Fig. 1. Dose-dependence of RA phenotypes. Xenopus
embryos at stage 9 were treated for 30 min with increasing
concentrations of RA and allowed to develop to stage 40.
There is a truncation of anterior pattern and concurrent
failure of tail development which increases with the dose of
RA. The embryo treated with 0.5/XM has two small eyes
and the least apparently altered morphology, while the
embryo at \jiu has a single median cyclopic eye. Eyes do
not develop in embryos treated with 2.5 im RA or higher
concentrations, and development of the heart and visceral
arch skeleton is also impaired.
Fig. 2. Early appearance of RA phenotypes. The typical
morphology of RA-treated embryos is shown at neural
stage 16 in dorsal (A) and anterior (B) views. Embryos
were both derived from a synchronous fertilisation of the
same egg batch and one group of embryos at stage 9 was
exposed to a 30min pulse of 0.5 or 1 /IM RA. Only the
embryos treated with 1/JM are shown. In A note the
thicker appearance of the neural folds (arrows) and
elongation of RA-treated embryos in comparison to sibling
control (C). In B note also neural fold thickening and the
absence of a cement gland, indicated by an arrow in the
control (C) embryo.
Fig. 3. Whole-mount staining of control and RA-treated
tadpoles with anti-neurofilament and anti-muscle
antibodies. (A-D) Staining with 68 K anti-neurofilament
antibody. A is a dorsal and C a side view of a control
embryo. B and D represent the dorsal and side views
respectively of embryos treated with 0.5 fm RA. For all
panels anterior is to the left and posterior to the right.
Note the anterior shift of the otic vesicle (OV) in the RAtreated
embryos (B and D). In A and B white arrows
mark the limits of the hindbrain with the midbrain and
spinal cord, and in the RA-treated embryos (B) while the
overall length of the hindbrain is similar to controls it has a
broadened appearance. In C (controls) the small arrows
mark the three exit points of the Vth, Vllth/VIIIth and
EXth cranial nerves, and in RA-treated embryos (D) only
two exit points are clearly distinguishable as marked by the
arrows. Spinal nerves are indicated by solid arrowheads in
A and C. (E-G) Staining with anti-muscle antibody 12/
101. In E, side view of control tadpole (top) and 0.5 ^M
RA-treated embryo (bottom). Eye is indicated by black
arrowhead. Dorsal views of the same embryos are shown
(F, control; G, RA-treated). White arrows (F and G) point
to the position of the narrowing of the IVth ventricle
(obex) and indicate that the posterior juncture of the
hindbrain with the spinal cord occurs at the same position
in control and RA-treated embryos, relative to the first
Fig. 4. Altered morphology of rhombomeric segments in
the hindbrain RA-treated embryos. Control (A, C) and
0.5/iM RA-treated embryos (B, D) were whole-mount
stained with an anti-neurofilament antibody. Optical
sections through the hindbrain were obtained by confocal
microscopy (A, C) and similar embryos were embedded in
wax and sectioned for normal histological analysis (B, D).
The normal number and patterning of the rhombomeres is
clearly visible in control (stage 40) embryos. White
arrowheads mark the rhombomeric boundaries or
constriction in C. In the RA-treated embryos (B, D) the
uniform pattern of periodic bulges is not apparent, but
there are a few irregular, large, poorly defined
constrictions which are visible in some embryos. The
arrows mark the borders of the hindbrain (hb) between the
midbrain (mb) and the first spinal nerves and indicate the
similar overall size but broadened appearance of the
hindbrain in RA-treated embryos. See also in Fig. 3 A and
B. In all panels anterior is to the top.
Fig. 5. Molecular segmentation in the hindbrain of RA-treated embryos. In situ hybridization of control (A-C) and 0.5 JJM
RA-treated embryos (D-F) at stage 20 using a Xenopus Krox-20 probe. (A,D) shows a low power bright-field sagittal
sections of the embryos. Bright-field (B,E) and dark-ground (C,F) of respective embryos. Anterior is to the left and
ventral to top in all panels. Control embryos show two strong stripes of Krox-20 expression which correspond to the future
rhombomeres r3 and r5. In RA-treated embryos, only a single stripe of Krox-20 expression is detected throughout all serial
sections. This illustrates that despite the absence of overt morphological segments, some aspects of segmental organization
are preserved in the hindbrain of RA-treated embryos.
Fig. 6. RA alters regionalization in the hindbrain. Sections of stage 45 tadpoles through the hindbrain of control (left) and
0.5/iM RA-treated embryos (right, +RA) stained with anti-neurofilament antibody. White arrows mark the three exit
points of the Vth, Vllth/VIIIth and IXth cranial nerves from top to bottom respectively in control embryos. Only two
discrete exit points are observed in RA-treated embryos (right). From these sections it is not possible to determine if one
of the nerves is missing or is superimposed upon another. However, the distance from the most posterior exit point and the
first spinal nerve is identical in the two embryos. Note the more anterior position of the otic vesicle (OV) spanning the
isthmus (i, open arrow) between the midbrain (mb) and hindbrain (hb).
Fig. 7. Confocal analysis of RA-induced cranial nerve alterations in whole-mount embryos. The same embryos stained with
anti-neurofilament antibody in Fig. 4 were examined by optical sections in lateral views. Anterior is to the right and
posterior to the left in all panels. The RA-treated embryo is shown in A-C, and the control in D-F. OV marks the otic
vesicle. In the control (D), the Vllth nerve appears as a flat band in front of the otocyst and the serial sections (D-F)
clearly define the Vth, Vllth, Vlllth and IXth/Xth nerve complexes. In the RA-treated embryos, only the Vllth, VHIth,
IXth/Xth nerves are apparent and no staining for the distinctive Vth nerve (trigeminal) is observed, h hindbrain; m
Fig. 8. Camera-lucida drawings of facial and trigeminal
cranial nerve root pattern in control and RA-treated
embryos. (A) Ventrolateral view of a whole-mounted,
control Xenopus brain. HRP was applied to the preotic
ganglion and has labelled the roots and sensory tracts of
the trigeminal (V) and facial (VII). The Vth root is more
rostral than the Vllth root, and extends further caudally.
Outlines of the positions of motor nuclei of III, IV, V, VI
and VII are shown dotted. The ventral midline is dashed.
(B) Ventrolateral view of a whole-mounted, RA-treated
Xenopus brain. HRP was applied to the preotic ganglia as
in A. Most of the axons entering the Vth and Vllth
sensory tracts now do so at the same rostrocaudal level; a
few are seen to enter the Vllth tract more rostrally. The
dorsoventral position and rostrocaudal extent of the tracts
are normal. Dotted outlines show position of labelled
motor neurons in the positions of nuclei III, V, VII and
VI. Midbrain-hindbrain border (mh); scale bar 100um.
Fig. 9. Summary drawing of the motor nuclei and root
positions of cranial nerves III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX and X in
the Xenopus tadpole hindbrain. Normal (right) and RAtreated
(left) specimens. Information on controls was
collated from 24 stage 39-46 embryos, 7 of which had the
preotic ganglia of V and VII as well as the roots of IV and
VI filled with HRP. A set of 14 embryos had the tracts and
nuclei of IX and X filled by a postotic ganglion HRP
application and the remaining three embryos had both
preotic and contralateral postotic ganglia HRP applications.
The description of the relevant neuroanatomy of control
embryos was derived from complete whole-mounted
specimens and horizontally or transversely sectioned
embryos. The observations are in agreement with previous
neuroanatomical descriptions based on architectonics and
neuronal tracing (see Matesz and Szekely, 1978; Will, 1982;
Nikunwe and Nieuwenhuys, 1983). The RA data is derived
from 24 treated embryos of comparable stages to controls.
Of these, 11 were preotic HRP applications, 5 were
postotic and 8 were combination fills with preotic on one
side and postotic on the other. 16 of these specimens were
sectioned (horizontally or transversely) and 8 were viewed
as whole-mounts.
Fig. 10. Camera lucida drawing of the central patterning of
cranial nerve nuclei in control and RA-treated Xenopus
brains. (A) Horizontal section showing the normal
positions of cranial nerve motor neurons. The neurons of
nuclei III, IV, V, VI and VII were filled from a preotic
HRP application, and the neurons of the IXth/Xth
complex from a postotic application. Data from two
specimens have been superimposed. (B) Horizontal section
through a RA-treated brain. HRP was applied to the
preotic ganglion. Neurons occupying the positions of Vth
and Vllth nuclei are seen to have a common exit point for
their axons. Neurons of the Vlth nucleus occupy their
normal position just caudal and medial to the Vllth motor
neurons. One neuron in the contralateral IVth nucleus,
and three cells in the IXth/Xth complex were also labelled.
(C) Horizontal section through a RA-treated brain. HRP
was applied to the postotic ganglia on one side and to the
preotic ganglia on the other. The preotic fill has labelled
only a few neurons in the Illrd, Vlth and IXth/Xth nuclei.
Many more cells were labelled by the postotic application
and most of these occupy the normal position of IXth/Xth
neurons. A few neurons in the Vlth and one in the Vllth
nucleus are also labelled. (D) Ventral view of a wholemounted,
RA-treated Xenopus brain. HRP was applied to
the preotic ganglia on one side only. This specimen had
only one median eye and was clearly compressed in the
rostrocaudal axis. Nonetheless the positions of neurons in
the nuclei of III, V, VI, VTI, IX and X are relatively
normal. The neurons within the IXth/Xth nuclei and the
few within the contralateral Vlth and Vllth nuclei were
labelled due to disrupted peripheral pathways of their
neurons. Midline is dashed throughout, m/h is the
midbrain-hindbrain border. Scale bar is 100 um.
Fig. 11. Photomicrograph of a horizontal section through
an otocyst in a RA-treated Xenopus. HRP was applied to a
preotic ganglion (just off bottom left of micrograph). Note
how axons (arrows) are wrapped around the otocyst and
peripheral neurons lie adjacent to its lateral wall (curved
arrows). These abnormal axon and neuron positions in
RA-treated animals result in the anomalous labelling of
postotic neurons from preotic HRP applications, and vice
versa. Scale bar is 50um.
Fig. 12. Photomicrographs of HRP-labelled cranial motor
neurons in RA-treated brains. These transverse sections
show that this dorsoventral position of the motor neurons
and the sensory tracts is indistinguishable from normal.
(A) Section through midbrain showing the normal dorsal
looped trajectory of trochlear axons (curved arrows) and a
single ipsilateral oculomotor neuron (III). Some neurons in
the HRP-labeUed preotic ganglion are also seen in this
section. (B) Section through anterior hindbrain showing
neurons of the Vth/VIIth complex and a few VI neurons.
HRP was applied preotically on the right and postotically
on the left. (C) Ventromedial abducent neurons (VI) are
labelled from a preotic HRP application, together with the
sensory tracts of V and VII, and the contralateral IXth/
Xth tract is labelled from a contralateral postotic
application. (D) Neurons of the IXth/Xth complex are
labelled together with their associated sensory tracts on the
same side. The contralateral Vth tract has also been
labelled. Scale bar is 100 um.
Fig. 13. Photomicrographs of neurons labelled from
rostral spinal cord HRP applications. (A) Horizontal
section through midbrain and hindbrain of a normal
Xenopus larva. Ventral midbrain cells and vestibulospinal
neurons are clearly labelled. Some more medial hindbrain
reticulospinal neurons are more faintly labelled.
(B) Horizontal section through midbrain and hindbrain of
a RA-treated Xenopus. Eyes are present at the truncated
anterior midbrain. As in controls, ventral midbrain cells
and vestibulospinal neurons are labelled, but the distance
between these two cell groups is reduced. Some
reticulospinal neurons are also apparent. (C-E)
Transverse sections of RA-treated embryos. (C) TS
through midbrain showing large ventral midbrain
neurons. The ectopically placed otocysts are apparent in this section. (D) TS showing one Mauthner's neuron (arrowed),
and two Mauthner's axons (curved arrow) crossing the ventral floor plate at the level of the rostral vestibulospinal neurons.
(E) TS through vestibulospinal complex, showing its characteristic location dorsolateral to the reticulospinal neurons, vm,
ventral midbrain neurons; vsp, vestibulospinal neurons; rsp, reticulospinal neurons; oto, otocyst. Scale bar is 100 nm.