Figure 1. Xneog is expressed in the deep layer of the lateral and intermediate neural plate during neurulation. Xneog is
expressed (A) in the deep layer of the lateral regions of the st13 posterior neural plate (pnp) (Ai, Aiii, arrows) and the anterior
neural plate(anp)(Aii),(B) inthest16 posterior NFs(pnf)(Bi, Biii, arrows) and anterior NFs(anf)(Bii) with expression expanding
intothemedial neural plate and floor plate(fp)(Biii, arrows), and(C) inthe apposed dorsal NFs(Ci, ii, iii, arrows).(i), Dorsal view;
(ii), frontal view; (iii), transverse view at the level of the white dashed line in above panels. Dashed red lines indicate midline. A,
Anterior; bp, blastopore; de, dermamyotome; D, dorsal; dnt, dorsal neural tube; me, mesoderm; mhb, midbrain-hindbrain junction;
nc, notocord; P, posterior; V, ventral; vnt, ventral neural tube.
Figure 2. Loss of Xneog results in neural tube closure defects. A, Injection of 16 ng of XneogPan MO but not ContMO results in
delayed neural tube closure (dorsal view). Hours indicate time since embryos were at st11. Dashed white lines indicate the
elevating NFs. Dashed black lines indicate midline. Aiii, Arrows: NF apposition. Avii, Arrowheads: NFs have failed to reach
apposition.B,Quantification ofthe number of embryos exhibiting a neurulation delaywhen injectedwith ContMO, XneogPanMO,
XplexATG MO or XnpnATG MO.C, Percentage of XneogPan-injected embryos at each stage of neurulation when 90% of ContMOinjected
embryos have reachedst18. D, Percentage of embryos exhibiting a neurulation delay when injected with 5UTR and ATG
MOsspecific forXneog1aandXneog1b.E, Coinjection of XneogPan with full-length Xneog1b cRNA increase the mean neurulation
stage comparedwith injection of XneogPan alone. The number of embryos in each condition is given atthetop of each graph.Data
are represented as mean SEM. ***p 0.001; *p 0.05.
Figure 3. Xrgmaexpression in the deep layer of the medial neural plate.Xrgmais expressed (A) in the deep layer of the st13
medial posterior neural plate (Ai, Aiii, arrows) and the medial anterior neural plate (Aii), (B) between the midline and the
posterior NFs (Bi, Biii, arrows), as well as between the midline and the anterior NFs (Bii) of the st16 neurula, and (C) in the st19
ventral neural tube (Ci,Cii,Ciii). (i), Dorsal view; (ii), frontal view; (iii), transverse view at the level of the dashed white line in
above panels; (iv), schematic of complementaryXneogandXrgmaexpression domains. lnp, Lateral neural plate; mdl, midline;
mnp, medial neural plate.
Figure 4. Loss of Xrgma results in neural tube closure defects. A, Injection of 16 ng of XrgmaATG
MO or XrgmaUTR MO produces a neurulation delay phenotype. B, Coinjection of 8 ng of
XneogPan and XrgmaATG MOs enhances the delay in neurulation. Data are represented as
meanSEM.C, XneogPan MO and XrgmaATG MO generate equivalent decreases inthe rate of
progression through neurulation. Data are represented as mean SD.
Figure 5. Loss of Xneog perturbs NF elevation and cell polarity. Transverse sections of st17 embryos immunostained with the
anti--tubulin antibody, E7. A, Injection of ContMO into one cell oftwo-cellstage embryos did not affect anterior NF elevation on
the ContMO (rightside, arrow) or the wild-type (wt)side (leftside) of the embryo. B, Injection of XneogPan MO disrupts anterior
NF elevation on the morphant side of the embryo (right side, arrow). Hinge-points are indicated by arrowheads. CâF, Higher
magnification images of the deep layer (dl) in B on the wild-type side (C,E) and XneogPan MO side (D,F) where deep cells have
losttheir apicobasal polarity(arrowheads).GâH, Highermagnification images ofthe deep(arrowheads) andsuperficial layers(sl,
asterisks) in B atthe hinge-point onthe wild-typeside(G) andthe XneogPan MOside(H). IâK, Posterior NF elevation is inhibited
on the XneogPan MOside (I, arrow; K ) but not the wild-typeside (I, leftside;J). Scale bars: A, B, I, 39m;C, D, G, H, 2m;E,F,
1m; J, K, 16m.
Figure 6. Loss of Neogenin disrupts localization of ZO-1 to the apical domain of neuroepithelial
cells inthe zebrafish neuralrod. A, ZO-1 protein(green) isrestrictedto a domain adjacent
to the apical surface of neuroepithelial cells at the midline (ml) of the neural rod of embryos
injected with zfcont MO. B, C, Injection of the zfneogATG MO resulted in loss of an obvious
midline. Neuroepithelial cells wererounded and no longer aligned in an apicobasal orientation.
In addition, ZO-1 immunoreactivity was distributed around the entire cell surface. Insets are
high-magnification images of cells exhibiting a polarized distribution of ZO-1 in control embryos
(A) or a nonpolarized distribution of ZO-1 in morphant cells (B,C). The lipophilic dye, DiI
(red) was used to visualize the cell shape of the neuroepithelium. Scale bars: AâC, 20m.
Figure 7. Xneog and Xrgma are required for the establishment of the neuroepithelium of the neural tube. Transversesections
ofthest35 anterior neuraltube labeled with DAPI (Ai, Bi,Ci) andthe Xen1 antibody (Aii, iii, Bii, iii,Cii, iii). Injection of XneogPan
MO (B) or XrgmaATG MO (C) but not ContMO (A) disrupts the neuroepithelium of the neural tube. Aiii, Biii andCiii are higher
magnification of images of boxed areas in Aii, BiiandCii, respectively. Scale bars: AiâCii, 29m; AiiiâCiii, 8m.
Figure 8. Coinjection ofXneog1bcRNA with XneogPan MO rescues the formation of the neuroepithelium in the neural tube.
Transverse sections of the st35 anterior neural tube labeled with DAPI (Ai, Bi,Ci) and the Xen1 antibody (Aii, iii, Bii, iii,Cii, iii).
Injection of XneogPanMO(B) but not ContMO(A) perturbsthe neuroepithelium ofthe neuraltube.C, Coinjection ofXneog1bcRNA
with XneogPanMOrescues neuraltubemorphology. Aiii,BiiiandCiiiare highermagnification of images of boxed areas in Aii,Bii
andCii, respectively. Scale bars: AiâCii, 39m; AiiiâCiii, 17m.