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Dev Cell 2013 Jan 14;241:41-51. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2012.11.017.
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Imparting regenerative capacity to limbs by progenitor cell transplantation.

Lin G , Chen Y , Slack JM .

The frog Xenopus can normally regenerate its limbs at early developmental stages but loses the ability during metamorphosis. This behavior provides a potential gain-of-function model for measures that can enhance limb regeneration. Here, we show that frog limbs can be caused to form multidigit regenerates after receiving transplants of larval limb progenitor cells. It is necessary to activate Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the cells and to add Sonic hedgehog, FGF10, and thymosin β4. These factors promote survival and growth of the grafted cells and also provide pattern information. The eventual regenerates are not composed solely of donor tissue; the host cells also make a substantial contribution despite their lack of regeneration competence. Cells from adult frog legs or from regenerating tadpole tails do not promote limb regeneration, demonstrating the necessity for limb progenitor cells. These findings have obvious implications for the development of a technology to promote limb regeneration in mammals.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 23273877
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC3549047
??? Dev Cell
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: axin1 ctnnb1 dusp6 eef1a1 fgf10 fgf20 fgf8 gdf5 hand2 hoxa13 lgr5 shh wnt3a wnt5a zic2 zic5

Phenotypes: Xla Wt + forelimb amputation (Fig.3.C) [+]

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References [+] :
Barker, Identification of stem cells in small intestine and colon by marker gene Lgr5. 2007, Pubmed