Fig. 1. Sequence alignment of CPG15. A: Sequence alignment of
rat and Xenopus CPG15. Identical amino acids are boxed and similar
amino acids are shaded gray. Conserved cysteine residues are marked
with asterisks. The N-terminal and C-terminal signal sequences for
secretion and GPI linkage, respectively, are underlined. Sequence
analysis shows an overall 67% identity between the two species and
73% identity in the mature protein. B: Northern blot analysis from
whole tadpole Poly A1 RNA results in the detection of a single band
of approximately 1.7 kb, similar to the size of mammalian cpg15.
Fig. 2. Whole-mount in situ hybridizations on albino Xenopus
embryos. A: cpg15 can be detected in dorsal spinal cord at stage 24.
B: cpg15 expression increases in the spinal cord and can be detected
in the forebrain (FB), midbrain (MB), and hindbrain (HB) at stage 33.
C: Higher magnification of spinal cord of stage 33 embryo. cpg15
expression is detectable in both dorsal (arrow) and ventral cells (arrowhead)
within the spinal cord. D: Sense probe. Rostral is to the left
in all images. Scale bar 5 500 mm in A,B,D; 250 mm in C.
Fig. 3. In situ hybridization of cpg15 in early stages of tadpole development.
Darkfield images show mRNA (A,C,E,G) and brightfield images
show toludine blue counterstain (B,D,F,H). A,B: Horizontal sections
through stage 33 tadpoles. Horizontal sections through brains
from stage 38 (C,D), stage 42 (E,F), and stage 45 (G,H). cpg15 is
expressed in the optic tectum (OT) , olfactory pits (OP), olfactory bulb
(OB), telencephalon (TL), midbrain (MB), thalamus (Th), and auditory
ganglion cells (AGC), as well as vestibulo-ocular nuclei (VON)
and hindbrain (HB). Rostral is up in all sections. Scale bar 5 100 mm.
Fig. 4. In situ hybridization of cpg15 in brains of midstage Xenopus
tadpoles. Darkfield images show mRNA (A,C,E,G) and brightfield
images show toludine blue counterstain (B,D,F,H). A,B: Horizontal
brain sections through dorsal brain of stage 47 tadpoles show cpg15
expression in the olfactory bulb (OB), dorsal thalamus (Th), optic
tectum (OT), and hindbrain (HB). C,D: Sections through ventral
brain show labeling in thalamus (Th), tegmentum (Te), and hindbrain.
E,F: Stage 53 tadpoles continue to express cpg15 in the olfactory
bulb, thalamus, and optic tectum, as well as the pallium (Pa).
G,H: High magnification of stage 47 optic tectum. Arrows show rostrolateral
and caudomedial cells indicating the higher level of mRNA
in rostrolateral tectum. Arrowheads indicate cells within the neuropil
that have no detectable levels of cpg15. Dorsal lines in H show rostral
and caudal regions of tectum used for quantification. Rostral is up in
all sections. I: Quantification of cpg15 expression as mean pixel density
in rostrolateral and caudomedial tectum on a 0â255 scale where
255 is white (mean 6 standard error). *, P , 0.001. Scale bar 5 100
Fig. 5. In situ hybridization of cpg15 in the retina. Darkfield
images (A,C,E,G) show mRNA detection and brightfield images
(B,D,F,H) show toludine blue counterstain for the same sections.
cpg15 is expressed in retinal ganglion cells (RGC) but not in the
proliferative zone (PZ) of retinae from stage 38 tadpoles and at all
later stages examined. In G and H, sense probe did not label any cells.
Scale bar 5 100 mm.
Fig. 6. Western blot analysis of Xenopus eye and brain. CPG15
antiserum detects a band of approximately 12 kD in eye and brain
homogenates from stages 47, 55, and 60 and postmetamorphic (PM)
Xenopus. Proteins were loaded in equal amounts (25 mg) and overloaded
(75mg) for stage 47 eye homogenate (first lane only, OL). Higher molecular
weight band (;50 kD) is not detected consistently and is also
present in blots incubated in preimmune serum (Nedivi et al., 1998).
Fig. 7. CPG15 is targeted to retinal ganglion cell axons. A: CPG15
immunoreactivity in stage 42 is detected in the optic nerve (ON) and
optic chiasm (OX). B: Retinal axons within the optic nerve in stage 47.
C: High-magnification image of the optic nerve head of retina from
stage 47. Note the CPG15 IR around cells in the RGC layer and the
concentrated immunoreactivity in the optic nerve. D: Preimmune
serum does not label RGC somata or axons. E: In retinal explants,
CPG15 IR can be observed all along the length of axons, including the
growth cone. F: Double staining with rhodamine-phalloidin highlights
actin-based axonal structure. Scale bar 5 100 mm for A,B,D; 50 mm
for C.
Fig. 8. CPG15 expression in tadpole brain. AâE: Horizontal cryostat
sections from a stage 45 tadpole shown in sequence from dorsal
through ventral. CPG15 immunohistochemistry shows cell bodies labeled
in a honeycomb pattern throughout the brain. Cells are labeled
in the olfactory bulb (OB), optic tectum (OT), telencephalon (TL), and
tegmentum (Te). Intense labeling occurs in axon tracts, notably the
optic chiasm (OX), retinotectal axons (RT) in the optic tectal neuropil,
tectotegmental axons (TT), and tectospinal (TS) axons coursing toward
hindbrain (HB) and spinal cord. Scale bar 5 100 mm.
Fig. 9. CPG15 expression in spinal cord. A: Immunohistochemistry for CPG15 labels commissural
axons in the ventral spinal cord of stage 34 tadpole (arrows). B: Large somata (arrowhead) as well
as axons (arrows) in spinal cord label intensely for CPG15 at stage 47. Scale bar 5 30 mm in A; 50
mm in B.
nrn1 (neuritin 1) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 33, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.