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GEO Series: GSE45786

Title: Cardiac transcriptome of Tcf21-depleted Xenopus embryos


The aim of the approach was to use RNAseq analysis to identify genes expressed in Xenopus epicardium that were affected by embryonic depletion of the epicardial transcription factor Tcf21 compared to control-MO injected siblings. Both upregulated and downregulated genes were validated by RT-PCR and whole embryo in situ hybridization to validate gene expression and assess spatio-temporal distribution of genes of interest within the heart and epicardium. Approximately 70-100 stage 44-46 Xenopus laevis hearts were dissected to isolate total mRNA from which poly-adenylated RNA was extracted using the Illumina standard protocol. This experiment represents one replicate from pooled hearts.

Contributors: Panna Tandon, Frank Conlon, Nirav Amin

Experiment Type: mRNA profiles of stage 44-45 Xenopus laevis sibling hearts from control or Tcf21-depleted embryos, were generated by deep sequencing using Illumina GAII.

Experiment Reagents: tcf21 cMO1, tcf21 MO3, tcf21 MO4.

Article: XB-ART-47035, PubMed

Source: NCBI GEO, Xenbase Download

Samples: (DEG = Differentially Expressed Genes; GSM = GEO Sample Number)
Sample View GSMs Assay Type
heart + tcf21 control MO - NF44-45 GSM1115088  RNA-Seq
Background: Xla.Outbred
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
morpholino injection tcf21 cMO1 NF stage 1 zygote
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
heart NF stage 44 to NF stage 45  
   heart + tcf21 MO - NF44-45 DEG GSM1115089  RNA-Seq
Background: Xla.Outbred
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
morpholino injection tcf21 MO3 tcf21.L tcf21.S NF stage 1 zygote
morpholino injection tcf21 MO4 tcf21.L tcf21.S NF stage 1 zygote
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
heart NF stage 44 to NF stage 45  
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