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Profile Publications (11)

Publications By Timothy C. Grammer


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A chromosome-scale genome assembly and dense genetic map for Xenopus tropicalis., Mitros T, Lyons JB, Session AM, Jenkins J, Shu S, Kwon T, Lane M, Ng C, Grammer TC, Khokha MK, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Harland RM, Rokhsar DS., Dev Biol. August 1, 2019; 452 (1): 8-20.   

The genome of the Western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis., Hellsten U, Harland RM, Gilchrist MJ, Hendrix D, Jurka J, Kapitonov V, Ovcharenko I, Putnam NH, Shu S, Taher L, Blitz IL, Blumberg B, Dichmann DS, Dubchak I, Amaya E, Detter JC, Fletcher R, Gerhard DS, Goodstein D, Graves T, Grigoriev IV, Grimwood J, Kawashima T, Lindquist E, Lucas SM, Mead PE, Mitros T, Ogino H, Ohta Y, Poliakov AV, Pollet N, Robert J, Salamov A, Sater AK, Schmutz J, Terry A, Vize PD, Warren WC, Wells D, Wills A, Wilson RK, Zimmerman LB, Zorn AM, Grainger R, Grammer T, Khokha MK, Richardson PM, Rokhsar DS., Science. April 30, 2010; 328 (5978): 633-6.

Sox3 expression is maintained by FGF signaling and restricted to the neural plate by Vent proteins in the Xenopus embryo., Rogers CD, Archer TC, Cunningham DD, Grammer TC, Casey EM., Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 313 (1): 307-19.   

Accelerated gene evolution and subfunctionalization in the pseudotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis., Hellsten U, Khokha MK, Grammer TC, Harland RM, Richardson P, Rokhsar DS., BMC Biol. July 25, 2007; 5 31.   

Xenopus tropicalis egg extracts provide insight into scaling of the mitotic spindle., Brown KS, Blower MD, Maresca TJ, Grammer TC, Harland RM, Heald R., J Cell Biol. March 12, 2007; 176 (6): 765-70.   

A newly discovered mycobacterial pathogen isolated from laboratory colonies of Xenopus species with lethal infections produces a novel form of mycolactone, the Mycobacterium ulcerans macrolide toxin., Mve-Obiang A, Lee RE, Umstot ES, Trott KA, Grammer TC, Parker JM, Ranger BS, Grainger R, Mahrous EA, Small PL., Infect Immun. June 1, 2005; 73 (6): 3307-12.

Identification of mutants in inbred Xenopus tropicalis., Grammer TC, Khokha MK, Lane MA, Lam K, Harland RM., Mech Dev. March 1, 2005; 122 (3): 263-72.   

Depletion of three BMP antagonists from Spemann's organizer leads to a catastrophic loss of dorsal structures., Khokha MK, Yeh J, Grammer TC, Harland RM., Dev Cell. March 1, 2005; 8 (3): 401-11.   

Characterization of a Mycobacterium ulcerans-like infection in a colony of African tropical clawed frogs (Xenopus tropicalis)., Trott KA, Stacy BA, Lifland BD, Diggs HE, Harland RM, Khokha MK, Grammer TC, Parker JM., Comp Med. June 1, 2004; 54 (3): 309-17.

Techniques and probes for the study of Xenopus tropicalis development., Khokha MK, Chung C, Bustamante EL, Gaw LW, Trott KA, Yeh J, Lim N, Lin JC, Taverner N, Amaya E, Papalopulu N, Smith JC, Zorn AM, Harland RM, Grammer TC., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 499-510.   

Use of large-scale expression cloning screens in the Xenopus laevis tadpole to identify gene function., Grammer TC, Liu KJ, Mariani FV, Harland RM., Dev Biol. December 15, 2000; 228 (2): 197-210.   

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