Xenopus tropicalis v10 genome
The Xenopus tropicalis version 10 (v10) genome has been released.
Click here to view the official release document regarding X. tropicalis genome v10.
On Xenbase you can BLAST to the genome and view it on JBrowse.
Note: on JBrowse, X. tropicalis v10.7 refers to the genome annotation version of v10. The ".7" refers to the number of annotation runs applied to the v10 genome displayed on the genome browser.
X. tropicalis genome v10 sequence contains:
99.86% of the genome mapped to chromosomes (1,449,319,640 bps)
remaining 0.135% of the total sequence in 156 scaffolds (1,963,959 bps)
Version 10 has 4500 completely new models. ~50% of these are single exon genes, 18% new gene models that were not present in version 9.1.
Within these subsets of genes, 83% of them have updated and refined gene models.
The Xenopus tropicalis v9.1 genome had 34232 models - including tRNAs, pseudogenes, and microRNAs.
75% of version 10 has retention and refinement of v9.1 sequences with approximately 19,000 genes having 1:1 mappings to the 9.1 models.
Annotations of the gene models will be forthcoming.
Click here to view the Xenopus tropicalis v10 genome sequencing and assembly at the NCBI BioProject.
Click here to view the NCBI statistics on the X. tropicalis v10 assembly.
Photo credit: Helen Willsey