Fig. 1. A Comparison of NK-homeodomains to the homeodomain of XNkx-2.3.
The top line shows the consensus sequences for homeodomains (Guazzi et al.,
1990). To obtain PCR clones from Xenopus and mouse adult heart, degenerate
oligonucleotide primers were designed to the underlined amino acid regions (for
details, see Materials and Methods). The PCR clones obtained in this manner
corresponded to each homeodomain shown here, with the exception of Bagpipe
and Tinman, which are shown for purposes of comparison only. XPCR-3 and
mPCR-13 are two clones that were obtained and which appear to have novel
NK-homeodomains. References for all the listed homeodomains are in the text.
The amino acid sequence is shown as single-letter code, and dashes indicate
identity with XNkx-2.3.
Fig. 2. DNA
sequence comparison
of the three XNkx-2.3
cDNA clones.
(A) DNA sequences
of XNkx-2.3b1,
XNkx-2.3b2, and
XNkx-2.3a were
aligned with the Gap
Program, University
of Wisconson. The
ATG start and TAG
stop codons are
indicated in capital
letters and underlined
to demarcate the
coding sequences.
Dashed lines indicate
nucleotide identity
with XNkx-2.3b1, or,
in the 3¢ untranslated
regions where XNkx-
2.3b1 is truncated,
identity to XNkx-
2.3b2. Dots represent
gaps. GenBank
accession numbers
for XNkx-2.3a, XNkx-
2.3b1 and XNkx-
2.3b2 are L38674,
L38675 and L38676,
(B) Percent identities
for pairwise
comparisons between
the three cDNAs are
shown for the 5¢
untranslated (5¢ UT),
coding, and 3¢
untranslated (3¢UT)
Fig. 3. Predicted amino acid sequences of XNkx-2.3a, XNkx-2.3b1 and XNkx-2.3b2,
aligned to that of XNkx-2.5. The homeobox domain is boxed. A decapeptide conserved in
mNkx-2.5/XNkx-2.5, mNkx-2.1 and Tinman (Lints et al., 1993; Tonissen et al., 1994) is
found just downstream of the predicted amino terminus and is underlined. The NK2
domain downstream of the homeodomain (Price et al., 1992) is doubly underlined. Amino
acid numbering is indicated on the right.
Fig. 4. Northern blot analysis of XNkx-2.3 expression in adult
Xenopus tissues. 2 mg of poly(A)+ RNA were fractionated on
formaldehyde agarose gels and probed for XNkx-2.3 mRNA (see
Materials and Methods). In tissues positive for XNkx-2.3 mRNA
expression, a major RNA species of 2.4 kb was observed. Secondary
bands of approximately 3.0 kb were also observed in all positive
tissues. A smaller RNA band of approximately 2.0 kb was also
observed in the intestine. The autoradiogram shown was exposed for
4 days at -70°C. The origin of the A+ RNAs: H, heart; I, intestine; K,
kidney; Li, liver; Lu, lung; Sk, skeletal muscle; Sp, spleen; St,
stomach; T, tongue.
Fig. 5. RNAse protection analyses of XNkx-2.3a and XNkx-2.3b
expression in adult Xenopus tissues: (A,B) Radiolabelled riboprobes
specific for each XNkx-2.3 allele were hybridized to 20 mg of total
RNA from various adult Xenopus tissues. XNkx-2.3 sequences
contained in each probe are diagrammed above each autoradiogram
(for details, see Materials and Methods). The probe for XNkx-2.3b2
also recognizes XNkx-2.3b1. (C) Analytical formaldehyde agarose
gel of RNA samples. RNA samples were monitored for integrity and
quantity on analytical formaldehyde agarose gels before using. 10 mg
of each RNA were loaded per lane. P, radiolabelled probe alone.
These probes include the XNkx-2.3 sequences as diagrammed, plus
vector sequences, resulting in a radiolabelled probe of greater length
than the fully protected XNkx-2.3 sequences; t, tRNA control lane; H,
heart RNA; I, intestine RNA; K, kidney RNA; Li, liver RNA; Lu,
lung RNA; Pa, pancreas RNA; Sk, Skeletal muscle RNA; Sp, spleen
RNA; St, stomach RNA.
Fig. 6. RNAse protection analyses of XNkx-2.3 and XNkx-2.5
expression during Xenopus embryonic development. Radiolabelled
probes for each XNkx-2.3 allele (A,B) and for XNkx-2.5 (C) were
hybridized to 20 mg of total RNA extracted from staged Xenopus
embryos (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1967). RNA samples were
monitored for integrity and quantity on analytical formaldehyde
agarose gels before using. The protected RNA species as indicated
by arrowheads in each figure correspond to full protection of probe
sequences complementary to each cDNA. For probe details, see
Materials and Methods. P, probe alone, including vector sequences
and regions complementary to each cDNA; t, tRNA control; stage 9-
38, RNA from stages 9 through 38 embryos.
Fig. 7. Whole-mount in situ analyses
of XNkx-2.3, Xtwist and XMLC2 RNA
expression in Xenopus embryos. For
details on whole-mount procedure and
probes used, see Materials and
Methods. Arrowheads indicate
relevant stained areas. In B, C, the
boundaries of the anterior neural plate
are outlined with a dotted line. cg,
cement gland, h, heart, np, neural
plate, ph, pharyngeal region. (A)
Anterior view of stage 13.5 embryo
hybridized to probe for XNkx-2.3
RNA. Dorsal is at the top. Bluish
staining band above purple-brown
hybridisation signal (arrowhead) is a
result of artefactual trapping of probe
in the archenteron (Harland, 1991).
(B) Anterior view of stage 16 embryo
stained for XNkx-2.3 RNA expression.
Dorsal is at the top. Staining is
observed ventral to the neural folds,
immediately posterior to the cement
gland. (C) Anterior view of stage 16
embryo hybridized to probe for Xtwist.
twist expression can be seen in the
forming cephalic neural crest
(Hopwood et al., 1989). (D) Ventral
view of stage 19 embryo, hybridized
to XNkx-2.3 probe. Anterior is to the
right. Staining is observed in an
anteroventral position. (E) Ventral
view of stage 23 embryo, showing two
areas of staining for XNkx-2.3 just
posterior to the cement gland. The
posterior staining is clearly bilateral
and corresponds to the partially fused
cardiac primordia. Anterior is to the
right. (F) Lateral view of same embryo
as in E. Anterior is to the right. Note
two streaks of staining just caudal to
the cement gland. (G) Ventral view of
stage 27 embryo hybridized to probe
for XNkx-2.3. Anterior is at the top
right. Arrowheads mark the bilateral
staining that corresponds to the
prospective heart region (see H). The
staining also extends further rostral,
abutting the cement gland. (H) Ventral
view of stage 27 embryo, hybridized
to a probe for XMLC2, a marker for
differentiated cardiac mesoderm.
Anterior is to the right. Note that the
bilateral staining here corresponding to
the cardiac mesoderm does not extend
rostrally to the cement gland, as did
the staining shown in G for XNkx-2.3.
(I) Lateral view of stage 26 embryo
stained for XNkx-2.3 RNA expression.
Anterior is to the right, dorsal is at the
top. Arrowheads indicate two regions
of staining, in the heart tube (see J)
and in the pharyngeal region more rostrally. (J) Lateral view of stage 26 embryo stained for XMLC2 expression. Staining is confined in the
heart tube. (K) Lateral view of stage 26 embryo stained for Xtwist expression. Note the heavy staining in the pharyngeal region, whereas there
is no staining in the cardiac region. (L) Lateral view of stage 34 embryo, hybridized to probe for XNkx-2.3. Anterior is to the right, dorsal at the
top. Staining is seen in the looped heart tube and more rostrally in the pharyngeal region. (M) Lateral view of stage 34 embryo, hybridized to
probe for XMLC2. Staining is evident in the looped heart tube. (N) Lateral view of stage 34 embryo, hybridized to probe for Xtwist. Some
staining remains in the pharyngeal region, and is absent from the heart. Embryos shown in I, K-N were cleared in benzyl:benzoate (Harland,
1991) before photographing.
Fig. 8, Transverse sections from embryos stained by wholemount
in situ for XNkx-2.3 and Xtwist RNA expression. For
experimental details, refer to Materials and Methods. ec,
ectoderm; en, endoderm; ey, eye anlage; h, heart region; m,
mesoderm; my, myocardium of early heart tube; nc,
branchial arch neural crest; ng, neural groove; ph, pharynx.
Embryos were viewed and photographed using Nomarski
optics. In C-E, the outline of each section and the pharynx
are shown with dotted lines to facilitate orientiation. Dorsal
is at the top. (A) Anterior transverse section from a stage 16
embryo stained for XNkx-2.3 RNA expression. Note
staining in mesoderm, and faint staining in the endoderm.
(B) Transverse section from same embryo as in A, but
further posterior. Note staining in mesoderm and stronger
staining of endoderm than in A. (C) Transverse section at
the level of the eye anlage of stage 30 embryo stained for
XNkx-2.3 expression. Staining is observed in the
pharyngeal endoderm. (D) Transverse section just posterior
to that shown in C, indicating staining for XNkx-2.3 in
pharyngeal endoderm and in myocardium. (E) Transverse
section of stage 30
embryo stained for
Xtwist RNA
expression. The
neural crest
invading the
mesoderm is
stained for twist.
This staining
pattern was never
observed for
embryos stained
for XNkx-2.3
expression. The
endoderm and the
heart do not stain
but their position
is shown to
comparison with