FIG. 1. Conflicting reports on the origins of primitive blood in Xenopus. (A) Lane and Smith (1999) labeled each of the 16 different
blastomeres at st. 6 with either fluorescent dextran or mRNA GFP and scored primitive blood as fluorescent cells in circulation in st. 41
tadpoles (B). Primitive blood cells arose principally from all vegetal hemisphere blastomeres, C1âC4 and D1âD4. This region, shown in
orange, corresponds to the vegetal region of the marginal zone in gastrula-stage embryos and gives rise to the lateral plate mesoderm, LP.
(C) Ciau-Uitz et al. (2000) labeled six of the eight vegetal hemisphere blastomeres at st. 6 with -galactosidase mRNA and scored the
presence of progeny at st. 26 in the region of the VBI (D), in some cases by overlap with marker genes such as globin. The expression pattern
for globin at st. 26 is indicated in purple. They concluded that primitive blood arises from only three blastomeres, C1, D1, and D4 (red),
and that definitive blood arises only from blastomere C3 (blue). The nomenclature for blastomeres (Nakamura and Kishiyama, 1971) is
shown in (B). Abbreviations: cbi, caudal blood islands; DA, dorsal aorta; DLP, dorsolateral plate; LP, lateral plate, also known as leading edge
mesoderm; N, notochord; rbi, rostral blood islands; S, somites; orange asterisk indicates two blastomeres observed to give a small but
reproducible contribution to primitive blood in some embryos found by Lane and Smith (1999).
FIG. 2. Messenger RNA is stable in DEPC-treated dextran. Synthesized
Lac Z mRNA was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis
(lane 2). Mini-ruby dextran (âruby,â lane 3) migrates slightly
toward the anode( ). When Lac Z mRNA is mixed with ruby, ruby
migrates normally, but Lac Z mRNA migrates abnormally, and is
either digested or shifted into a low-mobility smear (white asterisks,
lane 4). The same low-mobility smear was seen in three trials.
Following DEPC treatment, ruby migrates less toward the anode
(lane 5), but is still fluorescent. Lac Z mRNA mixed with DEPC treated
ruby migrates normally.
FIG. 3. An assay of diffusion by two putative lineage tracers coinjected at the four-cell stage. (A). The animal pole region of a rostral
blastomere at the four-cell stage gives rise to the cement gland, the brain, and the retina. The equatorial region of a rostral blastomere gives
rise to rostral notochord and pharyngeal endoderm. (B). In the coinjection assay, a mixture of mini-ruby dextran and Lac Z mRNA was
coinjected at either the animal pole site or subequatorial site of one rostral blastomere. (C). At st. 30, the embryos were fixed, stained for
Lac Z activity, cleared in benzyl benzoate/benzyl alcohol (2:1), and scored for the presence of both tracers in the five tissues shown on the
FIG. 4. Results of the coinjection assay. (AâF). St. 30 embryos after coinjection of Lac Z mRNA and ruby dextran at a rostral, subequatorial
position at the four-cell stage. The distributions of Lac Z activity (red nuclear staining in A, C, E) or ruby dextran (nuclear and cytoplasmic
fluorescence in B, D, F) in tissues distant from the injection site are shown in whole-mount or sectioned specimens. At low magnification,
the distributions of both tracers (A, B) appear similar, but at higher magnification (C, D), the two labels are differentially distributed in the
head. Lac Z activity is not detected in the brain, retina, or cement gland, while ruby labels all three tissues. Sectioned specimens (E, F) reveal
internal structures, such as the pharyngeal endoderm, PE, which is labeled by both tracers. (GâL) St. 30 embryos after coinjection into the
animal pole region of a rostral blastomere, at the four-cell stage. The distribution of Lac Z activity (G, I, K) or ruby dextran (H, J, L) in tissues
that arise from the injection site are shown. At low magnification (G, H) and at higher magnification (I, J and K, L), both tracers label the
same tissues. These results demonstrate that mini-ruby dextran diffuses farther and labels more progeny of an injected blastomere than Lac
FIG. 5. Injection of blastomere C3 with Lac Z mRNA results in
variable labeling. Embryos injected solely with Lac Z mRNA into
blastomere C3 at st. 6 were cultured to st. 32, stained for Lac Z
activity (red), and probed by in situ hybridization for globin expression
(turquoise). (A, C, D) The range of results observed. While globin
expression is constant from embryo to embryo, Lac Z activity is
variable and sometimes overlaps with globin expression in the VBI
(AâC). Although Lac Z detected somites in all C3-injected embryos, in
some specimens (A, C), it labeled both the dorsal (DS) and ventral (VS)
aspect of the somites, while in others (D), it labeled the dorsal, but not
the ventral aspect. Other tissues showing variable Lac Z expression
include the pronephros (P), the lateral plate (LP), and the branchial
arches (BA), all tissues identified in previous maps as normal descendants
of C3 (Dale and Slack, 1987; Moody, 1987). These results
suggest that Lac Z mRNA does not diffuse well and generally labels
only subsets of C3 progeny.
FIG. 6. Ruby dextran detects more progeny than Lac Z mRNA
when coinjected into blastomere C3. St. 32 embryos were stained
for Lac Z activity (red), probed by in situ hybridization for globin
expression (turquoise), and stained for ruby dextran (brown). Lac Z
staining varies between embryos (A), while globin expression and
ruby dextran staining appear fairly consistent. Most noticeable is
the detection of many progeny of C3 in the lateral plate mesoderm.
In (B), both red nuclei and brown cytoplasmic staining detect C3
progeny overlapping with globin expression in the VBI. In (C),
C3-derived, Lac Z-positive cells are among the globin-positive cells
in the VBI. Numerous dextran-positive, Lac Z-negative (brown cells
without red nuclei) are visible in the sectioned embryo (C, D), and
are present in the VBI. The contralateral, uninjected side of the
embryo serves as a staining control.
FIG. 7. Blastomeres C2 and C4 contribute progeny to the VBI. (A, B) Mini-ruby dextran and Lac Z mRNA were coinjected into blastomere
C2 at st. 6. Overlap of dextran-labeled (brown), Lac Z-expressing (red) cells with globin expression in the VBI (blue) demonstrates that C2
contributes to the VBI (arrow in B). (C, D) Coinjection of blastomere C4 demonstrates this cell also contributes progeny to the VBI.
FIG. 8. Fluorescent primitive blood cells from blastomeres C3
and C4 circulate through the gills in tadpoles. Embryos were
injected at st. 6 and filmed at st. 40. Neither blastomere was
identified as a source of the VBI by Ciau-Uitz et al. (2000). The
retina is to the upper left in all images. (AâD) C3 progeny. (EâH) C4
progeny. The gill arches of embryo are shown at three successive
time points in (AâC) and (EâG). In each set of images, stationary
labeled cells are indicated by white asterisks, while a gill arch is
indicated by a white arrow. Blood cells flowing through the gill
arch appear as ever-changing traces. (D, H) Low-magnification
images of the two embryos reveal typical labeling patterns for
blastomeres C3 and C4, respectively. Caudal lateral plate and
caudal somites are labeled in both embryos.
FIG. 9. Schematic diagram illustrating marginal zone morphogenesis and the migration of the lateral plate/leading edge mesoderm into
the region of the ventral blood islands. Ectodermal and endodermal derivatives are ignored throughout this figure. See the text for
discussion. All tissues in (AâE) are prospective as no histological differentiation has occurred. (CâE) Modified from Keller (1991) and Lane
and Sheets (2000), with E further modified based on the recent results of Davidson et al. (2002) on closure of the mesodermal mantle. These
authors showed that the mesodermal mantle does not enclose the blastocoel concentrically, as originally depicted by Keller (1991), but that
the mantle closes primarily by advancing rostral and caudal fronts. Abbreviations: CBI, caudal blood islands; CC, circumblastoporal collar;
CLEM, caudal leading edge mesoderm, which gives rise to the intermediate and caudal lateral plate mesoderms; DLP, dorsolateral plate;
hd, head mesoderm; ht, heart primordia; N, notochord; RBI, rostral blood islands; RLEM, rostral leading edge mesoderm, which includes
head, heart, liver and RBI; S, somite; , indicates the animal pole, which in anurans forms epidermis covering the heart; X, marks the site
where the blastopore closes at st. 13, which becomes the anus.