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Call for papers: Cell and Tissue Polarity

Submission deadline: 15 July 2023

Journal of Cell Science is pleased to welcome submissions for consideration for an upcoming special issue, Cell and Tissue Polarity, which will be guest edited by David Bryant (University of Glasgow and CRUK Beatson Institute, UK).

Virtually all the cells in our bodies are inherently polarised in some fashion. Polarisation of biochemical processes, as well as the molecular and structural organisation of the cell over multiple length scales is responsible for the exquisite apical-basal polarity of epithelial cells, as well as the ability of neurones to transduce information and for cells to migrate in the right direction. Polarisation is thus a central aspect of tissue organisation and function, and its importance is also underscored by the fact that a hallmark of tumourigenesis is the loss of tissue organisation and breakdown in cell polarisation. Work over the years in numerous model systems, such as Drosophila, C. elegans and yeast, has led to the identification of many of the components involved in establishing cell and tissue polarity. However, there are still a number of open questions regarding how the physical and biochemical mechanisms that regulate the establishment, remodelling and maintenance of cell and tissue polarisation are coordinated as well as how they scale with size and shape.
We therefore invite you to showcase your breakthrough research on all aspects of cell and tissue polarity for this special issue, which is scheduled for publication in early 2024. Please note, however, that in our continuous publication model, we will be able to publish your article shortly after it is accepted; you will not have to wait for the rest of the issue to be ready.

We encourage submissions of Research Articles and Short Reports, and Tools & Resources papers. Articles must be received by 15 July 2023 for consideration for the special issue. Please refer to our author guidelines for information on preparing your manuscript for Journal of Cell Science, and submit your manuscript via our online submission system. Please highlight that your submission is to be considered for the special issue in your cover letter. This special issue is intended to have a broad scope, so we are open to articles from a wide spectrum of areas. For rapid feedback on the potential suitability of an article for this special issue, please submit a presubmission enquiry.


Why publish in Journal of Cell Science?

Submissions handled by expert academic editors
Competitive decision speeds and rapid publication
Fast-track option on previously reviewed manuscripts received with reviewer reports
Preprint-friendly policies and format-free submission
Strong commitment at first decision – over 95% of invited revisions accepted
Free to publish or Open Access option available
Easy one-click transfer option between Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology of the Cell and Biology Open
Not-for-profit publisher

Last Updated: 2023-04-18