Figure 1. . ROMK2/IRK1 chimeras. (A) Each protein is divided into the cytoplasmic NH2 and COOH terminus, the two transmembrane domains M1 and M2, and the extracellular loop (ECL), which includes the pore region (P) containing the selectivity filter. Light segments represent components from ROMK2; shaded segments represent components from IRK1. Arrows indicate the positions of the three point mutations K61M, I159V, and I163M. (B) Sequence comparison of ROMK2 and C127.
Figure 2. . pH dependence of ROMK2 and C13. (A and C) Current traces for ROMK2 and C13 at different extracellular/intracellular pH. External solutions contained 55 mM KCl and 55 mM K acetate adjusted to the indicated pH values. Holding potential was 0 mV. Currents were measured at test potentials of â60 to +60 mV. Reducing pHo from 8.2 to 7.4 had little effect on ROMK2 currents (A) but markedly reduced the inward currents through the C13 chimera (C). (B and D) Steady-state I-V relationships for ROMK2 (B) and C13 (D) at different pH.
Figure 3. . pH dependence of inward conductance through ROMK2, C13, and ROMK2 K61M. (A) Conductance was measured in experiments similar to those shown in Fig. 2. Values were normalized to those at pH 8.2 and plotted as a function of external pH. Data represent means ± SEM for 4â6 oocytes. (B) Conductance measured in cut-open oocytes, expressing either ROMK2 or C13. Data were normalized to values obtained at pHi = 9. ROMK2: open squares, solid line, pKa = 6.8 ± .03, Hill coefficient 2.2 ± 0.3 (n = 4). C13: solid circles, dashed line, pKa = 7.7 ± .04, Hill coefficient 2.3 ± 0.3 (n = 7).
Figure 4. . pH dependence of inward conductance through the ROMK2 mutants I163M, L160M, and I159V and the C13 mutant âC13-3Mâ (C13 V159I/M160L/M163I). Conductance was measured and plotted as in Fig. 3 A. Data represent means ± SEM for 4â5 oocytes. Dashed and dotted lines show data for ROMK2 and C13, respectively, from Fig. 3 A.
Figure 5. . Effect of external K+o on inward conductance through C13. (Left) Current traces for a C13-expressing oocyte in 10 mM K+ (A), 1 min after increasing K+ to 25 mM (B) and 40 min after the solution change (C). (Bottom right) Time course of inward conductance. (Top right) I-V curves at times AâC.
Figure 6. . Steady-state concentration-conductance relationships for ROMK2, C13, C13â3M (A), and for I163M and I159V (B). Oocytes were perfused with solutions containing KCl concentrations of 1â110 mM, substituting for NaCl. Data represent means ± SEM for 5â11 oocytes.
Figure 7. . Effect of pH and Ko+ on inward conductance through C107 and C107 I163M. (A) pH dependence. (B) Ko+ dependence. Data represent means ± SEM for five oocytes.
Figure 8. . Activation of C13 and ROMK2 channels by extracellular K+, Rb+, and NH+4. Oocytes were incubated in medium containing 1 mM permeant ion + 109 mM NaCl until a steady-state conductance was achieved. Permeant ion concentrations were then increased in steps up to 110 mM, substituting for Na+. Conductance was normalized to maximal values measured at the 110 mM concentration. (A and B) Current-voltage relationships for C13 with increasing concentrations of K+ (A) or NH4+ (B). (C) Conductance-concentration relationships for C13. (D) Conductance-concentration relationships for ROMK2. Smooth curves are drawn through the data points and have no theoretical meaning. Data represent the means ± SEM for 4â6 oocytes.
Figure 9. . Schematic representation of two possible mechanisms of coupling between inner and outer channel gates, and an experimental test of coupling through restricted K+ access.
Figure 10. . Effect of a depolarizing holding potential on the inward conductance of strongly rectifying channels. (A) Time course of inward conductance changes with C13. Oocytes were superfused with solution containing 25 mM K. Inward conductances were measured between â60 and â80 mV with a holding potential of â40 mV, close to EK and the resting membrane potential. After a steady-state was achieved, the holding potential was changed to +10 mV, and the conductance continued measured at the same test potentials. After 20 min the holding potential was returned to â40 mV. Data represent means ± SEM for five oocytes. (B) Summary of experiments similar to those shown in A using C13 under different initial conditions, including initial holding potential and K+o concentration. (C) Summary of experiments similar to those shown in A using different pH-insensitive channels. The plots in B and C show fractional changes in conductance in response to a 50-mV depolarization. Data represent means ± SEM for 4â6 oocytes.
Figure 11. . Ba2+ block of K+ channels. Oocytes were superfused with solution containing 110 mM KCl. BaCl2 was then added to the solution at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 mM. Currents were measured at voltages between â20 and â160 mV under each condition and were normalized to values obtained in the absence of Ba2+. (A and B) Typical traces for ROMK2 (A) and C13 (B) -expressing oocytes with zero, submaximal (0.1 mM), and near-maximal (10 mM) Ba2+. (C) Doseâresponse relationships of different channels at a voltage of â160 mV. Data represent means ± SEM (shown for representative data points) of 4â7 oocytes. (D) KBa values as a function of voltage. Mean values obtained from best-fits to the data points to the equation: KBa (V) = KBa(0)exp(2FδBaV/RT). Values of KBa(0) (mM) and δBa were: ROMK2 (13.8; 0.27) C13 (1.4; 0.21) C25 (7.8; 0.21) C13K61M (10.0; 0.19) ROMK2I163M (2.8; 0.23).
Figure 12. . Effect of pH on Ba2+ block of ROMK2 channels. Data were obtained in experiments similar to those shown in Fig. 5 using pHo 7.8 (A) and 7.0 (B). Best fits to the data using the equation described in Fig. 6 gave values of KBa(0) = 10.4 mM (pH 7.8) and 1.5 mM (pH 7.0). (C and D) Voltage dependence of block at pH 7.8 (C) and 7.0 (D). Values of δBa were 0.23 (pH 7.8) and 0.24 (pH 7.0), respectively.
Figure 13. . Possible interactions between I163 at the end of the second transmembrane helix of subunit A with residues (e.g., W50) on the slide helix of subunit D. The relevant residues for Kir 1.1 pH gating (space-filled) are superimposed on the crystal structure of a KirBac1.1. Only 2 of 4 KirBac1.1 subunits are shown.