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2000 Feb 01;1274:791-800. doi: 10.1242/dev.127.4.791.
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Requirement of Sox2-mediated signaling for differentiation of early Xenopus neuroectoderm.
Kishi M
Mizuseki K
Sasai N
Yamazaki H
Shiota K
Nakanishi S
Sasai Y
From early stages of development, Sox2-class transcription factors (Sox1, Sox2 and Sox3) are expressed in neural tissues and sensory epithelia. In this report, we show that Sox2 function is required for neural differentiation of early Xenopus ectoderm. Microinjection of dominant-negative forms of Sox2 (dnSox2) mRNA inhibits neural differentiation of animal caps caused by attenuation of BMP signals. Expression of dnSox2 in developing embryos suppresses expression of N-CAM and regional neural markers. We have analyzed temporal requirement of Sox2-mediated signaling by using an inducible dnSox2 construct fused to the ligand-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor. Attenuation of Sox2 function both from the late blastula stage and from the late gastrula stage onwards causes an inhibition of neural differentiation in animal caps and in whole embryos. Additionally, dnSox2-injected cells that fail to differentiate into neural tissues are not able to adopt epidermal cell fate. These data suggest that Sox2-class genes are essential for early neuroectoderm cells to consolidate their neural identity during secondary steps of neural differentiation.
Fig. 1. Dominant-negative effects of Sox2BD(-) and
Sox2-EnR on wild-type Sox2. (A) Structures of two
dnSox2 constructs. (Top) Wild type; (middle)
Sox2BD(-), lacking most of the DNA-binding HMG
domain (black box). (Bottom) Sox2-EnR, the Sox2
HMG domain was fused to the Drosophila engrailed
repressor region (grey box) at the carboxyl terminus.
(B-L) Neural differentiation of the animal caps was
analyzed with the pan-neural N-CAM marker at stage
19. Injection of the FGF4 expression plasmid (B) or
control plasmid (inset) did not induce N-CAM
expression in the explants. Coinjection of wild-type
Sox2 mRNA with the FGF4 plasmid caused neural
differentiation (C). This neural differentiation was
suppressed by coinjecting Sox2BD(-) mRNA (D) or
Sox2-EnR mRNA (G) in the caps injected with Sox2
mRNA and the FGF4 plasmid. This suppression was
reversed by expressing Sox2-GR in the presence of 10
mM Dex (E,H) but not in its absence (insets). Sox9-GR
did not rescue N-CAM expression even with Dex (F,I).
SoxD mRNA injection caused neural differentiation of
animal caps (J). This neuralization was not inhibited by
coinjection of Sox2BD(-) or Sox2-EnR mRNA (K,L). In
each injection, the total amounts of RNA and DNA were
made constant by adding an adequate amount of control
lacZ mRNA and plasmid DNA. The injected amounts
were 10 pg for FGF4 plasmid, 100 pg for Sox2 and
SoxD, 400 pg for Sox2BD(-), 50 pg for Sox2-EnR, 200
pg for Sox2-GR and 200 pg for Sox9-GR mRNA.
Fig. 2. Injection of dnSox2 mRNAs suppresses neural
differentiation of animal cap explants caused by
dnBMPR. (A) Expression of N-CAM in normal embryos
at stage 19, when the animal caps below were harvested.
(B-I) Effects of dnSox2 were examined with the N-CAM
marker in the animal cap assay. Injection of dnBMPR (C)
but not of control lacZ (B) mRNA induced N-CAM
expression. The neural differentiation caused by
dnBMPR was inhibited by coinjecting Sox2BD(-)
mRNA (D) or Sox2-EnR mRNA (G). This inhibition was
reversed by Sox2-GR coinjection in the presence of Dex
(E,H) but not in its absence (not shown). The inhibitory
effect of Sox2BD(-) or Sox2-EnR was not counteracted
by Sox9-GR even with Dex treatment (F,I). In each
injection, the total amounts of RNA were made constant
by adding an adequate amount of control mRNA. The
injected amounts of mRNA were 50 pg for dnBMPR,
400 pg for Sox2BD(-), 50 pg for Sox2-EnR, 200 pg for
Sox2-GR, 200 pg for Sox9-GR.
Fig. 3. Injection of Sox2BD(-) inhibits neural
differentiation in vivo. Whole-mount in situ
hybridization analyses at the open neural plate stage
(dorsal view; upside, anterior). (A-C) Both embryos
were injected with synthetic mRNAs into each animal
blastomere at the 8-cell stage: control lacZ mRNA (600
pg; A), Sox2BD(-) mRNA (400 pg + 200 pg lacZ; B) or
Sox2BD(-) + Sox2-GR (400 pg + 200 pg; C). N-CAM
expression in the neural plate was severely suppressed
in Sox2BD(-)-injected embryos while Sox2-GR
coinjection rescued N-CAM expression in the presence
of Dex. (D-I) 400 pg of Sox2BD(-) mRNA (right) or
control mRNA (left) were injected into each animal
blastomere of the 8-cell embryo. Injection of Sox2BD(-)
had little effect on the expression of the dorsal
mesodermal markers Chd or MyoD (D,E) while the
proneural gene Xngnr1 (F), the neuronal marker Ntubulin
(G), the neural crest markers Slug (H) and fkh6
(I) were significantly suppressed. Note that the fkh6
expression was inhibited in presumptive head crest
regions (arrow) but not in posterior mesoderm
Fig. 4. Injection of Sox2BD(-) inhibits
expression of both anterior and posterior neural
markers. Whole-mount in situ hybridization
analyses were performed with regional neural
markers in neurula embryos. (A) SoxDBD(-)
mRNA (right) or control lacZ mRNA (left) was
injected into each animal blastomere of the 8-cell
embryo (400 pg of mRNA/cell). DIG-labeled
Otx2 and HoxB9 probes were used
simultaneously for double-label in situ
hybridization. In the embryo injected with
SoxDBD(-), the expression of the forebrain
marker Otx2 (arrow) was suppressed whereas
that of the spinocaudal marker HoxB9
(arrowhead) was not reduced. (B-F) Embryos
were injected with Sox2BD(-) mRNA (right) or
control mRNA (left) in a manner comparable to
that for SoxDBD(-) mRNA injections. Injection
of Sox2BD(-) inhibited expression of Otx2 (B), Xanf1 (C), En2 (D), Krox20 (E), and HoxB9 (F). Note that inhibition of HoxB9 expression was
detected only in the posterior neural tube (arrowhead) but not in the posterior mesoderm (arrow).
Fig. 5. Effects of Sox2BD(-) on early neural marker genes.
(A-F) Embryos were injected with Sox2BD(-) mRNA (right) or
control mRNA (left) as described for Fig. 4. Whole-mount in situ
hybridization was performed with Zic2 (A,C,E) and Sox2-5¢UTR
(B,D,F) probes. No significant inhibition of Zic2 or Sox2 expression
was detected at stage 11 (A,B). In embryos at stage 12 and 14,
injection of Sox2BD(-) reduced expression of both early neural
markers (C-F). (G) Accumulation of Sox2BD(-) protein (FLAGtagged)
shown by western blot analysis. Embryos injected with
FLAG-tagged Sox2BD(-) mRNA were harvested at stages indicated
above each lane. Western blotting with anti-FLAG antibody (upper
panel) gave a single band of the expected size (25 kDa) in each lane.
This 25 kDa band was not detected when control lacZ-injected
embryos were used (not shown). CBB staining of SDS-PAGE (lower
panel) is presented as loading controls.
Fig. 6. Temporal requirement of Sox2-mediated signaling during neural differentiation. Sox2BD(-)-GR was generated by adding the GR
sequence to the carboxyl terminus of Sox2BD(-) (A, bottom). (B) N-CAM expression in animal caps neuralized with dnBMPR. Application of
Dex did not affect N-CAM mRNA expression either in the animal caps injected with dnBMPR (C) or in the embryo injected with control LacZ
mRNA (D). In animal cap assays (E-H), neural differentiation triggered by dnBMPR was not inhibited by coinjecting Sox2BD(-)-GR mRNA in
the absence of Dex (E) while the induction of N-CAM in the injected caps was significantly suppressed when Dex was added to the culture
medium from stage 9 onwards (F), stage 12 (G) or stage 14 onwards (H). (I-L) 200 pg of Sox2BD(-)-GR mRNA was injected into each animal
blastomere of the 8-cell embryo. Without Dex treatment, injection of Sox2BD(-)-GR had little effect on N-CAM expression (I). Significant
suppression of N-CAM was observed when the injected embryos were treated with Dex from stage 9 onwards (J), stage 12 (K) or stage 14 (L)
onwards. The extent of suppression of (H) and (L) tended to be less complete than that found in Dex treatment from earlier stages (F,G,J,K).
Fig. 7. Sox2BD(-) does not promote
epidermogenesis at the cost of neural
tissues. (A) RT-PCR analysis of stage
19 animal caps injected with control
(lane 2), dnBMPR (lane 3), dnBMPR
+ Sox2BD(-) (lane 4) or Sox2BD(-)
(lane 5) mRNA. Primers specific for
N-CAM, epidermal Keratin, XAG-1,
muscle-actin (M-actin) and the
control EF-1a were used.
(B,C) Double-labeled in situ
hybridization with N-CAM (purple)
and Keratin (brown) probes. The
embryos were injected with control
mRNA (B) or Sox2BD(-) mRNA (C)
at one animal blastomere of the 8-cell
embryo. The neural plate region that
failed to express N-CAM (arrow) did not give Keratin signals, either. (D,E) Confocal microscopy images of the neural plate region of neurula
embryos. Green fluorescence shows the progeny of the blastomere that was injected with control lacZ and EGFP mRNA (D) or Sox2BD(-) and
EGFP mRNA (E). The insets are low magnification images showing the nuclear DAPI staining. The brackets indicate the areas shown in high
magnification GFP images. n, notochord; arrows, cuboidal cells in the superficial layer; arrowheads, cells in the sensorial layer.