FIG. 1. Schematic representation of RNA transcripts analyzed for localization. Each transcript was tagged with -globin, as shown for
-globin/3 UTR construct. (A) Initial mapping of VegT 3 UTR using restriction enzymes. Transcripts are named according to their size
and position in the 3 UTR. (B) Defining the borders of VegT LS. Deletions in the 370-nt LS are named from A to G, where A includes the
region 1708â1778; A, 1779â1812; B, 1810â1858; C, 1848â1888; D, 1889â1928; E, 1937â1990; F, 2004â2036; and G, 2043â2078. Numbers
refer to the cDNA sequences beginning with the start codon. (C) Mapping the 5 and 3 SEs. Abbreviations used are the same as in (B). Heavy
black line indicates region deleted. Thin gray lines are included as visual aids. Localization is scored as (completely normal, yellow),
/ (significantly impaired, orange), and (no detectable localization, red). (*) indicates a severely impaired mutant.
FIG. 2. Localization phenotypes of injected VegT mutant transcripts. (A) Vegetal views of injected oocytes assayed by whole-mount in situ
hybridization showing different degrees of localization. The efficiency of localization is scored as (completely normal), /
(significantly impaired), and (no detectable localization). (B) Sections of whole mounts showing internal distribution of injected
transcripts for each localization phenotype.
FIG. 3. E2 RNA motif is a component of the VegT LS. (A) Diagram of VegT transcripts designed to test the role of UUCAC sequences in
VegT localization. Original UUCAC sequences are shown in bold, and their positions within the 300-nt LS are indicated by asterisks.
Substitutions are italicized. Localization efficiency is scored as described in Fig. 2A. (*) indicates a severely impaired mutant. (B)
Localization phenotypes of injected VegT mutant transcripts bearing the substitutions diagrammed in (A). Localization was assayed by
whole-mount in situ hybridization. Corresponding sections of these oocytes are shown on the right.
FIG. 4. Specific RBPs recognize the VegT LS. RNA binding was
assayed in vitro by UV cross-linking. RNA-binding reactions contained
32P-labeled VegT (lanes 1 and 2) or Vg1 (lanes 3 and 4) RNA
transcripts, S100 extract, and either nonspecific competitor RNA
(lanes 1 and 3) or sequence-specific competitor RNA (lanes 2 and 4).
Cross-linked proteins were detected by autoradiography after SDSâ
PAGE. The positions of identified RBPs (left) and molecular weight
markers (right) are indicated.
FIG. 5. Binding of Vg1RBP/Vera and hnRNPI/VgRBP60 to VegT
RNA transcripts. Binding to the wild-type (lanes 1 and 2) and
mutated versions (lanes 3â8) of the VegT LS was assayed in vitro by
UV cross-linking. In localization assays (Figs. 1â3), the wild-type LS
(lanes 1 and 2) was scored as normal ( ), 300sE2BG (lanes 3 and
4) showed no localization ( ), 300 AB (lanes 5 and 6) showed
significant impairment of localization ( / ), and 300 ABC exhibited
no detectable localization ( ). RNA-binding reactions contained
32P-labeled RNA transcripts, partially purified preparations
of Vg1RBP/Vera (top) or hnRNPI/VgRBP60 (bottom), and either
nonspecific competitor RNA (lanes 1, 3, 5, and 7) or sequence specific
competitor RNA (lanes 2, 4, 6, and 8). Cross-linked
proteins were detected by autoradiography after SDSâPAGE.
FIG. 6. Features shared between the Vg1 LS and VegT LS. The VM1 sites are UUUCU, CUUCU, UCUCU, UUUUCC, UCCUCC, or
CUUUU. The E2 sites are UUCAC, UUGCAC, AUCAC, UUCAU, UCCAC, or UUCAG. (A) Comparison of the VegT and Vg1 LS. E2 sites
are shown in blue and VM1 sites are shown in red. The terminal subelements are indicated by brackets. (B) Distribution of E2 and VM1 sites
within the 3 UTRs of VegT and Vg1 RNAs. The E2 sites are depicted as blue triangles, the VM1 sites are shown as red circles, and the VegT
525-LS and Vg1 340-nt LS are boxed.