Small-molecule probe reveals a kinase cascade that links stress signaling to TCF/LEF and Wnt responsiveness. , Cheng J, Tsuda M, Okolotowicz K, Dwyer M, Bushway PJ, Colas AR, Lancman JJ, Schade D, Perea-Gil I, Bruyneel AAN, Lee J , Vadgama N, Quach J, McKeithan WL, Biechele TL, Wu JC , Moon RT , Si Dong PD, Karakikes I, Cashman JR, Mercola M ., Cell Chem Biol. May 20, 2021; 28 (5): 625-635.e5.
Transcription-Based Reporters of Wnt/{beta}-Catenin Signaling. , Biechele TL, Adams AM, Moon RT ., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. June 1, 2009; 2009 (6): pdb.prot5223.
Requirement of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in pronephric kidney development. , Lyons JP, Miller RK , Zhou X , Weidinger G , Deroo T, Denayer T, Park JI , Ji H, Hong JY, Li A, Moon RT , Jones EA , Vleminckx K , Vize PD , McCrea PD ., Mech Dev. January 1, 2009; 126 (3-4): 142-59.
Modulation of the beta-catenin signaling pathway by the dishevelled-associated protein Hipk1. , Louie SH, Yang XY, Conrad WH, Muster J, Angers S, Moon RT , Cheyette BN., PLoS One. January 1, 2009; 4 (2): e4310.
Wnt/beta-catenin signaling has an essential role in the initiation of limb regeneration. , Yokoyama H , Ogino H , Stoick-Cooper CL, Grainger RM , Moon RT ., Dev Biol. June 1, 2007; 306 (1): 170-8.
Wilms tumor suppressor WTX negatively regulates WNT/beta-catenin signaling. , Major MB, Camp ND, Berndt JD, Yi X, Goldenberg SJ, Hubbert C, Biechele TL, Gingras AC, Zheng N, Maccoss MJ, Angers S, Moon RT ., Science. May 18, 2007; 316 (5827): 1043-6.
Small-molecule synergist of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. , Zhang Q , Major MB, Takanashi S, Camp ND, Nishiya N, Peters EC, Ginsberg MH, Jian X, Randazzo PA, Schultz PG, Moon RT , Ding S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 2007; 104 (18): 7444-8.
WNTS and WNT receptors as therapeutic tools and targets in human disease processes. , Chien AJ, Moon RT ., Front Biosci. January 1, 2007; 12 448-57.
The KLHL12-Cullin-3 ubiquitin ligase negatively regulates the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway by targeting Dishevelled for degradation. , Angers S, Thorpe CJ, Biechele TL, Goldenberg SJ, Zheng N, MacCoss MJ, Moon RT ., Nat Cell Biol. April 1, 2006; 8 (4): 348-57.
Kaiso/ p120-catenin and TCF/beta-catenin complexes coordinately regulate canonical Wnt gene targets. , Park JI , Kim SW, Lyons JP, Ji H, Nguyen TT, Cho K, Barton MC, Deroo T, Vleminckx K , Moon RT , McCrea PD ., Dev Cell. June 1, 2005; 8 (6): 843-54.
Zebrafish Dapper1 and Dapper2 play distinct roles in Wnt-mediated developmental processes. , Waxman JS, Hocking AM, Stoick CL, Moon RT ., Development. December 1, 2004; 131 (23): 5909-21.
Teaching resource. Beta-catenin signaling and axis specification. , Moon RT ., Sci STKE. June 29, 2004; 2004 (240): tr6.
A PKC wave follows the calcium wave after activation of Xenopus eggs. , Larabell CA , Rowning BA, Moon RT ., Differentiation. February 1, 2004; 72 (1): 41-7.
Dishevelled activates Ca2+ flux, PKC, and CamKII in vertebrate embryos. , Sheldahl LC, Slusarski DC, Pandur P , Miller JR , Kühl M , Moon RT ., J Cell Biol. May 26, 2003; 161 (4): 769-77.
Mutant frizzled-4 disrupts retinal angiogenesis in familial exudative vitreoretinopathy. , Robitaille J, MacDonald ML, Kaykas A, Sheldahl LC, Zeisler J, Dubé MP, Zhang LH, Singaraja RR, Guernsey DL, Zheng B, Siebert LF, Hoskin-Mott A, Trese MT, Pimstone SN, Shastry BS, Moon RT , Hayden MR, Goldberg YP, Samuels ME., Nat Genet. October 1, 2002; 32 (2): 326-30.
The promise and perils of Wnt signaling through beta-catenin. , Moon RT , Bowerman B, Boutros M , Perrimon N., Science. May 31, 2002; 296 (5573): 1644-6.
Developmental biology: signalling polarity. , Moon RT , Shah K., Nature. May 16, 2002; 417 (6886): 239-40.
Dapper, a Dishevelled-associated antagonist of beta-catenin and JNK signaling, is required for notochord formation. , Cheyette BN, Waxman JS, Miller JR , Takemaru K , Sheldahl LC, Khlebtsova N, Fox EP, Earnest T, Moon RT ., Dev Cell. April 1, 2002; 2 (4): 449-61.
The planar cell-polarity gene stbm regulates cell behaviour and cell fate in vertebrate embryos. , Park M, Moon RT ., Nat Cell Biol. January 1, 2002; 4 (1): 20-5.
Antagonistic regulation of convergent extension movements in Xenopus by Wnt/beta-catenin and Wnt/Ca2+ signaling. , Kühl M , Geis K, Sheldahl LC, Pukrop T, Moon RT , Wedlich D ., Mech Dev. August 1, 2001; 106 (1-2): 61-76.
G protein signaling from activated rat frizzled-1 to the beta-catenin-Lef-Tcf pathway. , Liu T, DeCostanzo AJ, Liu X, Wang Hy, Hallagan S, Moon RT , Malbon CC., Science. June 1, 2001; 292 (5522): 1718-22.
Inhibition of Tcf3 binding by I-mfa domain proteins. , Snider L , Thirlwell H, Miller JR , Moon RT , Groudine M, Tapscott SJ ., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 2001; 21 (5): 1866-73.
The maternal Xenopus beta-catenin signaling pathway, activated by frizzled homologs, induces goosecoid in a cell non-autonomous manner. , Brown JD, Hallagan SE, McGrew LL, Miller JR , Moon RT ., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2000; 42 (4): 347-57.
The bHLH class protein pMesogenin1 can specify paraxial mesoderm phenotypes. , Yoon JK , Moon RT , Wold B., Dev Biol. June 15, 2000; 222 (2): 376-91.
Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II is stimulated by Wnt and Frizzled homologs and promotes ventral cell fates in Xenopus. , Kühl M , Sheldahl LC, Malbon CC, Moon RT ., J Biol Chem. April 28, 2000; 275 (17): 12701-11.
The transcriptional coactivator CBP interacts with beta-catenin to activate gene expression. , Takemaru KI , Moon RT ., J Cell Biol. April 17, 2000; 149 (2): 249-54.
Actin-dependent propulsion of endosomes and lysosomes by recruitment of N- WASP. , Taunton J, Rowning BA, Coughlin ML, Wu M, Moon RT , Mitchison TJ , Larabell CA ., J Cell Biol. February 7, 2000; 148 (3): 519-30.
Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of the PDZ domain of Dishevelled protein. , Khlebtsova N, Hung LW, Henderson K, Moon R , Earnest T., Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. February 1, 2000; 56 (Pt 2): 212-4.
Activation of rat frizzled-1 promotes Wnt signaling and differentiation of mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells via pathways that require Galpha(q) and Galpha(o) function. , Liu T, Liu X, Wang Hy, Moon RT , Malbon CC., J Biol Chem. November 19, 1999; 274 (47): 33539-44.
Direct regulation of the Xenopus engrailed-2 promoter by the Wnt signaling pathway, and a molecular screen for Wnt-responsive genes, confirm a role for Wnt signaling during neural patterning in Xenopus. , McGrew LL, Takemaru K , Bates R, Moon RT ., Mech Dev. September 1, 1999; 87 (1-2): 21-32.
A role for xGCNF in midbrain- hindbrain patterning in Xenopus laevis. , Song K, Takemaru KI , Moon RT ., Dev Biol. September 1, 1999; 213 (1): 170-9.
Maternal and embryonic expression of zebrafish lef1. , Dorsky RI, Snyder A, Cretekos CJ, Grunwald DJ, Geisler R, Haffter P, Moon RT , Raible DW., Mech Dev. August 1, 1999; 86 (1-2): 147-50.
Establishment of the dorsal- ventral axis in Xenopus embryos coincides with the dorsal enrichment of dishevelled that is dependent on cortical rotation. , Miller JR , Rowning BA, Larabell CA , Yang-Snyder JA, Bates RL, Moon RT ., J Cell Biol. July 26, 1999; 146 (2): 427-37.
Protein kinase C is differentially stimulated by Wnt and Frizzled homologs in a G-protein-dependent manner. , Sheldahl LC, Park M, Malbon CC, Moon RT ., Curr Biol. July 1, 1999; 9 (13): 695-8.
XCtBP is a XTcf-3 co-repressor with roles throughout Xenopus development. , Brannon M, Brown JD, Bates R, Kimelman D , Moon RT ., Development. June 1, 1999; 126 (14): 3159-70.
Regulation of beta-catenin signaling by the B56 subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. , Seeling JM , Miller JR , Gil R, Moon RT , White R, Virshup DM., Science. March 26, 1999; 283 (5410): 2089-91.
Membrane-tethered Drosophila Armadillo cannot transduce Wingless signal on its own. , Cox RT, Pai LM, Miller JR , Orsulic S, Stein J, McCormick CA, Audeh Y, Wang W, Moon RT , Peifer M., Development. March 1, 1999; 126 (6): 1327-35.
Regulation of ribosomal S6 protein kinase- p90( rsk), glycogen synthase kinase 3, and beta-catenin in early Xenopus development. , Torres MA, Eldar-Finkelman H, Krebs EG, Moon RT ., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 1999; 19 (2): 1427-37.
Differential recruitment of Dishevelled provides signaling specificity in the planar cell polarity and Wingless signaling pathways. , Axelrod JD, Miller JR , Shulman JM, Moon RT , Perrimon N., Genes Dev. August 15, 1998; 12 (16): 2610-22.
From cortical rotation to organizer gene expression: toward a molecular explanation of axis specification in Xenopus. , Moon RT , Kimelman D ., Bioessays. July 1, 1998; 20 (7): 536-45.
BMP-2/-4 and Wnt-8 cooperatively pattern the Xenopus mesoderm. , Hoppler S , Moon RT ., Mech Dev. February 1, 1998; 71 (1-2): 119-29.
Wnt and FGF pathways cooperatively pattern anteroposterior neural ectoderm in Xenopus. , McGrew LL, Hoppler S , Moon RT ., Mech Dev. December 1, 1997; 69 (1-2): 105-14.
Interaction of Wnt and a Frizzled homologue triggers G-protein-linked phosphatidylinositol signalling. , Slusarski DC, Corces VG, Moon RT ., Nature. November 27, 1997; 390 (6658): 410-3.
Analysis of the signaling activities of localization mutants of beta-catenin during axis specification in Xenopus. , Miller JR , Moon RT ., J Cell Biol. October 6, 1997; 139 (1): 229-43.
Positive and negative regulation of muscle cell identity by members of the hedgehog and TGF-beta gene families. , Du SJ, Devoto SH, Westerfield M , Moon RT ., J Cell Biol. October 6, 1997; 139 (1): 145-56.
A beta-catenin/ XTcf-3 complex binds to the siamois promoter to regulate dorsal axis specification in Xenopus. , Brannon M, Gomperts M, Sumoy L, Moon RT , Kimelman D ., Genes Dev. September 15, 1997; 11 (18): 2359-70.
Structurally related receptors and antagonists compete for secreted Wnt ligands. , Moon RT , Brown JD, Yang-Snyder JA, Miller JR ., Cell. March 21, 1997; 88 (6): 725-8.
Establishment of the dorso- ventral axis in Xenopus embryos is presaged by early asymmetries in beta-catenin that are modulated by the Wnt signaling pathway. , Larabell CA , Torres M, Rowning BA, Yost C, Miller JR , Wu M, Kimelman D , Moon RT ., J Cell Biol. March 10, 1997; 136 (5): 1123-36.
Microtubule-mediated transport of organelles and localization of beta-catenin to the future dorsal side of Xenopus eggs. , Rowning BA, Wells J, Wu M, Gerhart JC , Moon RT , Larabell CA ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 18, 1997; 94 (4): 1224-9.
Expression of a dominant-negative Wnt blocks induction of MyoD in Xenopus embryos. , Hoppler S , Brown JD, Moon RT ., Genes Dev. November 1, 1996; 10 (21): 2805-17.