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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (0) GO Terms (5) Nucleotides (105) Proteins (49) Interactants (31) Wiki

Gene Symbol: apba3

Gene Name: amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 3

Anatomy terms
brain ectoderm intestine liver skeletal muscle tail testis whole organism
Stage and Tissue Profiles
510152025303540NF stage100150200250300350400450500550Expression (TPE) X 1000
Source: Owens et al. 2016 (tropicalis)
510152025303540NF stage102030405060708090100110120130Expression (TPM)
                    Source: Session et al. 2016 (laevis)
braineyeheartintestinekidneyliverlungmuscleovarypancreasskinspleenstomachtestis120100806040200Expression level (log2)LSapba3
          Source: Session et al. 2016 (laevis)
Experimental Regulation (via RNA-seq)

Controldorsal halfventral halfb-catenin MOcer mRNALiCl treatedsia mRNAwnt8 mRNANANANANA43210-1-2-3-4Fold change in expression (log2)apba3.L NF stage 10.5apba3.L NF stage 9apba3.S NF stage 10.5apba3.S NF stage 9
                                                            Source: Ding et al. 2017 (laevis)