Figure 1. . Cd2+ confers high affinity regulatory effects only through the D362/D367 site. (AâC) Traces show currents from inside-out patches for Slo1 and indicated mutants with cytosolic [Cd2+]i as shown in A. Voltage steps were from â80 mV through to +160 mV in 20-mV increments following 40 ms at â180 mV, with tail currents at â120 mV. (D-F) GâV curves were generated over [Cd2+]i from 0 to 300 μM for Slo1 (n = 6), D362A/D367A (n = 7) and 5D5N (n = 6). Open diamonds, 0 μM; filled diamonds, 10 μM; open circles, 30 μM; filled circles, 100 μM; open triangles, 300 μM. Current amplitude is markedly reduced when [Cd2+]i is >300 μM (not depicted). (G) Activation ÎVh is plotted versus [Cd2+]i for wild-type Slo1 (n = 6) and for the construct with the D362A/D367A mutation (n = 7). (H) ÎVh is plotted versus [Cd2+] for Slo1 versus 5D5N (n = 6). (I) ÎVh is plotted versus [Cd2+] for Slo1 versus E399A (n = 7) and the combined mutation of D362A/D367A + E399A (n = 8).
Figure 2. . The ability of Mn2+ to activate BK current depends on the E399 low affinity site. (AâC) Currents resulting from Slo1 (A), E399A (B), and the triple mutation (C, 5D5N + D362AD367A + E399A) were activated as in Fig. 1. (DâF) GâV curves were generated over [Mn2+]i from 0 to 5 mM for Slo1 (n = 6), E399A (n = 5), and the triple mutation (n = 5). Open diamonds, 0 μM; filled diamonds, 100 μM; open circles, 300 μM; filled circles, 1 mM; open triangles, 2 mM; filled triangles, 5 mM. (G) Activation ÎVh is plotted versus [Mn2+]i for Slo1 (n = 6) and E399A (n = 5). (H) Activation ÎVh is plotted versus [Mn2+]i for mutants containing E399A (5D5N + E399A, n = 4; D362A/D367A + E399A, n = 6; triple mutation, n = 5). (H) Activation ÎVh is plotted versus [Mn2+]i for Slo1 and mutants not containing E399A (5D5N, n = 5; D362A/D367A, n = 7; 5D5N + D362A/D367A, n = 8).
Figure 3. . Effects of Ni2+ and Co2+ are disrupted by the E399A mutation. (A) Activation ÎVh is plotted as a function of [Ni2+]i for Slo1 (n = 4) and E399A (n = 6). (B) Activation ÎVh is plotted as a function of [Ni2+] for Slo1 and the construct with mutation of both high affinity sites (5D5N + D362A/D367A, n = 5). (C) Activation ÎVh is plotted as a function of [Ni2+]i for all mutants containing E399A (5D5N + E399A, n = 6; D362A/D367A + E399A, n = 5; triple mutation, n = 6). (D) Activation ÎVh is plotted as a function of [Ni2+] for all constructs with an intact E399 (5D5N, n = 5; D362A/D367A, n = 9; 5D5N + D362A/D367A, n = 5). (EâH) Activation ÎVh is plotted as a function of [Co2+] for combinations of constructs identical to those in AâD. mSlo1, n = 5; 5D5N, n = 5; D362A/D367A, n = 4; E399A, n = 4; 5D5N + D362A/D367A, n = 5; 5D5N + E399A, n = 6; D362A/D367A + E399A, n = 5; triple mutation, n = 4.
Figure 4. . Sr2+ activates BK channels through all three mutationally defined sites. (A) Current activation by Sr2+ for Slo1 is shown for voltages up to +200 mV. Note the slow voltage-dependent block at [Sr2+] of 300 μM and higher. (B) Currents activated by Sr2+ in construct D362A/D367A+E399A are shown. Note the faster time based in BâD, in comparison to A. (C) Currents activated by Sr2+ in construct D362A/D367A are shown. (D) Currents activated by Sr2+ in channels containing the E399A mutation are shown. The stimulation protocol was similar to that in Fig. 1. (EâH) GâV curves were generated over [Sr2+]i from 0 to 20 mM for wild-type Slo1(E, n = 7), the mutant with only the intact Ca2+ bowl region (D362A/D367A + E399A, F, n = 7), D362A/D367A (G, n = 7), and E399A (H, n = 5). [Sr2+]i are as follows: filled circles, 0 μM; filled blue circles, 10 μM; open squares, 50 μM; filled squares, 100 μM; filled red circles, 300 μM; open circles, 1 mM; open triangles, 2 mM; filled triangles, 5 mM; open diamonds, 10 mM; filled green circle, 20 mM. GâV amplitudes were normalized to the maximal current amplitude at 10 μM Sr2+. The colored horizontal bar indicates the approximate shift in the GâV curve for increases in Sr2+ from 0 to 10 μM (blue), 10 to 300 μM (red), 300 μM to 20 mM (green), corresponding approximately to the contribution of the Ca2+ bowl (blue), D362/D367 (red), and E399 (green) to the effect of Sr2+.
Figure 5. . The calcium bowl is mainly responsible for the acceleration of activation from 0 to 10 mM Ca2+. (A) Typical currents used for measurement of current activation time constants are shown for mSlo1 with 0, 1, 10, and 300 μM Ca2+ along with the voltage activation protocol. (B) Examples of Slo1 tail currents used for measurement of deactivation time constants are given for the indicated [Ca2+]. Voltage steps were from â180 to +180 mV in 20-mV increments (only every 40 mV is shown in the displayed protocol). (C) Activation (filled symbols) and deactivation (open symbols) time constants for Slo1 (n = 6) are plotted at various [Ca2+] showing the slower deactivation and faster activation produced by Ca2+. Traces on the right (top pair of traces) show normalized current activation at +190 mV with 0 μM Ca2+ (green line is fitted single exponential, 1.00 ms) and 10 μM Ca2+ (red fitted exponential, 0.227 ms). Bottom pair of right-hand traces show current deactivation at â180 mV for 0 μM Ca2+ (green fitted line, 0.041 ms) and 300 μM Ca2+ (blue fitted line, 0.107 ms). Both activation and deactivation examples are from the same patch. For activation time courses, only every 10th digitized current value is displayed. (D) Time constants are plotted as in C, but for 5D5N (n = 6). Traces on the right are identical in format to those in C. Activation Ï: 0 Ca2+, 0.996 ms; 10 μM Ca2+, 0.771 ms. Deactivation t: 0 Ca2+, 0.041 ms; 300 μM Ca2+, 0.107 ms. (E) Time constants are plotted as in C, but for D362A/D367A + E399A (n = 8). Activation Ï: 0 Ca2+, 1.61 ms; 10 μM Ca2+, 0.254 ms. Deactivation Ï: 0 Ca2+, 0.074 ms; 10 μM Ca2+, 0.080 ms.
Figure 6. . The D362/D367 site slows deactivation and accelerates activation in the range of 10 to 300 μM Ca2+. Activation and deactivation time courses were determined as in Fig. 5 at 0, 1, 10, and 300 μM Ca2+. (A) Effects of Ca2+ on activation and deactivation time constants are plotted as a function of command voltage for D362A/D367A (n = 6). Open symbols were measured from deactivation protocols and filled symbols from activation protocols. Representative normalized current traces for activation (at +190 mV) and deactivation (at â180 mV) are shown on the right, along with lines showing single exponential fits. Activation time constants: 0 Ca2+ (green), 1.74 ms; 10 μM Ca2+ (red), 0.34 ms; 300 μM Ca2+ (blue), 0.27 ms. Deactivation time constants: 0 Ca2+ (green), 0.104 ms; 300 μM Ca2+ (blue), 0.129 ms. (B) Time constants for the construct with both the Ca2+ bowl and E399 mutated (5D5N+E399A; n = 7) are plotted with representation current traces and fitted exponentials on the right. Activation time constants: 0 Ca2+, 1.22 ms; 10 μM Ca2+, 0.74 ms; 300 μM Ca2+, 0.26 ms. Deactivation time constants: 0 Ca2+, 0.065 ms; 300 μM Ca2+, 0.130 ms. (C) The dependence of activation and deactivation time constants is plotted at various Ca2+ for the construct with both higher affinity sites mutated (5D5N+D362A/D367A, n = 6) with sample traces and fitted single exponentials on the right. Activation time constants: 0 Ca2+, 1.69 ms; 10 μM Ca2+, 1.67 ms; 300 μM Ca2+, 2.91 ms. Deactivation time constants: 0 Ca2+, 0.079; 300 μM Ca2+, 0.631 ms.
Figure 7. . The E399 low affinity site slows deactivation. Activation and deactivation time courses were determined as in Fig. 5 but either in the absence or presence of 20 mM Mg2+. (A) Effect of 20 mM Mg2+ on activation time constants or deactivation time constants in wild-type Slo1 (n = 6). Open symbols, deactivation; filled symbols, activation. Traces on the right show normalized deactivation currents at â180 mV with either 0 Mg2+ (red fitted line, 0.061 ms) or 20 mM Mg2+ (blue fitted line, 0.107 ms). (B) Effect of 20 mM Mg2+ on activation and deactivation time constants with the E399A mutation (n = 7). Traces on the right are as in A. Ïd: 0 μM Mg2+, 0.055 ms; 20 mM Mg2+, 0.066 ms. (C) Effect of 20 mM Mg2+ in the construct with both higher affinity sites mutated (5D5N+D362A/D367A; n = 7). Traces on the right are as in A. Ïd: 0 μM Mg2+, 0.076 ms; 20 mM Mg2+, 0.170 ms. Circles, 0 μM Mg2+; diamonds, 20 mM Mg2+.