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RNA 2013 Nov 01;1911:1575-82. doi: 10.1261/rna.041665.113.
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Bicaudal-C spatially controls translation of vertebrate maternal mRNAs.

Cooke A , Park S , Dewey CN , Wickens M , Sheets MD .

The Xenopus Cripto-1 protein is confined to the cells of the animal hemisphere during early embryogenesis where it regulates the formation of anterior structures. Cripto-1 protein accumulates only in animal cells because cripto-1 mRNA in cells of the vegetal hemisphere is translationally repressed. Here, we show that the RNA binding protein, Bicaudal-C (Bic-C), functioned directly in this vegetal cell-specific repression. While Bic-C protein is normally confined to vegetal cells, ectopic expression of Bic-C in animal cells repressed a cripto-1 mRNA reporter and associated with endogenous cripto-1 mRNA. Repression by Bic-C required its N-terminal domain, comprised of multiple KH motifs, for specific binding to relevant control elements within the cripto-1 mRNA and a functionally separable C-terminal translation repression domain. Bic-C-mediated repression required the 5' CAP and translation initiation factors, but not a poly(A) tail or the conserved SAM domain within Bic-C. Bic-C-directed immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing of associated mRNAs identified multiple Bic-C-regulated mRNA targets, including cripto-1 mRNA, providing new insights and tools for understanding the role of Bic-C in vertebrate development.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 24062572
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC3851724
??? RNA
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: bicc1 cripto.3

References [+] :
Arroyo, Advances in WNK signaling of salt and potassium metabolism: clinical implications. 2012, Pubmed