Fig. 1. The corresponding amino acid sequences for xCRABP and
the xCRABP cDNA probes and artificial xCRABP mRNAs used in
this study. (A) Alignment of one letter code protein sequence of the
Xenopus laevis cellular retinoic acid binding protein (xCRABP)
with those of known CRABPs from other species. Xenopus laevis
CRABP is compared with bovine CRABPI (bCRABPI) (Shubeita et
al. 1987), and with mouse CRABPI (mCRABPI) (Vaessen et al.,
1990a), mouse CRABPII (mCRABPII) (Kitamoto et al., 1989) and a
partial chicken CRABPI amino acid sequence (chCRABP-I)
(Vaessen et al., 1990b). Boxed sequences indicate non-conservative
amino acid substitutions. (B) Restriction map of the xCRABP cDNA
clone. The black box indicates the open reading frame which is the
region homologous to other known CRABPs (shown in Fig. 1A).
The lower panel shows the probes used in our experiments. For
northern blot analysis and in situ hybridisation a 1050 bp
EcoRI/SalI open reading frame containing fragment (1) and a 950
bp SalI/EcoRI non-coding fragment (2) of xCRABP cDNA were
used as probes. A 138 bp template (SalI-AvaII fragment) was used
to generate antisense RNA xCRABP probe for RNase protection
assays (3). (C) Diagrammatic representation of the sense (1),
antisense (2), and nonsense (3) Sp6 or T7 RNA polymerasegenerated
mRNAs used for injection into 1-cell-stage Xenopus
embryos and used in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate assay. The
nonsense mRNA contains an in-frame 270 bp human parathyroid
hormone receptor (PTHR) AvaI fragment (Karperien et al.,
unpublished data) cloned in the AvaI site of xCRABP.
Fig. 2. Developmental expression of xCRABP mRNA. Northern blot
of total RNA from embryos at the stages indicated (Nieuwkoop and
Faber, 1967), hybridised to both xCRABP and histone H3 probes.
Each lane represents 15 mg of total RNA. The equivalence and
integrity of the RNA was monitored by ethidium bromide staining of
the gel prior to blotting (not shown). The equivalence was also
monitored by hybridising the northern blot with the histone H3 probe
(Destrée et al., 1984). The location of the xCRABP transcript of 2.3
kb is indicated. A smaller transcript (1.9 kb) which is detectable at a
very low level tends to disappear after washing at high stringency,
indicating that this transcript is partially homologous to, but not
identical with, xCRABP.
Fig. 3. xCRABP in situ hybridisation. Whole embryos were
hybridised to antisense xCRABP probes. Hybridisation was
visualised using an alkaline phosphatase reaction with nitro blue
tetrazolium (NBT) as the substrate. (A) Stage 10.5 (early gastrula
stage), cross section. Staining was observed in the animal
hemisphere and in the marginal zone above the dorsal lip (DL).
(B) Stage 11.5 (late gastrula embryo), dorsal view. Staining is
evident in the presumptive anterior (hindbrain region) part of the
embryo. A semicircle of staining was also found in the dorsal lip
(DL) of the blastopore, in the posterior region of the developing
embryo. It is notable that, already at this stage, the midline of the
neural plate (notoplate) shows lower xCRABP expression. (C) Stage
14/15 (early neurula stage), dorsal-lateral view. Staining was found
in the presumptive hindbrain and tail regions. There are also small
lateral and anterior patches of staining, which possibly correspond
with the future nasal pit and branchial arch regions. The midline of
the neural plate is negative for xCRABP expression. (D) Stage 25
(tailbud stage), dorsal view. This photo shows regional differences in
the distribution of xCRABP mRNA in the CNS. Anteriorly, the
forebrain-related structures show very light staining, the midbrain
structures show somewhat stronger staining while the hindbrain
shows abundant xCRABP expression. The spinal cord also clearly
shows positive staining. (E) Stage 25 (tailbud stage), side view (same
embryo as shown in Fig. 3D). xCRABP expression is evident in the
tail region (in the mesoderm as well as in the central nervous
system), in the neural tube, in the hindbrain region, and in the
presumptive branchial arch and nasal pit area. (F) Stage 32 (tailbud
stage), side view. The hybridisation signal was found in the branchial
arches (BA), as well as the hindbrain, in rhombomere 4 above the
otic vesicle (OV), in rhombomeres 6, 7 and 8 (rhombomere 5 shows
no xCRABP expression) and in the anterior spinal cord. The anterior
spinal cord, next to the hindbrain, demonstrates a relatively abundant
signal that fades in the more posterior part of the spinal cord.
Furthermore, staining can be observed in the region of the nasal pit
(NP) and at the boundary between the mesencephalon and the
rhombencephalon. The tip of the tail also still contains xCRABP
mRNA. (G) An RA-treated stage 14/15 (early neurula stage) embryo,
side view. Enhanced expression of xCRABP was observed in the
presumptive hindbrain region of the embryo. No staining was
observed in the presumptive tail region. This embryo, and the
embryo in Fig. 3H, were stained for a shorter time than the embryos
in Fig. 3A-G (see below). The anterior hybridisation signal is
actually much stronger than in control embryos at the same stage.
(H) A RA-treated stage 25 (tailbud stage) embryo, side view.
Enhanced expression of xCRABP occurs both in the presumptive
hindbrain region and in the tail (staining as in Fig. 3G). In B-H, the
embryos are shown with their anterior sides to the left.
Note: The embryo depicted in A was stained for 3 days, while the
embryos shown in B-F were stained overnight with NBT (see
experimental procedures).
Fig. 4. The stability and the translation of the xCRABP mRNA. (A) RNase protection assays were used to examine the stability of injected
sense xCRABP mRNA during development. These were used to measure xCRABP mRNA-injected embryos (hatched bars) and controls
injected with full-length antisense xCRABP mRNA (open bars) at the stages (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1967) indicated using a 138 bp xCRABP 3¢
untranslated (SalI-AvaII) fragment as the probe (see Fig. 1B, fragment 3). Xom62/9 was used as an internal standard for quantification. The
sense xCRABP-injected embryos maintain a strongly enhanced level of xCRABP mRNA. (B) A Northern blot showing three lanes with total
RNA, isolated at stage 20 (late neurula/early tailbud stage) from non-injected (1), sense (2) and antisense xCRABP (3)-injected embryos
hybridised to a 950 bp 3¢ untranslated SalI-EcoRI fragment of the xCRABP cDNA clone. This also demonstrates the stability of the 2.0 kb
synthetic mRNAs injected into 1-cell-stage embryos. (C) Translation of xCRABP mRNA. A rabbit reticulocyte assay (Promega) and metabolic
labeling using [35S]methionine was used to confirm that the sense xCRABP mRNA is translated into an approximately 15´103 Mr protein (lane
1). The antisense xCRABP mRNA is not translated into a protein (lane 2).
Fig. 5. sense xCRABP mRNA overexpression causes developmental
defects. Microinjection of sense xCRABP mRNA (A), TE-buffer (B),
antisense xCRABP mRNA (C) and nonsense xCRABP mRNA (D)
into 1-cell-stage Xenopus embryos. The injection of sense xCRABP
mRNA (A) induced anteroposterior defects in a large percentage
(63%) of the injected embryos, while the controls (B-D) failed to
develop many defects. The embryos were examined at stage 35 for
specific A-P defects, e.g. reduced or fused eyes, reduced cement
gland, reduced forebrain structures, tail shortening, reduction of heart
and kidneys (see experimental procedures). Values are means ±
s.e.m. of 9 independent experiments.
Fig. 6. Phenotypes of normal and xCRABP-injected embryos. A, anterior; P, posterior. (A) Normal stage 35 (tailbud stage) embryo, side view.
(B) xCRABP mRNA-injected stage 35 embryo, side view. (C) Normal stage 47 (tadpole) embryo, side view. (D) xCRABP mRNA-injected
stage 47 embryo, side view. (E) Stage 47 embryo, dorsal view. Stained with 2G9, a neural-specific antibody to reveal the central nervous
system. FB, forebrain; HB, hindbrain; SC, spinal cord. (F) xCRABP mRNA-injected stage 47 embryo, dorsal view, stained with 2G9. This
staining shows that the forebrain (FB) is strongly reduced, the hindbrain (HB) is still detectable, but the spinal cord (SC) ends up in a knot-like
structure and does not develop in the posterior (tail) region of the embryo.
Fig. 7. Graphical reconstructions of a xCRABP mRNA-injected and
control stage 47 embryo. Projection on sagittal plane (described by
Nieuwkoop, 1947), graphical reconstruction of a stage 47 control
(above) and xCRABP mRNA-injected embryo (bottom). Lines in
brain part indicate successive brain parts (see below). Black part in
the brain indicates inner/outer brain. t., telencephalon; d.,
diencephalon; m., mesencephalon; r., rhombencephalon; p.b., pineal
body; p.e.c., primary eye cup; e., eye; ph., pharynx; le., lens; g.l., gut
loops; pe., pericard; h., heart; l., liver; n., notochord; s.c., spinal cord;
c.g., cement gland; m.c., mouth cavity: n.p., nasal pit; e.p., ear
placode; pa., pancreas; i., intestine; e.s., ectodermal stomodaeum; pr.,
proctodaeum; t.b., tail bud.
Fig. 8. xCRABP mRNA overexpression enhances Hoxb gene
expression during early development. (A) 1-cell-stage embryos were
injected with antisense xCRABP mRNAs (B), sense xCRABP
mRNAs (C), and treated with 10-6 M RA continuously from stage 10
onwards (D) and isolated at stage 15 (mid neurula) and 20 (late
neurula) together with non-injected embryos at the same stages (A)
and from the same batch of embryos. Total RNA was extracted from
these embryos and used to perform an RNase protection assay using
two Xenopus laevis Hoxb (Hox-2) genes and an internal standard
Xom62/9 gene (see experimental procedures). Hoxb-9 (XlHbox6) is
the most 5¢ localised Hoxb gene and Hoxb-4 (Xhox-1A) is a 3¢
localised gene in the Hoxb chromosomal complex (Dekker et al.,
1992a). Note: We have adopted the Xenopus Hox gene nomenclature
according to a recent proposal by M. P. Scott (1993) Cell 71, 551-
553. (B,C) Quantification of Hoxb gene expression. The results
shown in A were quantitated by phosphorimaging. Open bars,
control embryos; lightly hatched bars, anti-sense xCRABP-injected
embryos; heavily hatched bars, sense xCRABP-injected embryos;
black bars, RA-treated embryos. Expression of Hoxb-4 (B) and
Hoxb-9 (C) was measured by RNase protection at the developmental
stages indicated. Xom62/9 was used as internal standard. Data are
expressed as percentages relative to the maximum expression of
Hoxb-4 and Hoxb-9 during development. The results show that
expression of both Hox genes is hyperinduced by xCRABP injection:
Hoxb-4 (Xhox-1A) is 3-fold hyperinduced at stage 15, and 2-fold
hyperinduced at stage 20, and Hoxb-9 (XlHbox6) is 2-fold
hyperinduced at stage 15 and 1.15-fold hyperinduced at stage 20.
This effect of xCRABP overexpression resembles the effect of
treating gastrula stage embryos with a high concentration (10-6 M)
of RA.