant S, Moss T ., J Biol Chem. June 26, 2015; 290 (26): 16142-56.
Loss of Extended Synaptotagmins ESyt2 and ESyt3 does not affect mouse development or viability, but in vitro cell migration and survival under stress are affected. , Herdman C, Tremblay MG, Mishra PK, Moss T ., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2014; 13 (16): 2616-25.
The endocytic adapter E- Syt2 recruits the p21 GTPase activated kinase PAK1 to mediate actin dynamics and FGF signalling. , Jean S, Tremblay MG, Herdman C, Guillou F, Moss T ., Biol Open. August 15, 2012; 1 (8): 731-8.
The p21-activated kinase Pak1 regulates induction and migration of the neural crest in Xenopus. , Bisson N, Wedlich D , Moss T ., Cell Cycle. April 1, 2012; 11 (7): 1316-24.
Manipulating the fragile X mental retardation proteins in the frog. , Huot ME, Bisson N, Moss T , Khandjian EW., Results Probl Cell Differ. January 1, 2012; 54 165-79.
Agonistic and antagonistic roles for TNIK and MINK in non-canonical and canonical Wnt signalling. , Mikryukov A, Moss T ., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e43330.
Extended-synaptotagmin-2 mediates FGF receptor endocytosis and ERK activation in vivo. , Jean S, Mikryukov A, Tremblay MG, Baril J, Guillou F, Bellenfant S, Moss T ., Dev Cell. September 14, 2010; 19 (3): 426-39.
Role of p21-activated kinase in cell polarity and directional mesendoderm migration in the Xenopus gastrula. , Nagel M, Luu O, Bisson N, Macanovic B, Moss T , Winklbauer R ., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2009; 238 (7): 1709-26.
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EphA4 signaling regulates blastomere adhesion in the Xenopus embryo by recruiting Pak1 to suppress Cdc42 function. , Bisson N, Poitras L, Mikryukov A, Tremblay M, Moss T ., Mol Biol Cell. March 1, 2007; 18 (3): 1030-43.
ERK modulates DNA bending and enhancesome structure by phosphorylating HMG1-boxes 1 and 2 of the RNA polymerase I transcription factor UBF. , Stefanovsky VY, Langlois F, Bazett-Jones D, Pelletier G, Moss T ., Biochemistry. March 21, 2006; 45 (11): 3626-34.
The RNA-binding protein fragile X-related 1 regulates somite formation in Xenopus laevis. , Huot ME, Bisson N, Davidovic L, Mazroui R, Labelle Y, Moss T , Khandjian EW., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 2005; 16 (9): 4350-61.
The catalytic domain of xPAK1 is sufficient to induce myosin II dependent in vivo cell fragmentation independently of other apoptotic events. , Bisson N, Islam N , Poitras L, Jean S, Bresnick A, Moss T ., Dev Biol. November 15, 2003; 263 (2): 264-81.
PAK interacts with NCK and MLK2 to regulate the activation of jun N-terminal kinase. , Poitras L, Jean S, Islam N , Moss T ., FEBS Lett. May 22, 2003; 543 (1-3): 129-35.
A tissue restricted role for the Xenopus Jun N-terminal kinase kinase kinase MLK2 in cement gland and pronephric tubule differentiation. , Poitras L, Bisson N, Islam N , Moss T ., Dev Biol. February 15, 2003; 254 (2): 200-14.
DNA looping in the RNA polymerase I enhancesome is the result of non-cooperative in-phase bending by two UBF molecules. , Stefanovsky VY, Pelletier G, Bazett-Jones DP, Crane-Robinson C, Moss T ., Nucleic Acids Res. August 1, 2001; 29 (15): 3241-7.
Competitive recruitment of CBP and Rb- HDAC regulates UBF acetylation and ribosomal transcription. , Pelletier G, Stefanovsky VY, Faubladier M, Hirschler-Laszkiewicz I, Savard J, Rothblum LI, Côté J, Moss T ., Mol Cell. November 1, 2000; 6 (5): 1059-66.
The cytoskeletal effector xPAK1 is expressed during both ear and lateral line development in Xenopus. , Islam N , Poitras L, Moss T ., Int J Dev Biol. February 1, 2000; 44 (2): 245-8.
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A ribosomal orphon sequence from Xenopus laevis flanked by novel low copy number repetitive elements. , Guimond A, Moss T ., Biol Chem. February 1, 1999; 380 (2): 167-74.
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Antisense and sense poly(A)-RNAs from the Xenopus laevis pyruvate dehydrogenase gene loci are regulated with message production during embryogenesis. , Islam N , Poitras L, Gagnon F, Moss T ., Gene. October 17, 1996; 176 (1-2): 9-16.
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