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Zaraisky AG
Lukyanov SA
Vasiliev OL
Smirnov YV
Belyavsky AV
Kazanskaya OV
To obtain gene sequences controlling the early steps of amphibian neurogenesis, we have performed differential screening of a subtractive cDNA library prepared by a novel PCR-based method from a single presumptive neural plate of a Xenopus laevis late-gastrulaembryo. As a result we have isolated a fragment of a novel homeobox gene (named XANF-1, for Xenopus anterior neural folds). This gene is expressed predominantly in the anterior part of the developing nervous system. Such preferential localization of XANF-1 mRNA is established from its initially homogenous distribution in ectoderm of early gastrula. This change in the expression pattern is conditioned by a differential influence of various mesoderm regions on ectoderm: anteriormesoderm activates XANF-1 expression in the overlying ectoderm, whereas posterior axial and ventralmesoderm areas inhibit it. The data obtained demonstrate for the first time that selection of genes for specific expression in the CNS of the early vertebrate embryo is affected not only by chordamesoderm (a neural inductor) but also by ventralmesoderm.
FIG. 1. Subtractive cloning of neuroectoderm-specific sequences. (A) A scheme of amplified cDNA synthesis. (B) Preparation of the suhtracted
neural cDNA library enriched with neuroectoderm-specific sequences and isolation of specific clones by differential screening.
Flc. 2. Primary structnw olâ the cloned fragment of X,kNF-1 cDNA and its putative I)rotein. (A) Nucleotide sequence of the cDNA insert and
deduced amino acid sequcnco of the protein. The homeodomain is underlined. The polyadenylation signal is indicated by dotted line. Sequence
data have been assigned Accession No. XfOO$jS in the GeneBank (EMBL). (B) Alignment of the amino acid sequences ofâ the homeodomains from
SANEâ-1, Mis. 1 (Rosa, 198!1), Xhos-3 (Ruis i Altaba and Melton, 1$1X9), and I)aired (Frigerio c,f ol., 1986). Dashes indicate identify with the
corresl,onding amino acids in the SASF-1 homcwdomain. The percentage of homology between XANF-1 and each of the other homeodomains is
indicated to thus right of wch scquc~nw.
FIG. 4. PCR analysis of regional XANF-1 expression in ~~~t~~~~ws
embryos. Regions taken for the analysis are marked by dotted lines.
(A) Diagram shelving the dissected regions of the embryo at the late
gastrula stage (sagittal section): (1) presumptive ncuroectoderm, (2)
axial mesoderm, (3) endoderm, (4) presumptive epidermis. (B) Diagram
showing the dissected regions of the embryo at the early gastruia
stage (sagittai section). Dissected regions of ectoderm are numbered
counterclockwise from the dorsal biastopor lip (on the right ).
(C) Diagram showing the dissected regions of the embryo at the midgastrula
stag<% (sagittai section). Dissected regions of ectodrrm arc
numbered counterclockwise from the dorsal blastopor lip (on the
right) to the ventral blastopor lip (on the left). (I)) The embryo at the
midneurula stage as seen from the dorsal side (anterior end of the
neural plate is at the top). Neural folds are sho\vn as a keyhole-shaped
band located bctwwn two solid lines. Dissected regions containing the
neural plate and adjacent epidermal cells are numbered in the anterior-
posterior direction. (El The same view of the whole midneurula
embryo as in C. Dissected regions are (1) presumptive cement gland
region, (2) frontal anterior neural fold, (3) the bottom of neural plate,
C-1) lateral anterior neural fold. and (5) presumptive anterior epidcrmis.
FIG. 5. Effect of mesoderm on XANF-1 expression in ectodermal
explants. Cut portions of ectoderm and mesoderm (shaded): (1) presumptive
ventral ectoderm, (2) anterior presumptive neuroectoderm,
(3) posterior presumptive neuroectoderm, (4) ventral mesoderm, (5)
anterior axial mesoderm, and (6) posterior axial mesoderm. Prior to
PCR the explants were cultured to the stage equal to that of midneurula
(see Materials and Methods and text for details). Lane 1, anterior
presumptive ncuroectoderm combined with posterior axial mesoderm;
lane 2, anterior presumptive neuroectoderm combined with ventral
mesoderm; lane 3, anterior presumptive neuroectoderm; lane 4, posterior
presumptive neuroectodcrm combined with anterior axial mesoderm;
lane 5, presumptive ventral ectoderm combined with anterior
axial mesoderm; lane 6, anterior axial mesoderm; lane 7, posterior
presumptive neuroectoderm; and lane 8, presumptive ventral ectoderm.