Figure 1. Schematic Diagrams of Xotch, XotchAE, and T6
The structure of the intact Xotch molecule is represented at the top (Coffman et al., 1990). To construct XotchAE, the carboxyl half of Xotch
upstream of the transmembrane domain was fused to sequences encoding the signal peptide from N-cadherin (Kintner, 1992). The resulting
chimeric molecule retains the transmembrane (TM) domain from Xotch but lacks two conserved cysteine residues in the extracellular domain of
Xotch that have been implicated in dimerization (Greenwald and Seydoux, 1990; Kidd et al., 1969). The structure of XotchAE is similar to that of
TAN-I, an altered form of human Notch (TAN-1 arrow; see Ellisen et al., 1991). T6, an extracellular and intracellular deleted form of N-cadherin,
was used as a negative control (Kintner,â1992).
Figure 2. Expression of XotchdE in Embryos Leads to Dorsoanterior Defects
Embryos were injected into all blastomeres at the 4-cell stage with T6 control or XotchdE RNA and allowed to develop to stage 26 (Nieuwkoop
and Faber, 1967).
(A) An example of an embryo injected with a control RNA. Note the well-formed eye vesicles (E) and cement gland (CG), a heavily pigmented
structure found at the anterior end of the animal.
(B) An embryo injected with XotchdE RNA. Note that the cement gland is missing (open arrow).
(C and D) Sections through animals from this same experiment taken at the level indicated by the arrowheads in (A) and (B); (C) shows a section
through a control embryo, and (D) shows a section through a XotchdE embryo. Note that the ventricle of the diencephalon (V) remains, but the
eye vesicle is completely missing in the XotchdE-injected embryo in (D). Instead, the walls of the brain are thickened (arrowheads in [D]), and
the dorsal region is broader and flatter than in controls. In a serial reconstruction of more posterior sections, neural tissue was found to be expanded
in XotchdE-injected animals by an average of 1.6-fold (range 1.3- to 1 .Q-fold). Bar, 100 pm (applies to both [C] and [D]).
Figure 3. Extra Neural and Muscle Tissue in
Embryos Injected with XotchdE RNA
(A-D) Embryos were injected once at the 2-to
&cellstage witha mixtureof XotchdEand B-gal
RNA. At stage 23, the embryos were fixed, sectioned,
and then stained with various antibodies
by immunoftuorescence (see Experimental
Procedures). A section from an injected embryo
stained with an anti-g-gal antibody is
shown in (A), while (B) shows a neighboring
section from the same animal stained with a
neural-specific antibody, XAN-1. Note that the
neural tube hypertrophy seen on the right side
of the embryo in (B) greatly distorts the dorsal
side of the embryo. The line labeled M in (A),
(B), and (E) denotes the midline of the neural
tube as defined by the orientation of the ventricular
cell layer. In(C), a section from an injected
embryo stained with an anti-p-gal antibody is
shown, while (D) shows a neighboring section
stained with a muscle-specific antibody, 12/
101. Note the increase in muscle mass in regions
injected with XotchdE RNA. The extra
tissue between the somite and the epidermis
(bracket)was neverobserved on the uninjected
side and failed to stain with neural-, muscle-,
neural crest-, or epidermal-specific antibodies
(data not shown). Bar, 75 pm (applies to [A]
through ID]).
(E and F) Embryos were injected with RNA as
described above and treated with HUA at the
beginning of gastrulation. In(E), asection from
an injected embryo stained with the neuralspecific
antibody is shown, while (F) shows an
example of a section from an injected embryo
stained with a muscle-specific antibody. The
large diameter of the cells is evidence that cell
division has been effectively blocked by the
HUA treatment. Bar, 100 urn (applies to both
El and W).
Hoechst staining of nuclei showed that the
density of cells was approximately the same on
the control and injected sides (data not shown),
indicating that the extra tissue represents additional
cells and not an increase in cell diameter
or extracellular matrix.
Figure 4. Effects of XofchdE on Tissue Differentiation in Xenopus Embryos
(A-C) Embryos were injected once with XotchdE and B-gal RNA at the 4- to 6-cell stage, fixed at tadpole stages, stained with X-gal, sectioned in
paraplast, and counterstained with hematoxylin and eosin.
(A) An example in which RNA injection resulted in expression of XotchdE as marked by X-gal staining in the dorsal midline. Injected midljne cells
have failed to differentiate normally (arrow), while cells from the uninjected side of the embryo have formed a notochord (N). Bar, 100 urn.
(6) An example in which RNA injection resulted in XotchdEexpression in dorsal ectodermal derivatives. Expression results in neural tube hypertrophy
(open arrow), a larger, disorganized otic vesicle (Ot), and larger numbers of interstial cells (closed arrow).
(C)An example in which RNA injection resulted in expression in ventral ectodermal derivatives. Note the thickened lateral epidermal layer consisting
Of XofchdE-expressing cells (arrowhead). The thickened layer, although somewhat disorganized, appears to be fully differentiated in that these
cells labeled with the EpA epidermal marker in other experiments (Jones and Woodland, 1986). Bar, 170 urn (applies to both [B] and [Cl). (D and E) XotchdE or the control T6 RNA was injected into all four animal blastomeres of 4-ceil-stage embryos. At the neural plate stage, embryos
were processed for whole-mount in situ hybridization using a probe to Xenopus twist (Hopwood et al., 1969). An example of twist staining in an
embryo injected with T6 RNA is shown in (D), while (E) shows an example of twist staining in an embryo injected with XotchdE RNA. Note that
twist staining of neural crest is absent in the XotchdE-injected embryo in (E), while the midline staining of the notochord and mesoderm is still
present. The blastopore (BP), which denotes the posterior end of the embryo, is marked by the curved arrow. Straight arrows indicate the approximate
olane of section for the samples shown in (F) and (G).
iF and G) Tissue sections of embryos injected with RNA and stained for twist as in panels (D) and (E). The distinct twist-positive neural crest cells
(NC) seen in the T6-injected animal in (F) are conspicuously absent from the neural plate (NP) in the XotchdE animal in (G). twist labeling remains
in the notochord (N) and lateral mesoderm (M). Bar, 100 pm (applies to both [fl and [G]).
(H and I) Embryos injected once with XotchdE and p-gal RNA were fixed at the neural plate stage and stained in whole mount with X-gal and an
epidermal keratin in situ probe (see Experimental Procedures). The uninjected side of an embryo is shown in (H); the injected side as marked by
X-gal staining is shown in (I). Note the sharp boundary of expression of the epidermal gene on the uninjected side in (H), while in regions of X-gal
staining, expression of the epidermal gene is lost in (I), The blastopore (BP) is indicated with the curved arrow. The normal epidermal-neural plate
(E/N) border is traced in with dotted lines.
Figure 5. XotchdE Increases the Response of
Ectoderm to Induction In Vitro
(A) Animal cap tissue from blastula embryos
injected with XotchdE RNA or with T6 RNA as a
control was induced to form neural tissue using
Hensenâs node from a stage 4 chick embryo
(Kintner and Dodd, 1991). The amount of neural
tissue induced was measured using an
RNAase protection assay for two neural transcripts,
neurofilament 3 and N-CAM (Dixon
and Kintner, 1969). Ectoderm from XotchdEinjected
embryos forms more neural tissue in
response to Hensenâs node (lane 2) than ectoderm
from TG-injected embryos (lane 3). Note
that the XotchdE animal caps cultured alone
do show a very weak N-CAM signal (lane l),
unlike what is observed in T6-injected ectoderm
cultured alone (lane 4). However, the
amount of neural tissue represented by this
weak N-CAM signal does not account for the
extra neural tissue generated in ectoderm injected
with XotchdE and then treated with
Hensenâs node. In this experiment, the increase
in neural tissue between lanes 2 and 3
is 1.5fold when normalized to the elongation
factor 1 a loading control. In other experiments,
a 3-fold difference was seen.
(B) Ectoderm was isolated at different stages
from embryos injected with XotchdE or T6
RNA, treated with activin A, and then assayed
after 24 hr in culture for the formation of muscle
tissue by measuring the amounts of a musclespecific
actin using an RNAase protection
assay (Kintner and Dodd, 1991; see Experimental
Procedures). The top set of lanes shows
the results when ectoderm from TG-injected animal
caps at different stages is treated with increasing
doses of activin. Note that the ability
to respond to activin induction is reduced at
stage 11 and is almost completely lost by stage
11 S. The bottom set of lanes shows the results
when ectoderm from stage-matched XOWUIEinjected
embryos is treated with increasing
doses of activin A. Note that ectoderm has a
much greater response to activin at all doses
when injected with XotchdE(P.S- and Sfold for
the 50 and 500 pM activin treatments, respectively, in a stage 10 animal cap culture). In addition, note that ectoderm from XotchdE-injected
embryos still responds to activin at stages when ectoderm from control embryos does not. For example, in ectoderm from stage 11.5 embryos,
controls form very little mesoderm at 500 pM activin, while XotchdE caps still respond to 50 pM and show a robust induction at 500 pM (over
lo-fold more than controls).
Figure 6. Comparison of Xotch, twist, and Epidermal
Keratin Staining in Wild-Type Neural
Plate Stage Embryos
(A) Shown is a dorsal view of a stage 15 embryo
processed for whole-mount in situ hybridization
using a probe for Xotch. Anterior is to the
left. Note that staining is restricted to twin dark
stripes on the dorsal side, corresponding to the
neural plate and the underlying somitic mesoderm.
Staining is absent at the dorsal midline
(notochord). Note also that the lighter staining
on the lateral side of each dark stripe occurs
within the ectoderm that gives rise to the tissues
most affected by XotchdE RNA injection.
The bracket marks the approximate region of
the embryo from which the sections were taken
for the comparisons shown in (6) through (D).
(B-D) Sections through stage 14 embryos
stained in whole mount for Xotch (B), twist(C),
and epidermal keratin (D) RNA. Xotch staining
is found in the neural plate (NP) but also extends
laterally (limits are shown by arrows in
[B]) into the cells that will make up neural crest
as marked by twist expression in (C) (arrows)
and the lateral epidermis as marked by epidermal
keratin expression in(D). Bar, 125 pm (applies
to [B] through [D]).