???displayGene.symbol???: uba5
???displayGene.name???: ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 5
???displayGene.geneFunction??? ubiquitin-activating enzyme Protein Function :
E1-like enzyme which specifically catalyzes the first step in ufmylation. Activates ufm1 by first adenylating its C-terminal glycine residue with ATP, and thereafter linking this residue to the side ch...[+]
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Diseases: Disease Ontology: autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia 24
External Links:
???displayGene.expression??? | Development Stages Embryonic Tissues Adult Tissues | |||||||||||
More Information |
???displayGene.mophenotype??? | ||||||||||||
???displayGene.mosmith??? | tneu098a04 | |||||||||||
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