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2009 Jun 01;13612:2121-31. doi: 10.1242/dev.032649.
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Down syndrome critical region protein 5 regulates membrane localization of Wnt receptors, Dishevelled stability and convergent extension in vertebrate embryos.
Shao M
Liu ZZ
Carron C
Zhang HW
Shi DL
The Glypican family of heparan sulfate proteoglycans regulates Wnt signaling and convergent extension (CE) in vertebrate embryos. They are predicted to be glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-tethered membrane-bound proteins, but there is no functional evidence of their regulation by the GPI synthesis complex. Down syndrome critical region protein 5 (Dscr5, also known as Pigp) is a component of the GPI-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT) complex, and is associated with specific features of Down syndrome. Here we report that Dscr5 regulates CE movements through the non-canonical Wnt pathway. Both dscr5 overexpression and knockdown impaired convergence and extension movements. Dscr5 functionally interacted with Knypek/Glypican 4 and was required for its localization at the cell surface. Knockdown of dscr5 disrupted Knypek membrane localization and caused an enhanced Frizzled 7 receptor endocytosis in a Caveolin-dependent manner. Furthermore, dscr5 knockdown promoted specific Dishevelled degradation by the ubiquitin-proteosome pathway. These results reveal a functional link between Knypek/Glypican 4 and the GPI synthesis complex in the non-canonical Wnt pathway, and provide the new mechanistic insight that Dscr5 regulates CE in vertebrate embryos by anchoring different Wnt receptors at the cell surface and maintaining Dishevelled stability.
Fig. 1. Overexpression or knockdown of dscr5 impairs
CE movements. (A) Embryos were injected with dscr5
RNA or different MOs, as indicated. In situ hybridization
was performed at 100% epiboly using the indicated
probes, and live images were taken at 12.5 hpf. Upper
panel, dorsoanterior view shows embryos simultaneously
hybridized with dlx3, hgg1 and ntl probes; middle panel,
dorsal view shows the expression domain of papc; bottom
panel, lateral view shows the phenotypes of embryos at
12.5 hpf, with anterior to the top and dorsal side to the
right. Arrowheads and arrows denote the anterior tip of
the hypoblast and the tail region, respectively. (B) Summary
of the dose-dependent effects of dscr5 knockdown using
different MOs. Numbers at the top indicate total embryos
scored at 27 hpf from three independent experiments.
(C) Embryos were injected with a low dose of the indicated
MOs and simultaneously hybridized with dlx3, hgg1 and
ntl probes at 100% epiboly.
Fig. 2. Specificity and effectiveness of dscr5 MOs.
(A) Rescue of CE defects in dscr5 morphants by mut-dscr5
RNA. Summary of the phenotypes at 25 hpf with numbers
at the top indicating total embryos scored from four
independent experiments. (B) Western blot analysis of the
effect of dscr5MO on the translation of dscr5MT and mutdscr5MT
RNAs. Endogenous β-Catenin was used as a
loading control. (C-F) Rescue of CE defects in embryos
injected with MO3 and cultured to 27 hpf. (C) CoMOinjected
embryos. (D) MO3-injected embryos. (E) Embryos
coinjected with MO3 and dscr5 RNA. (F) Summary of the
rescue from three experiments, with the number of total
embryos indicated at the top. (G) Schematic representation
and RT-PCR analysis at 12.5 hpf of MO3-induced missplicing
of dscr5 pre-mRNA.
Fig. 3. Convergence and extension movements are affected in
dscr5 morphants. (A-D) Transplantations of RLDx-labeled cells from
the margin of shield stage embryos injected with CoMO or dscr5MO to
the corresponding region in wild-type recipients. (A) A 6 hpf recipient
embryo with CoMO-injected cells. (B,B) Dorsal (B) and lateral (B) views
of the embryo in A developed to 10 hpf. (C) A 6 hpf recipient embryo
with dscr5MO-injected cells. (D,D) Dorsal (D) and lateral (D) views of
the embryo in C developed to 10 hpf. (E-N) Analysis of the
convergence of lateral mesendodermal cells (E-I) and the extension of
axial mesendodermal cells (J-N) in embryos injected with CoMO (E,F,J,K)
or dscr5MO (G,H,L,M) using a photo-conversion strategy. (E-I) Labeled
lateral mesendodermal cells at the shield stage in embryos injected with
CoMO (E) or dscr5MO (G) were analyzed at the bud stage (F,H,I).
Lateral view for all embryos except the inset in I, which is an animal
pole view showing the angle between the labeled cells and the line
perpendicular to the dorsoventral axis (green arrow). (J-N) Labeled axial
mesendodermal cells at the shield stage in embryos injected with
CoMO (J) or dscr5MO (L) were analyzed at the bud stage (K,M,N).
Lateral view for all embryos; the inset in N shows the angle between
the most anterior and the most posterior labeled cells (green arrow).
Green dot represents the center of the images. Quantification of the
convergence of lateral cells (I) and the extension of dorsal cells (N) was
performed using five embryos for each condition. Asterisks indicate
statistically significant differences (P<0.001, Studentâs t-test), error bars
indicate standard deviation. D, dorsal region; V, ventral region.
(O,P) Analysis of cell intercalation in the notochord by confocal
microscopy. Representative images from a control embryo (O) and a
dscr5 morphant (P) at the bud stage.
Fig. 4. Overexpression or knockdown of dscr5 has no effect on
mesoderm and neural patterning. Embryos were injected as
indicated and in situ hybridization was performed using the indicated
markers. (A-I) Animal pole view shows the expression pattern of
chordin (A-C), eve1 (D-F) and ntl (G-I) at 50% epiboly.
(J-R) Dorsoanterior view (J-O) and dorsal view (P-R), with anterior to the
top, show the expression pattern of nk2.1b (J-L), nk2.2 (M-O) and
patched 1 (ptc1) (P-R) at 12.5 hpf. Note the broader neuroectoderm
stained by ptc1 in dscr5 RNA- and dscr5MO-injected embryos.
Fig. 5. Interaction between Dscr5 and the PCP pathway in CE
movements. (A) Rescue of CE movements by dshÎDIX in dscr5
morphants. Summary of three independent experiments of phenotypic
analysis at 27 hpf with total numbers indicated at the top.
(B-F) Inhibition of the JNK pathway and dscr5 knockdown enhances CE
defects. (B-E) Control (B) and injected (C-E) embryos at the eight-somite
stage simultaneously hybridized with myoD and dlx3 probes.
Dorsoanterior view of dlx3 expression pattern. myoD expression pattern
was used to control the stage of injected embryos and was not shown.
(F) Summary of the phenotypes at 27 hpf. Numbers at the top represent
total embryos scored from four independent experiments.
(G) Knockdown of dscr5 by MO1 or MO3 inhibits JNK activation. The
AP1-luciferase reporter assay was performed in triplicate (P<0.03,
Studentâs t-test). Error bars indicate standard deviation.
Fig. 6. Disruption of the membrane
localization of Knypek and Frizzled 7
receptors in dscr5 morphants.
(A) Localization of Kny-Myc at the cell surface
and in the cytoplasm. (B) Kny-Myc distribution
in dscr5-knockdown cells. (C) Western blot
analysis of Kny-Myc levels in the culture
medium (left) and cell pellets (right) of dscr5
RNA- or dscr5MO-injected cells. GFP protein
was used as a loading control in the cell
pellets and to monitor the integrity of the
cultured cells. (D,E) XFz7-Myc localization
revealed by Cy3-conjugated secondary
antibody. (D) Localization of XFz7-Myc to the
cell membrane of control cells. (E) XFz7-Myc
distribution in dscr5-knockdown cells.
(F) Caveolin-GFP localization in dscr5-
knockdown cells. (G) Merge of E and F
showing the colocalization between XFz7-Myc
and Caveolin-GFP. (H-K) Rescue of XFz7-Myc
membrane localization by dn-caveolin in cells
injected with dscr5MO (I) or gly4ÎC RNA (K).
Fig. 7. Functional interaction between Dscr5 and
Knypek/Glypican 4. (A-L) Comparison of CE defects in control
embryos (A-C) and following injection of dscr5MO (D-F), knyMO
(G-I) and gly4ÎC RNA (J-L), as indicated on the right.
(A,A,D,D,G,G,J,J) Embryos at the eight-somite stage were
simultaneously hybridized with myoD and dlx3 probes. Dorsal view
(A,D,G,J) shows the expression of myoD, and dorsoanterior view
(A,D,G,J) shows the expression of dlx3. (B,E,H,K) Live images at
12.5 hpf with anterior to the top and dorsal side to the left.
Arrowheads and arrows denote the anterior tip of the hypoblast
and the tail region, respectively. (C,F,I,L) Live images at 27 hpf with
anterior to the right. (M-O) Rescue by gly4ÎC of CE movements in
Xenopus animal cap explants overexpressing dscr5. Uninjected
(M), dscr5RNA-injected (N), and dscr5RNA- and gly4ÎC-coinjected
(O) embryos. (P) Rescue by knypek knockdown or gly4ÎC
overexpression of CE movements in zebrafish whole embryos
overexpressing dscr5. The phenotypes were scored at 25 hpf from
three independent experiments, with total numbers indicated at
the top.
Fig. 8. Rescue of Dishevelled stability by dn-caveolin and
proteosome inhibitor. Western blot analysis of XDsh-Myc at the
shield stage of zebrafish embryos. (A) Absence of effect of dscr5
knockdown on the stability of Wnt11-Myc, XFz7-Myc and endogenous
β-Catenin. (B) Dose-dependent effect of dscr5 knockdown on XDshMyc
stability. (C) XDsh-Myc degradation in embryos injected with
gly4ÎC RNA or knyMO. (D) Coexpression of dn-caveolin rescues XDshMyc
stability in dscr5 morphants. (E) MG132, but not NH4Cl, maintains
XDsh-Myc stability in dscr5 knockdown cells. Endogenous JNK was
used as a loading control.
Fig. 9. Summary of the required activity of Dscr5 in Wnt
signaling and CE movements. Dscr5 functions in the GPI biosynthesis
complex to anchor Knypek/Glypican 4 at the cell surface. Interaction
between Knypek/Glypican 4 and the Frizzled 7 receptor leads to the
recruitment of Dishevelled to the cell surface and the activation of a
downstream signaling cascade. The absence of Dscr5 activity disrupts
the membrane localization and increases the free extracellular levels of
Knypek/Glypican 4. This leads to an enhanced Frizzled 7 endocytosis in
a Caveolin-dependent manner and triggers Dishevelled degradation
through the ubiquitin-proteosome pathway.