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Developmental Biology: Xenopus Issue

Dear Xenopus Researcher,

I wanted to update the announcement for the special issue with some dates. Submissions to a special issue of the journal Developmental Biology entitled: Modeling Human Development and Disease in Xenopus will open on August 1, 2014. Manuscripts can be submitted until November 1 2014, although earlier is better. Peer review must be completed and manuscript disposition determined no later than March 15th 2015, for publication in late spring.

The volume will consist of a mix of reviews and research papers that highlight the strengths of Xenopus as a disease model. More information can be found below.


Dear Xenopus Researcher,

We are pleased to announce that Developmental Biology, the journal of the Society for Developmental Biology, will publish a Xenopus Special Issue focusing on the strengths of this system for modeling human diseases and congenital defects, as well as for drug discovery.

The Special Issue on Xenopus will consist of both solicited reviews and peer reviewed research articles on a range of topics that highlight Xenopus as a disease model.

This Special Issue is tentatively scheduled to be published in early 2015, with submissions due in Fall 2014, following the 15th International Xenopus Meeting.

The advantages of publishing in Developmental Biology Include:

*      Fair, rapid review and Academic Editors
*      Free color figures
*      No preset page, figure, or reference limits
*      Open access option
*      Publishing in DB helps support the efforts of the Society for Developmental Biology to promote the field Developmental Biology

Please consider whether you might have an exciting upcoming story that might be appropriate for inclusion in this issue, or an idea for a timely review.

We hope that you will consider participating in this exciting project. Further information on this special issue will follow in the coming months, but you can view the Journal's guide for authors here: If you would be interested in submitting a review or a research paper for the special issue, please send a pre-submission inquiry to

We look forward to seeing you in Asilomar August 24-28 2014 for the 15th International Xenopus Meeting

Carole LaBonne
Northwestern University

Aaron Zorn

Last Updated: 2014-05-01