Figure 2. Ca2+-dependent inactivation of Ca2+ current in the cloned cardiac Ca2+ channel α1Cβ2a. Superimposed traces evoked in an oocyte expressing α1C and β2a subunits, and the effect of DHP agonist Bay K 8644 (â). The voltage protocol was the same as in Fig. 1. (A) Voltage steps from HP â90 mV; Ba2+ was the charge carrier (10 mM Ba2+). (B) Currents recorded in 5 mM Ca2+. (C) Same voltage steps as in A, Ba2+ currents recorded in the presence of 50 nM Bay K 8644 (â). (D) Same voltage steps as in B, Ca2+ currents recorded in the presence of Bay K 8644 (â). Linear components were digitally subtracted by subpulses from the holding potential using the P/â4 method.
Figure 3. Ca2+-dependent inactivation of Ca2+ currents in α1Cβ2a: effect of different Ca2+ concentrations. Superimposed traces evoked in an oocyte expressing α1Cβ2a. HP = â90 mV, SHP = â90 mV. (A) Voltage steps to â20, 0, +20 mV, in 2 mM Ca2+. The decay phase of the currents were fitted to double exponential functions. The rates of inactivation from the fits were: rf = 0.0114 msâ1, rs = 0.0031 msâ1 at â20 mV; rf = 0.0126 msâ1, rs = 0.0016 msâ1 at 0 mV; rf = 0.0065 msâ1, rs = not resolved at +20 mV. (B) Voltage steps to â10, +10, +30 mV in 5 mM Ca2+. The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0127 msâ1, rs = 0.0032 msâ1 at â10 mV; rf = 0.0173 msâ1, rs = 0.0027 msâ1 at +10 mV; rf = 0.0099 msâ1, rs = 0.0013 msâ1 at +30 mV. (C) Voltage steps to 0, â20, +40 mV in 10 mM Ca2+. The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0202 msâ1, rs = 0.0039 msâ1 at 0 mV, rf = 0.0224 msâ1, rs = 0.0035 msâ1 at +20 mV, rf = 0.0092 msâ1, rs = 0.0008 msâ1 at +40 mV.
Figure 6. Summary plot of the voltage dependence of the fast and slow rates of Ca2+-dependent inactivation in α1Cβ2a: effect of Bay K 8644 (â). (A) Average values of the fast (empty symbols) and slow (filled symbols) rates of inactivation in 2 mM Ca2+ (â, fast, n = 11; â¢, slow, n = 13); 5 mM Ca2+ (â¡, fast, n = 13; âª, slow, n = 14); 10 mM Ca2+ (âµ, fast, n = 16; â´, slow, n = 13). (B) Rates of Ca2+-dependent inactivation in 2 mM Ca2+ (â, fast, n = 10; â¦, slow, n = 8); 2 mM Ca2+ + 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â) (â, fast, n = 13; â¢, slow, n = 8); 5 mM Ca2+ + 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â) (â¡, fast, n = 15; âª, slow, n = 11); 10 mM Ca2+ + 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â) (âµ, fast, n = 12; â´, slow, n = 11). All data are shown with their SEMs.
Figure 4. Relative positions of the peak currents and the maximal inactivation on the voltage axis in α1C and α1Cβ2a. (A) Normalized rates and peak current values from the experiment in Fig. 3. Solid symbols are the normalized peak currents (I-V) and open symbols are the normalized rates (r-V) in 2 (â, â¢), 5 (â¡, âª), and 10 (âµ, â´) mM Ca2+. The larger symbols on the normalized I-V represent the traces in Fig. 3 (shaded circles, squares, and triangles, respectively). The dotted lines show the voltage shift between I-V and r-V peaks. The maximal inactivation occurred at 0 (a), +10 (b), and +15 (c) mV in 10 mM Ca2+. The corresponding peaks of the I-Vs were: +10, +20, and +25 mV, respectively. (B) Normalized rates and peak current values in α1C alone in 5 mM Ca2+. The points are mean values ± SEM (n = 7 for the I-V and n = 8 for the r-V). The dotted line shows the voltage shift between I-V and r-V peaks.
Figure 5. Ca2+-dependent inactivation and effect of Bay K 8644 (â) at three different Ca2+ concentrations in α1Cβ2a. Superimposed traces evoked in an oocyte expressing α1Cβ2a. HP = â90 mV, SHP = â90 mV. (A) Voltage steps to â20, 0, +20 mV in 2 mM Ca2+. The decay phase of the currents were fitted to double exponential functions. The rates of inactivation from the fits were: rf = 0.0127 msâ1, rs = 0.0032 msâ1 at â20 mV; rf = 0.0164 msâ1, rs = 0.0021 msâ1 at 0 mV; rf = 0.0116 msâ1, rs = 0.0016 at +20 mV. (B) Voltage steps to â25, â5, +15 mV in 2 mM Ca2+ and 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0333 msâ1, rs = 0.0056 msâ1 at â25 mV; rf = 0.0336 msâ1, rs = 0.0045 msâ1 at â5 mV; rf = 0.0132 msâ1, rs = 0.0016 msâ1 at +15 mV. (C) Voltage steps to â15, +5, +25 mV in 5 mM Ca2+ and 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0398 msâ1, rs = 0.0063 msâ1 at â15 mV, rfâ= 0.0395 msâ1, rs = 0.0044 msâ1 at +5 mV, rf = 0.0150 msâ1, rs = 0.0020 msâ1 at +25 mV. (D) Voltage steps to â5, +15, +35 mV, in 10 mM Ca2+ and 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The fitted rates were: rfâ= 0.0466 msâ1, rs = 0.0057 msâ1 at â5 mV, rf = 0.0399 msâ1, rsâ= 0.0045 msâ1 at +15 mV, rf = 0.0148 msâ1, rs = 0.0023 msâ1 at +35 mV.
Figure 7. Relative positions of the peak currents and the maximal inactivation on the voltage axis in α1Cβ2a in the presence of Bay K 8644 (â). Normalized rates and peak current values in α1Cβ2a in 5 mM Ca2+ and in the presence of 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The points are mean values ± SEM (n = 4 for I-V and n = 3 for r-V). The dotted line shows the voltage shift between I-V and r-V peaks.
Figure 8. Ca2+-dependent inactivation and effect of Bay K 8644 (â) at three different Ca2+ concentrations in α1C. Superimposed traces evoked in an oocyte expressing α1C. HP = â90 mV, SHP = â90 mV. (A) Voltage steps to â10, +10, +30 mV in 2 mM Ca2+. The decay phase of the currents was fitted to a single exponential function. The rates of inactivation from the fits were: r = 0.0027 msâ1 at â10 mV, r = 0.0028 msâ1 at +10 mV, r = 0.0021 at +30 mV. (B) Voltage steps to â15, +5, +25 mV in 2 mM Ca2+ and 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The decay phase of the currents were fitted to double exponential functions. The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0192 msâ1, rs = 0.0016 msâ1 at â15 mV; rf = 0.0277 msâ1, rs = 0.0038 msâ1 at +5 mV; rf = 0.0073 msâ1, rs = 0.0007 msâ1 at +25 mV. (C) Voltage steps to â10, +10, +30 mV in 5 mM Ca2+ and 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0255 msâ1, rs = 0.0038 msâ1 at â10 mV, rf = 0.0356 msâ1, rs = 0.0055 msâ1 at +10 mV, rf = 0.0079 msâ1, rs = 0.0012 msâ1 at +30 mV. (D) Voltage steps to â5, +15, +35 mV in 10 mM Ca2+ and 500 nM Bay K 8644 (â). The fitted rates were: rf = 0.0299 msâ1, rs = 0.0041 msâ1 at â5 mV, rf = 0.0418 msâ1, rs = 0.0053 msâ1 at +15 mV, rf = 0.0159 msâ1, rs = 0.0035 msâ1 at +35 mV.
Figure 9. Time course of the effect of BAPTA: the removal of Ca2+-dependent inactivation. (left) BAPTA-perfused oocyte; (right) control oocyte. (A) Currents elicited by pulsing to 10 mV from an HP of â90 mV in an oocyte injected with α1Cβ2a (SHP = â90 mV) in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+. The oocyte was perfused with BAPTA 500 mM at the speed of 1 ml/h. a was acquired at time t = 1 min 15 s; b at t = 1 min 46 s; c at t = 4 min 26 s; d at t = 9 min 48 s; e at t = 14 min 29 s; f at t = 20 min 05 s. The initial phase of decay (first 250 ms) in câf was fitted to a single exponential. The rates of inactivation were: 0.0099 msâ1 (c), 0.0077 msâ1 (d), 0.0039 msâ1 (e), and 0.0025 msâ1 (f). (B) Time course of the removal of Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Traces in A are indicated with the corresponding letters. (C) Time course of peak current at 0 mV in 5 mM Ca2+ in a control nonperfused oocyte injected with 100 nl of BAPTA 50 mM (see materials and methods). The control current shows rundown over the time course of the experiment. (D) Lack of change in the voltage dependence of the fast rate of the Ca2+-dependent inactivation measured at the beginning (t = 0, â¢) and at the end of the control experiment (t = 23 s, â). (E) Fast (âµ) and slow (â´) rates of Ca2+-dependent inactivation for the current plotted in C, during the time course of the control experiment.
Figure 10. Model of Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Three modes of L-type Ca2+ channels are originating from a single deep closed state (C01). The top line has no opening: the channel remains silent. The middle and bottom lines end with open states and subsequent Ca2+-dependent inactivated states. The rates (α, β), charges (z), and fractions of the field (δ) that have been used for the fits and simulation are shown in Table I, and they refer to the kinetic transitions as follows: α01, β01, z1, δ1: C01 â C02; α02, β02, z2, δ2: C02 â C03; α03, β03, z3, δ3: C03 â O04; α04, β04: O04 â I05, Ca2+-dependent, voltage-independent transition; α12, β12, z2, δ2: C12 â C13; α13, β13, z3, δ3: C13 â C14; α22, β22, z2, δ2: C22 â C23; α23, β23, z3, δ3: C23 â O24; α24, β24: O24 â I25, Ca2+-dependent, voltage-independent transition; αn, βn: C02 â C12, voltage-independent transition; αbk, βbk: C02 â C22, voltage-independent transition; αb, βb: C03 â C23, voltage-independent transition.
Figure 11. Fits and simulations of α1Cβ2a Ca2+ currents. (A) Current traces recorded from an oocyte expressing α1Cβ2a, in response to voltage stimuli of â20, â10, 0, +10, and +20 mV. The traces are superimposed with their fits, generated by the model-fitting procedure described in materials and methods. (B) I-V and r-V are from the simulated traces in A. The current peaks at 10 mV, while the r-V peaks at 0 mV. The values for the fast rates of inactivation were obtained by fitting the decay phase of the simulated current with a double exponential function.