2015 Xenopus PI Meeting
Dear Xenopus Community,
Registration is now open for the PI Meeting. There are options for 2 or 3 nights.
The meeting will run from Monday night (BBQ) through Thursday 12pm. The first half will focus on resource and technique related topics with Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning focusing more on science related talks mainly from junior PIs and senior postdocs.
This is an excellent opportunity for all of us in the community to come together in a smaller setting to discuss how we can improve the use of Xenopus as a model system.
Please remember to send in your abstracts to xenopus@mbl.edu if you would like to give a talk. All junior PIs and senior postdocs will be able to give a talk, but we need to know who will attend so please submit an abstract. We have had only a few people submit abstracts to date.
Please forward this message to any individual who you think might be interested and encourage them to sign up to the list serve so they can be kept up to date on Xenopus issues, as we have heard that some people are not on the listserve.
Here is the link to register: LINK
Laura Anne Lowery
Brian Mitchell
Marko Horb
Dear Xenopus Community,
I am happy to announce that the next Xenopus PI meeting will take place Monday September 28 to Thursday October 1. The meeting will start with a BBQ on Monday evening with talks all day Tuesday and finish with a half day on Thursday. Registration will open sometime in the Spring. Please mark your calendars.
As with previous PI meeting this meeting is geared toward faculty and senior postdocs. There will be short research talks as well as discussion groups focused on topics related to the Xenopus community. As in previous years the goals of this meeting are to enhance aspects relevant to the entire community and to foster interactions among us, with strategic planning and emerging technologies and advances in resources important to the community. This would include genome editing in Xenopus, creating mutant lines at the NXR, and what do we do next now that the Xenopus PAR has ended. These meetings have become very interactive and exciting and I think this year's meeting will be no different. I encourage all Xenopus PIs to try and attend.
I look forward to seeing all of you in late September. The weather should be beautiful. If you have any comments or topics for discussion please let me know.
Marko Horb