Figure 1. Syntaxins 3 and 4 stimulate rENaC function in oocytes. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC alone or together with different amounts of cRNA for syntaxin 2 (+STX2), syntaxin 3 (+STX3), or syntaxin 4 (+STX4) and incubated for 2 days. Amiloride-sensitive whole-cell currents (ÎIami) were measured with the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. a, d, g Representative whole-cell current traces from matched control oocytes expressing rENaC alone or from oocytes co-expressing rENaC and a syntaxin isoform (1 ng cRNA), as indicated. The presence of amiloride (ami) in the bath solution is indicated by black bars. b, e, h Summary of data obtained from an individual batch of oocytes measured as shown in a, d, or g, respectively. c, f, i Summary of data as shown in b, e, and h obtained from several different batches of oocytes. To take batch-to-batch variability into account, individual ÎIami values were normalized to the mean ÎIami of the rENaC control group of the corresponding batch. Unpaired t test (b, e, h) or one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnettâs multiple comparison test vs. rENaC control (c, f, i), * pâ<â0.05, ** pâ<â0.01, *** pâ<â0.001.
Figure 2. Effects of syntaxins 2, 3, and 4 on hENaC function. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for hENaC alone or together with different amounts of cRNA for syntaxin 2 (+STX2, a), syntaxin 3 (+STX3, b), or syntaxin 4 (+STX4, c). To take batch-to-batch variability into account, individual ÎIami values were normalized to the mean ÎIami of the hENaC control group of the corresponding batch. One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnettâs multiple comparison test vs. hENaC control, *pâ<â0.05, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Figure 3. Syntaxins 3 and 4 increase surface expression of rENaC. ÎIami (a) and surface expression (b) were measured in parallel in oocytes expressing rENaC carrying a FLAG reporter epitope in the extracellular domain of the β-subunit (rENaCFLAG) alone or together with syntaxin 3 (+STX3) or syntaxin 4 (+STX4). Oocytes injected with twice the amount of cRNA for rENaCFLAG (rENaCFLAG 2Ã) served as positive control. In three batches of oocytes, oocytes were injected with 0.025 ng cRNA/subunit for rENaCFLAG and with 1 ng cRNA for syntaxin 3 or syntaxin 4. In five batches of oocytes, oocytes were injected with 0.05 ng cRNA/subunit for rENaCFLAG and with 2 ng cRNA for syntaxin 3 or syntaxin 4. To summarize data from different batches of oocytes, values were normalized to the mean of the corresponding rENaCFLAG control group. One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnettâs multiple comparison test vs. rENaCFLAG control, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Figure 4. Syntaxins 3 and 4 do not affect proteolytic activation of rENaC by chymotrypsin. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC (0.025 ng/subunit) alone or together with cRNA for syntaxin 3 (STX3, 1 ng) or syntaxin 4 (STX4, 1 ng) and incubated for 2 days. a, d Typical whole-cell current traces of oocytes expressing rENaC alone or together with syntaxin 3 (a) or syntaxin 4 (d). b, e Summary of ÎIami values before and after activation of rENaC with chymotrypsin (2 μg/ml) obtained from similar experiments as shown in a and d, respectively. ÎIami values before and after application of chymotrypsin were compared with paired t test; corresponding ÎIami values in the absence and presence of syntaxin 3 or syntaxin 4 were compared with unpaired t test. c, f Ratio of ÎIami before (ÎIami-initial) and after (ÎIami-chymo) activation of rENaC with chymotrypsin was calculated from individual oocytes as a measure of average channel Po; unpaired t test. n.s. not significant, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Figure 5. Syntaxin 3 stimulates rENaC insertion into the plasma membrane. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC (0.025 ng/subunit) alone or together with cRNA for syntaxin 3 (1 ng) and incubated for 2 days. After the initial measurement of ÎIami at 0 h, half of the oocytes were incubated for 8 h in the presence of brefeldin A (BFA, 5 μM), as indicated, and ÎIami was measured at 4, 8, and 24 h. Each data point represents ÎIami values from 28 to 30 oocytes. For better comparison, ÎIami was normalized to the rENaC expressing control group
Figure 6. Blocking endosomal recycling does not prevent the stimulation of rENaC by syntaxin 3. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC (0.025 ng/subunit) alone or together with cRNA for dominant-negative Rab11a (5 ng, +dnRab11a), syntaxin 3 (1 ng, +STX3), or both. ÎIami was measured after 2 days of incubation. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroniâs multiple comparison test with selected pairs, *pâ<â0.05, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Fig. 1. Syntaxins 3 and 4 stimulate rENaC function in oocytes. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC alone or together with different amounts of cRNA for syntaxin 2 (+STX2), syntaxin 3 (+STX3), or syntaxin 4 (+STX4) and incubated for 2Â days. Amiloride-sensitive whole-cell currents (ÎIami) were measured with the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. a, d, g Representative whole-cell current traces from matched control oocytes expressing rENaC alone or from oocytes co-expressing rENaC and a syntaxin isoform (1Â ng cRNA), as indicated. The presence of amiloride (ami) in the bath solution is indicated by black bars. b, e, h Summary of data obtained from an individual batch of oocytes measured as shown in a, d, or g, respectively. c, f, i Summary of data as shown in b, e, and h obtained from several different batches of oocytes. To take batch-to-batch variability into account, individual ÎIami values were normalized to the mean ÎIami of the rENaC control group of the corresponding batch. Unpaired t test (b, e, h) or one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnettâs multiple comparison test vs. rENaC control (c, f, i), * pâ<â0.05, ** pâ<â0.01, *** pâ<â0.001
Fig. 2. Effects of syntaxins 2, 3, and 4 on hENaC function. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for hENaC alone or together with different amounts of cRNA for syntaxin 2 (+STX2, a), syntaxin 3 (+STX3, b), or syntaxin 4 (+STX4, c). To take batch-to-batch variability into account, individual ÎIami values were normalized to the mean ÎIami of the hENaC control group of the corresponding batch. One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnettâs multiple comparison test vs. hENaC control, *pâ<â0.05, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Fig. 3. Syntaxins 3 and 4 increase surface expression of rENaC. ÎIami (a) and surface expression (b) were measured in parallel in oocytes expressing rENaC carrying a FLAG reporter epitope in the extracellular domain of the β-subunit (rENaCFLAG) alone or together with syntaxin 3 (+STX3) or syntaxin 4 (+STX4). Oocytes injected with twice the amount of cRNA for rENaCFLAG (rENaCFLAG 2Ã) served as positive control. In three batches of oocytes, oocytes were injected with 0.025 ng cRNA/subunit for rENaCFLAG and with 1 ng cRNA for syntaxin 3 or syntaxin 4. In five batches of oocytes, oocytes were injected with 0.05 ng cRNA/subunit for rENaCFLAG and with 2 ng cRNA for syntaxin 3 or syntaxin 4. To summarize data from different batches of oocytes, values were normalized to the mean of the corresponding rENaCFLAG control group. One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnettâs multiple comparison test vs. rENaCFLAG control, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Fig. 4. Syntaxins 3 and 4 do not affect proteolytic activation of rENaC by chymotrypsin. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC (0.025 ng/subunit) alone or together with cRNA for syntaxin 3 (STX3, 1 ng) or syntaxin 4 (STX4, 1 ng) and incubated for 2 days. a, d Typical whole-cell current traces of oocytes expressing rENaC alone or together with syntaxin 3 (a) or syntaxin 4 (d). b, e Summary of ÎIami values before and after activation of rENaC with chymotrypsin (2 μg/ml) obtained from similar experiments as shown in a and d, respectively. ÎIami values before and after application of chymotrypsin were compared with paired t test; corresponding ÎIami values in the absence and presence of syntaxin 3 or syntaxin 4 were compared with unpaired t test. c, f Ratio of ÎIami before (ÎIami-initial) and after (ÎIami-chymo) activation of rENaC with chymotrypsin was calculated from individual oocytes as a measure of average channel Po; unpaired t test. n.s. not significant, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001
Fig. 5. Syntaxin 3 stimulates rENaC insertion into the plasma membrane. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC (0.025 ng/subunit) alone or together with cRNA for syntaxin 3 (1 ng) and incubated for 2 days. After the initial measurement of ÎIami at 0 h, half of the oocytes were incubated for 8 h in the presence of brefeldin A (BFA, 5 μM), as indicated, and ÎIami was measured at 4, 8, and 24 h. Each data point represents ÎIami values from 28 to 30 oocytes. For better comparison, ÎIami was normalized to the rENaC expressing control group
Fig. 6. Blocking endosomal recycling does not prevent the stimulation of rENaC by syntaxin 3. Oocytes were injected with cRNA for rENaC (0.025Â ng/subunit) alone or together with cRNA for dominant-negative Rab11a (5Â ng, +dnRab11a), syntaxin 3 (1Â ng, +STX3), or both. ÎIami was measured after 2Â days of incubation. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroniâs multiple comparison test with selected pairs, *pâ<â0.05, **pâ<â0.01, ***pâ<â0.001