FIGURE 1. Schematic of Paxillin functional domains. XePaxillin has 80%
homology to mammalian isoforms of Paxillin. The N-terminal half has five LD
motifs and the C-terminal half has four LIM domains. Between the first and
second LD motif are three conserved phosphorylation sites. The first two
regions, 31-YSFP-34 and 99-YSFP-102, are SH2 binding sites at which tyrosine
phosphorylation has been reported. The third region, 107-SAEPSP-112, contains
two serine residues that are conserved Paxillin phosphorylation sites.
FIGURE 2. Paxillin is required for steroid-induced oocyte maturation. A, oocytes were injected with HAtagged
XePaxillin cRNA (XePax) to increase XePaxillin expression, double-stranded XePaxillin cRNA (ds XePax)
to decrease XePaxillin expression, or 10 mM Hepes (Mock). After 48 h, oocytes were incubated with the indicated
concentrations of testosterone and maturation (germinal vesicle breakdown) was scored after 16 h.
B, oocytes were injected with either sense or antisense oligonucleotides without and with HA-XePaxillin cRNA
and then treated as in A. Rescued oocytes contained HA-XePaxillin as measured by Western blot using an
anti-HA antibody (inset). Results of dsRNA and antisense knockdown studies are representative of at least five
experiments each. C, immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin-embedded sections of mock, XePaxillin
dsRNA, XePaxillin sense oligonucleotide, or XePaxillin antisense oligonucleotide injected oocytes. Sections
were incubated with equal concentrations of rabbit anti-Paxillin antisera or the corresponding preimmune
serum. These are representative photos of multiple slides. D, the anti-Paxillin, but not the corresponding
pre-immune, serum recognizes the C-terminal half of XePaxillin when overexpressed in oocytes. Oocytes were
injected with cRNAs encoding the indicated proteins and Western blots performed after 48 h. E, XePaxillin
mRNA is present in sense-injected oocytes but disappears in oocytes injected with XePaxillin antisense oligonucleotides,
as detected by Northern blot (upper panel). Northern blots correspond to the mRNA prepared for
Fig. 2D. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA levels were unchanged (lower panel).
FIGURE 3. Knockdown of Paxillin blocks accumulation of MOS and activation of p42 ERK. A, oocytes were
injected with HA-tagged XePaxillin (Pax), XePaxillin dsRNA (dsPax), or Hepes (Mock). After 48 h, oocytes were
incubated with 150 nM testosterone, 50 g/ml insulin, or 0.1% ethanol. Oocytes were permeabilized at 4 and
8 h and immunoblottedfor HA-Pax, MOS (after 8 h), or phospho-p42 ERK (p42-PO4) (after 4 h). Phospho-p42 ERK
blots were stripped and re-probed for total p42 ERK. B, oocytes injected with either sense or antisense Paxillin
oligonucleotides were stimulated with 300 nM testosterone, and lysates were probed as in panel A. C and D,
oocytes were injected with the indicated reagents as described above. Oocytes were then injected with 10 ng
of Mos 3UTR polyadenylation reporter RNA after 40 h and stimulated with 300 nM testosterone or ethanol. RNA
was extracted at the indicated times, and equal amounts of RNA were loaded per lane. Polyadenylation of the
3UTR reporter was analyzed by Northern blot using radiolabeled Mos 3UTR DNA as the probe. Slower migration
of RNA represents increased polyadenylation. E and F, MOS rescues the inhibition of maturation from
decreased Paxillin expression. Oocytes were injected with 5 ng of Mos cRNA or 10 mM Hepes (Mock) 40 h after
injection of oocytes with sense or antisense Paxillin oligonucleotides. Oocytes were permeabilized after 18 h
and lysates probed for MOS and phospho-p42 ERK (E). The lower panel represents a stripped phospho-p42 ERK
blot probed for total p42 ERK. The percentage of spontaneous maturation induced by injection of Mos cRNA
(MOS) after 18 h was also measured (F). All data represent one of at least three experiments with essentially
identical results. Twenty oocytes per point were used for each data set, and the experiments for A and C were
performed on the same set of injected oocytes at the same time with the same reagents, as were the experiments
in B, D, E, and F.
FIGURE 4. Paxillin is phosphorylated late during maturation in a MEK-dependent fashion. A, oocytes were stimulated with 1 M testosterone (to ensure
maximum signaling) 40 h after injection of oocytes with HA-Paxillin cRNA. Oocytes were permeabilized at the indicated times, and 30 l of the sample was
treated with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase. Equal amounts of lysate were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by Western blot with and anti-HA antibody. The
higher mobility bands represent phosphorylated Paxillin. B, oocytes were injected with either HA-tagged cRNA encoding full-length (FL) Paxillin, the N-terminal
half of Paxillin (N-Paxillin, residues 1â304), or the C-terminal half of Paxillin (C-Paxillin, residues 291â539). 40 h post-injection, oocytes were stimulated with
1M testosterone, permeabilized at the indicated times, and immunoblotted with HA antibody. C, lysatesfrom Awere probed with MOS antibody.Dand E, 40 h
post-injection, HA-Paxillin-expressing oocytes were pretreated with either Me2SO or 50 M PD98059 for 2 h before stimulation with 1 M testosterone (D) or
injection with Mos cRNA (E). Either Me2SO or PD98059 was maintained in the media throughout the experiment. Oocytes were permeabilized at the indicated
times and lysates probed for HA, MOS, and phospho-p42 ERK2. F, COS-7 cells were transfected with a total of 1g of DNA that consisted of pcDNA3.1, cDNAs
encoding either HA-Paxillin (0.5 g) or HA-MOS (0.5 g), or both HA-Paxillin and HA-MOS (0.5 g each). After 18 h, cells were starved for 24 h, and then treated
with either 50 M PD98059 or Me2SO vehicle for 2 h. Cells were permeabilized, and equal amounts of lysate were probed for HA and phospho-ERKs.
Phospho-ERK blots were stripped and re-probed for total ERK. Each experiment was reproduced at least three times with essentially identical results. Oocytes
in AâE were from the same batch and treated as indicated at the same time.
FIGURE 5. Paxillin phosphorylation and function depends on serine residues
107 and 111. A, oocytes were injected with HA-tagged Paxillin cRNA
that encoded either wild-type Paxillin (WT-Pax), singly mutated Paxillin
(S107A or S111A), or doubly mutated Paxillin (S107/111A). 40 h post-injection,
oocytes were stimulated with or without 1 M testosterone for 16 h, and
lysates were probed with HA antibody. B, oocytes depleted of Paxillin by
antisense injection (AS) were co-injected with either wild-type Paxillin (WTPax)
or the double serine to alanine mutant Paxillin (S107/111A-Pax). Oocytes
were then incubated with increasing doses of testosterone. Twenty oocytes
were used for each data point. C, lysates from the oocytes treated with 250 nM
testosterone fro 16 h in B were analyzed for MOS expression and p42 ERK
activation by Western blot. Phospho-p42 ERK blots were stripped and reprobed
for total p42 ERK. D, equivalent expression of wild-type and S107A/
S111A Paxillin in the oocytes from B was verified by HA immunoblot. Each
study was performed at least three times with essentially identical results.
FIGURE 6. p42 ERK phosphorylates Paxillin in vitro. A, GST fusion proteins
of full-length wild-type Paxillin (WT-Pax), S107A/S111A Paxillin (S107/111APax),
or GST alone were incubated with either inactive or active ERK2 in the
presence of 10 Ci of [32P]ATP. No phosphorylation of GST alone was
observed (data not shown). B, Western blots show equal, if not greater, loading
of S107A/S111A Paxillin compared with WT-Paxillin.
FIGURE 7. Proposed model describing Paxillin function during oocyte
maturation. Testosterone stimulation of oocytes via the classic androgen
receptor triggers a decrease in intracellular cAMP. This drop in cAMP leads to
increased polyadenylation of Mos mRNA, resulting in a small increase in MOS
protein expression. MOS then activates MEK1, which in turn activates ERK2.
Activated ERK2, and possibly other intracellular kinases, then phosphorylate
Paxillin, which acts to further enhance MOS protein expression by either
increasing MOS protein translation, decreasing MOS degradation, or both.
This powerful positive feedback loop eventually leads to activation of the
maturation promoting factor (MPF, or cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1), and
cyclin B), resulting in meiotic resumption.