Fig. 1. Ciliated cells are arranged in a regularly spaced pattern and
are marked by the expression of an a-tubulin gene. (A,B) Scanning
electromicrographs of the skin of a Xenopus embryo (stage 25) taken
at a magnification of 200´ (A) and 750´ (B). Note the spacing
pattern of cells with tufts of cilia in the outer layer of Xenopus skin
(B, Arrow). (C) Xenopus embryo (stage 22) stained in whole mount
using HRP immunohistochemistry with a mouse monoclonal
antibody directed against acetylated a-tubulin (6-11B1).
(D) Xenopus embryo (stage 25) double-labeled by in situ
hybridization with the a-tubulin probe (light blue) followed by 6-
11B1 antibody staining (brown). (E) Transverse section of the
embryo shown in D, confirming that the same cells stain with both
the a-tubulin probe and the 6-11B1 antibody (arrows).
Fig. 2. Expression of a-tubulin in the skin of Xenopus embryos at different developmental stages.
Expression of a-tubulin detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization on Xenopus embryos at stage 13
(A-C), stage 16 (D-F) and stage 20 (G-I). Dorsal views (A,D,G) and lateral views (B,E,H) show that a-
tubulin expression occurs in the non-neural ectoderm (nne) and not in the neural plate (np). Expression
is also absent from the cement gland (cg). (C,F,I) Sections of whole-mount-stained embryos show that
cells expressing a-tubulin are located in the inner layer (parenthesis or arrow labeled âiâ) at stage 13,
and in the outer layer (brackets labeled âoâ) at stage 16 and older, indicating that the ciliated cells first
arise in the inner layer before stage 13 and then subsequently move into the outer layer.
Fig. 3. X-Delta-1 is expressed in the ventral
ectoderm in a punctate pattern that anticipates
a-tubulin expression. (A-C) Xenopus embryo
(stage 11) stained in whole mount for the
expression of X-Delta-1 by in situ hybridization.
View of the ventral side is shown in A, a lateral
view in shown in B and a transverse section is
shown in C. Note that X-Delta-1 is expressed by
scattered cells within the inner layer of the
ventral ectoderm (A,C), in addition to cells (B,
arrowheads) that are localized to stripes within
the neural plate where primary neurons will
form (np). (D,E) a-tubulin expression is first
detected by in situ hybridization at stage 12 in
the ventral ectoderm (D). Lateral view shows
that a-tubulin is expressed by scattered cells in
the non-neural ectoderm (nne) but not in the
neural plate (np). bl, blastopore.
Fig. 4. Notch signaling restricts the number of a-tubulin-expressing cells.
Albino embryos were injected at 2-cell stage in one blastomere with (A-C)
nLacZ RNA alone, (D-F) Notch-ICD and nLacZ RNAs, (G-I) X-Su(H)-DBM
and nLacZ RNAs, or (J-L) X-Delta-1Stu and nLacZ RNAs. At stage 17-18
(neurulae), the embryos were fixed, stained in whole mount with X-gal (lightblue
reaction product) and then labeled by in situ hybridization for the
expression of a-tubulin (dark purple). Left panels show a lateral view of the
uninjected side, the middle panels a lateral view of the injected side, and the
right panels show a dorsal view. Note that Notch-ICD suppresses a-tubulin
expression in 93% of injected embryos (57 embryos in four representative
experiments) while the density of a-tubulin-expressing cells increases in
embryos injected with X-Su(H)-DBM (55/64 injected embryos) or with XDelta-
1Stu (64/80 injected embryos) in three independent experiments.
Fig. 5. Lateral inhibition in the non-neural ectoderm feeds back on
X-Delta-1 expression. (A-C) The ventral ectoderm of albinos
embryos (stage 11) that were uninjected (A) or injected in one
blastomere at the 2-cell stage with RNA encoding Notch-ICD (B) or
X-Su(H)-DBM (C) along with nLacZ RNA as a tracer. Embryos
were stained with X-Gal (sky blue reaction product) or for the
expression of X-Delta-1 using whole-mount in situ hybridization
(dark purple). Note that the density of X-Delta-1 expression
increases when Notch signaling is blocked (C) and decreases when
Notch signaling is increased (B). (D,E) Isolated ectoderm was
assayed for the levels of a-tubulin (a-tub) and X-Delta-1 RNAs by
RPA. Ectoderm was isolated at stage 9/10 from embryos that were
uninjected (uninj.) or injected at 2-cell stage in both blastomeres with
RNA encoding Notch-ICD or X-Su(H)-DBM. RNA was extracted at
stage 18 or 12 and assayed simultaneously for the levels of a-tubulin
and EF1-a RNA, or for X-Delta-1 and EF1-a RNA, respectively.
Note that increased Notch signaling (Notch-ICD injection)
decreases, while decreased Notch signaling (X-Su(H)-DBM
injection) increases the levels of X-Delta-1 and a-tubulin when
normalized to recovery of RNA using the levels of EF1-a RNA.
RNA from whole uninjected embryos (w. emb.) was used as positive
Fig. 6. ESR-6e encodes a WRPW-bHLH protein
expressed epidermally and activated by the Notch
pathway. (A) ESR-6e encodes a WRPW-bHLH
protein related to other Xenopus ESR genes that are
activated by the Notch pathway. ESR-1 and ESR-7
are expressed in the developing nervous system,
while ESR-5 is expressed in the paraxial mesoderm
during segmentation. Percentages of similarity
between the bHLH domains of ESR-6e and other
ESR factors identified in Xenopus are given as well
as the overall similarity for the full-length proteins.
(B) Expression of ESR-6e RNA in stage 14 (neural
plate) Xenopus embryos as detected by whole-mount
in situ hybridization. Note that ESR-6e expression is
mostly localised to the non-neural ectoderm as
shown by the white dashed line marking the border
of the neural plate. A high level of expression is also
observed in the cement gland (white arrowhead) and
a low level in the central neural plate (black
arrowhead). (C) Total RNA extracted from embryos
at the indicated stages was assayed by RPA for the
levels of ESR-6e RNA and EF1-a RNA as a loading
control. The levels of ESR-6e at different stages are
plotted in a bar graph after normalizing to the levels
of EF1-a RNA. EF1-a RNA is first transcribed at
the mid-blastula transition, reaching steady levels at
stage 12. Thus, the levels of ESR-6e RNA are likely
to be overestimated after normalizing to the levels of
EF1-a RNA at stage 8 and 10. (D) Notch-ICD RNA
was coinjected with nLacZ RNA in one blastomere
of 2-cell-stage embryos. At stage 14, the embryos
were stained with X-gal (light blue) and for ESR-6e
expression using in situ hybridization (dark blue).
Note that Notch-ICD RNA induces high levels of ESR-6e expression but only in the non-neural ectoderm in 48 injected embryos on a total of
54. In this example, the Notch-ICD-injected area (circled by the black dashed line) extends into the neural plate but ESR-6e overexpression
stays confined to the prospective epidermis (white dashed line) as in B. Note also that the embryo shown in D has been stained for less time
than the one in B, as indicated by the reduced signal from the basal expression of ESR-6e. (E,F) Transverse sections of a Notch-ICD-injected
embryo as in D. (G) RNase protection assay to measure the levels of ESR-6e RNA in ectoderm isolated from embryos injected with RNA
encoding Notch-ICD or X-Su(H)-DBM as described in the legend to Figure 5. RNA was extracted at stage 11 from intact ectoderm (w. caps) or
from the inner layer (inner) or outer layer (outer) after manual separation. Note that Notch-ICD induces higher levels of ESR-6e expression in
both layers. X-Su(H)-DBM also increases the levels of ESR-6e in the inner layer but not in the outer layer.
Fig. 7. XESR-6e restricts the number of
ciliated cell precursors. (A-D) One blastomere
of 2-cell-stage albino embryos was injected
either with 0.5 ng of ESR-6e RNA or 2 ng of
ESR-6eÃb RNA along with nLacZ RNA as a
tracer. At stage 19-20, the injected embryos
were fixed and stained with X-gal (light blue)
and a-tubulin expression by in situ
hybridization (dark blue). Embryos are
oriented with anterior to the left with injected
sides shown in B and D and the uninjected
sides shown in A and C. (A,B) Injection of
ESR-6e RNA suppressed the formation of a-
tubulin-expressing cells in 90% of the embryos
that survived the injection and developed
normally (23 embryos in two independent
experiments) whereas (C,D) injecting RNA
encoding a DNA-binding mutant, ESR-6eÃb,
produced an increase in a-tubulin-expressing
cells in 90% of 48 injected embryos. (E) RPA
on ectoderm isolated from embryos injected
with RNA encoding ESR-6e and ESR-6eÃb
(0.5 and 2 ng respectively) as described in Fig.
5. RNA was extracted from stage 11 animal
caps for assessing X-Delta-1 expression and at stage 16-19 for a-tubulin. Note that ESR-6e decreases the levels of both X-Delta-1 and a-
tubulin RNA while ESR-6eÃb increases their levels. (F) RPA of RNA isolated from ectodermal caps of embryos injected with RNA encoding
wild-type (0.5 ng) and basic domain mutant forms of ESR-6e and ESR-7 (2 ng) as described above. Note that injection of RNA encoding ESR-
6e or ESR-6eÃb leads to a decrease or increase, respectively, in the levels of a-tubulin RNA. Conversely, RNA encoding ESR-7 causes a
decrease in the levels of a-tubulin RNA while RNA encoding ESR-7Ãb has no apparent effect.
Fig. 8. Spacing of ciliated cells is imposed by intercalation. Notch signaling was blocked in the ectoderm of Xenopus embryos by injecting 2 ng
of X-Su(H)-DBM RNA into two blastomeres of 4-cell-stage embryos, along with nLacZ RNA as a tracer. (A-C) At stage 17, a sample of
embryos were fixed and the distribution and density of the a-tubulin-expressing cells was assessed by in situ hybridization with a-tubulin probe
(dark blue) after detection of the tracer by X-gal staining (light blue). (C) A section through the embryo shown in A,B illustrates that blocking
Notch signaling can result in several layers of a-tubulin-expressing cells. (B) The white dashed line indicates an area of the uninjected side of
the embryo that has been populated by cells descending from the injected blastomeres as a result of cell mixing. (D-N) The remaining embryos
were fixed at stage 25. In these embryos, the distribution of injected RNA was measured by staining with Magenta-gal (magenta), the density of
a-tubulin-expressing cells was measured by in situ hybridization using just BCIP for detection (light blue), and the status of differentiated
ciliated cells was measured by staining with the 6-11B1 antibody using HRP immunohistochemistry (brown). Note that BCIP detection gives
rise to a higher level of background (diffuse sky blue staining) compared to NBT-BCIP detection. (D-H) Example of an embryo with a
relatively mild increase in the number of a-tubulin-expressing cells. Lateral views are shown with anterior to the left. (F,G) Magnified views of
the area framed in D and E, respectively, showing that all the a-tubulin-expressing cells have differentiated since they are also stained with 6-
11B1. The density of the differentiated ciliated cells approximately doubled on the injected side without affecting the morphology of the skin.
(H) Transverse section through the embryo shown in D and E showing that the extra a-tubulin-expressing cells have reached the surface,
resulting in a spacing pattern twice as dense on the injected side: seventeen ciliated cells can be counted on the injected side, versus nine on the
uninjected side. nc, notochord; sm, somitic mesoderm; lm, lateral mesoderm; epi, epiderm. (I-N) An embryo with a severe overproduction of a-
tubulin-expressing cells. (I,J,L,M) Lateral views are shown anterior to the left. (L,M) Magnified views of the area framed in I and J. Note the
continuous pattern of a-tubulin staining on the injected side (compare I to J and L to M). The arrow points to a region where 6-11B1 Ab
staining can be distinguished despite the high level of blue staining due to a-tubulin overexpression. (K,N) Sections through the embryo shown
in I and J allow the detection of the 6-11B1 staining much better than the whole-mount view. (K) The injected area, marked by purple-stained
nuclei, lies between the two arrowheads. Note that overproduction of a-tubulin-expressing cells in this area leads to a thickening and altered
morphology of the epidermis. (N) A high-power view of an adjacent section shows that most of the a-tubulin-expressing cells have
differentiated since they are also stained by 6-11B1 antibody whichever position they have in the ectoderm. The differentiated ciliated cells
(blue and brown) that have reached the surface of the skin are surrounded by non-ciliated cells (asterisks). A fraction of the double-labeled cells
were retained in the inner layer of the epidermis (arrowheads). Note that some of them are likely to be migrating to the surface (arrows)
indicating that intercalation is an ongoing process.
Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the two-step mechanism spacing
the ciliated cells. (1) Lateral inhibition takes place in the inner
ectodermal layer at late gastrula stages and drives a subset of cells to
express higher levels of X-Delta-1 (green cells). These cells inhibit
the differentiation of their neighbours (orange cells) and take on the
ciliated-cell fate as marked by expression of a-tubulin (blue cells).
(2) At neurula stages, the inner layer cells organize into a monolayer
and the a-tubulin-expressing cells intercalate into epithelial junctions
of the outer layer (columnar red cells). Differentiation of the ciliated
cells occurs at early tadpole stages while they reach their definitive
position in the epithelium. At the same time, division of the surface
layer cells produces new interstitial locations available for
intercalation of additional ciliated cells.