Fig. 1. fatvg and related proteins.
(A) Nucleotide sequence and
deduced amino acid sequence of the
fatvg cDNA clone (accession
number: AF184090). A putative
transmembrane domain (underlined)
and a coiled-coil region (bracketed
and underlined) were predicted using
the BCM search launcher (Smith et
al., 1996). In the 3¢UTR, three E2
sequences, TTCAC, are underlined.
A polyadenylation signal, AATAAA,
located near the 3¢ end is italicized. A
25-nt fragment (1284-1308), which
directs vegetal cortical localization, is
shown in lower case. (B) Amino acid
sequence comparison of fatvg and
related proteins. Identical residues
found among three or all sequences
are shown in dark shaded boxes. The
percentage of amino acid sequence
identity and homology among fatvg,
ADRP, Adipophilin and TIP47/PP17
are shown in parentheses.
Fig. 2. Temporal expression of fatvg mRNA during early
development. In a northern analysis (upper panel), a probe
complementary to the coding region and the 3¢UTR of fatvg was
hybridized to total RNA at various stages of development. Ethidium
bromide staining (lower panel) showed the amount of ribosomal
RNAs and served as a loading control.
Fig. 3. fatvg encoded a vegetally localized RNA in oocytes. Wholemount
in situ hybridization was carried out using albino oocytes.
(A) In stage I oocytes, fatvg mRNA was distributed throughout the
cytoplasm but was excluded from the mitochondrial cloud. Bar, 50
mm. (B) In stage II oocytes, fatvg mRNA was first detected in the
center of the mitochondrial cloud. The majority of the RNA was
detected in the cytoplasm. Bar, 75 mm. (C) fatvg mRNA was detected
in the entire mitochondrial cloud which was at the vegetal cortex.
Bar, 100 mm. (D,E) In situ hybridization performed on sectioned
stage I and stage III oocytes. (D) No staining was observed in the
mitochondrial cloud in stage I oocytes. Bar, 60 mm. (E) A âwedgeâ-
shaped localization pattern of fatvg mRNA was observed in stage III
oocytes. Bar, 120 mm. (F) In stage III-IV oocytes, fatvg mRNA was
detected in the vegetal pole region. (G) fatvg mRNA occupied almost
the entire vegetal hemisphere in stage V oocytes. Bar, 400 mm in F,G.
(H-J) For comparison, whole-mount in situ hybridization is also
shown for the localization of Vg1 (H), Xcat2 (I) and Xlsirts (J) in
stage I and II oocytes. Bars, 250 mm (H); 300 mm (I,J).
Fig. 4. Localization pattern of fatvg mRNA was identical to Vg1
mRNA in stage III oocytes. Double in situ hybridization was
performed on sectioned albino oocytes. (A,B) An oocyte section
hybridized to fatvg and Vg1 antisense RNA probes. (A) fatvg mRNA
was visualized using chromogenic substrate BCIP/NBT, which gave
a purple colour. fatvg mRNA was present in three regions: the
âcrescentâ area next to the germinal vesicle, the vegetal cytoplasm
and the vegetal cortex. (B) Vg1 mRNA was visualized on the same
section as in A using Vector Red substrate. Vg1 mRNA localized to
the same regions as fatvg mRNA at this stage of oogenesis. Bar, 80
mm in A,B. (C,D) An oocyte section hybridized to fatvg and Xcat2
antisense RNA probes. (C) fatvg mRNA showed the same pattern of
localization as described in A. (D) Xcat2 mRNA localized to a
restricted region at the vegetal cortex (delimited by arrows) but was
not detected in the âcrescentâ area. Bar, 40 mm in C,D. gv, germinal
vesicle; arrowhead, âcrescentâ area; arrow, vegetal cortex
Fig. 5. Visualization of digoxigenin-labelled RNAs after injection of
wild-type and mutant fatvg 3¢UTR transcripts into stage III albino
oocytes. Localization was observed in oocytes injected with
transcripts fv(ORF+3¢UTR) (A), fv3¢(UTR) (C), fv3¢(UTR-D) (E)
and fv3¢(1-102) (G) transcripts. No localization was detected in
oocytes injected with the fv(ORF) transcript (D). Bar,100 mm (A,CE,
G). Sections of injected oocytes are also shown for transcripts
fv(ORF+3¢UTR) (B), fv3¢(UTR-D) (F) and fv3¢(1-102) (H). Arrows
indicate vegetal cortical localization of injected transcripts. Note that
injected RNAs are only detected in the âcrescentâ area for transcripts
that contain a full-length 3¢UTR (B,F). Bar, 50 mm (B,F); 25 mm (H).
Fig. 6. Constructs used for the mapping of fatvg 3¢UTR. Transcripts
containing a full-length fatvg 3¢UTR [fv(ORF+3¢UTR), fv3¢ (UTR),
fv3¢ (UTR-D) and fv3¢ (UTR-M)] showed strong localization and
were scored as ++. Transcripts containing short regions of fatvg
3¢UTR [fv3¢ (1-221), fv3¢ (157-356), fv3¢ (1-102), fv3¢ (188-288)
and fv3¢ (239-356)] showed a weaker localization and were scored as
+. No localization was observed for transcripts that contain the
coding region of fatvg [fv(ORF)] and two short regions of the 3¢UTR
[fv3¢ (78-178), fv3¢ (128-221)] and these transcripts were scored as
-. *Sites of E2 elements that were deleted or mutated in fv3¢ (UTRD)
and fv3¢ (UTR-M), respectively.
Fig. 7. Analyses of 1-102 nt of fatvg 3¢UTR. (A) The requirements for a U-rich region
and an E2 element in transcript fv3¢ (1-102) were tested. All transcripts showed
localization when injected into oocytes. (B) fv3¢ (1-102) transcript was able to function
when placed at the 5¢ or the 3¢ end of the coding region but only localized when
presented in the forward orientation. (C) Mapping of fv3¢ (1-102) by deletion. By
injecting transcripts containing different regions of fv3¢ (1-102), fv3¢ (28-58) was found
to retain the ability to localize. A shorter transcript fv3¢ (28-52) was also tested, which
was devoid of an E2 element at the 3¢ end of fv3¢ (28-58). *Transcript fv3¢ (28-58) was
able to localize, albeit more weakly.
Fig. 8. Visualization of injected digoxigenin-labelled RNA after
injection of deletion constructs of 1-102 into stage III albino oocytes.
Localization of injected transcripts are shown as whole mount for
fv3¢(28-102) (A), fv3¢(28-58) (C) and fv3¢(28-52) (E). Arrowheads
indicate the boundary of weak localization in E. Bar, 200 mm (A,C);
150 mm (E), in whole-mount oocytes. Sections of injected oocytes
are also shown for transcripts fv3¢(28-102) (B), fv3¢(28-58) (D) and
fv3¢(28-52) (F). Bar,15 mm for all sections.