Figure 1. Activation and Deactivation Characteristics.A) Main Panel: Comparison of normalized (peak values at +50 mV) mean peak transient IâV relationships for V287R (nâ=â8) and WT Kv4.3, from [16]. HPâ=ââ100 mV, currents elicited by one second depolarizing pulses, and mean peak transient current defined as peak current minus residual current at the end of the depolarizing pulse. V287R mean peak current amplitude at +50 mVâ=â903±141 nA. Inset: Representative current waveforms for V287R elicited in response to depolarizing voltage clamp pulses applied from â10 mV to +50 mV, 10 mV increments. Calibration bar: 200 nA, 50 ms. B) Mean steady-state activation curve âa4â fit as a fourth order Boltzmann relationship (V1/2â=â1.40 mV, kâ=â11.62 mV, nâ=â11). Mean WT âa4â relationship: V1/2â=ââ36 mV, kâ=â14.50 mV, from [9]. C) Main Panel: V287R activation kinetics (nâ=â11). Curve fits (single exponential functions) to mean data points: Ïactâ=â4.84e10âmV/30.9+0.20 ms. Inset: Representative fits of V287R âa4â activation kinetics elicited during depolarizing pulses from â10 to +50 mV, 10 mV increments, HPâ=ââ100 mV. Ïactâ=â1.1, 1.4, 1.9, 2.5, 4.2, 5.2, 7.7 ms, â10 to +50 mV, respectively. Calibration bar: 200 nA, 1.0 ms. D) Main Panel: V287R deactivation kinetics (nâ=â12). Curve fits (single exponential functions) to mean data points: Ïdeactâ=â0.18emV/32.7+1.40 ms. Inset: Representative single exponential fits of V287R deactivation kinetics from â40 to â100 mV, 10 mV increments, HPâ=ââ100 mV. Ïdeactâ=â4.9, 3.9, 3.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.2 ms, â40 to â100 mV, respectively, â70 mV not fit. Calibration bar: 50 nA, 3.0 ms. WT data in panels C) and D) from [9].
Figure 2. Inactivation Characteristics.A) Isochronal one second inactivation relationship âiâ. Mean data points (nâ=â13) fit to a single Boltzmann relationship (V1/2â=ââ51.50 mV, kâ=â7.26 mV). WT data (V1/2â=ââ60.10 mV, kâ=â6.20 mV) from [9]. B) Comparative overlays of âa4â and âiâ relationships for WT and V287R channels. Both expression conditions displayed significant closed-state inactivation, with V287R stabilizing non-inactivated closed states. The mutant channel also produced a greater depolarizing shift in âa4â than in âiâ. C) V287R mean ÏinactâVm curves (nâ=â12). Curve fits: Ïfastâ=â86.20e10âmV/12.23+23.50 ms; Ïslowâ=â99.70e10âmV/33.97+201.90 ms. WT data from [10]. D) Main Panel: V287R kinetics of closed-state inactivation. A fixed one second pulse to +50 mV (P2) was preceded by a pulse of progressively increasing duration (P1) at each of the potentials indicated. The decline of P2 current as a function of P1 duration was used to determine Ïcsi. V287R curve fit: Ïcsiâ=â725.68eâ60+mV/10.23+91.50 ms. WT data from [25]. Inset: Development of CSI at â40 mV for V287R, Ïcsiâ=â202 ms. Calibration Bar: 100 nA, 150 ms.
Figure 3. Recovery Characteristics.A) WT and V287R macroscopic recovery kinetics (HPâ=ââ100 mV) developed during a one second pulse to +50 mV. Mean mutant data points (nâ=â7) fit as a single exponential function with Ïrecâ=â30.10 ms. WT Ïrecâ=â206 ms, data from [9]. B) Main Panel: Comparison of the voltage dependence of mean Ïrec values of V287R and WT, from [9], [10], [16], [25]. At all HPs, macroscopic recovery kinetics were significantly faster for V287R than for WT. Curve fits: WT: Ïrecâ=â23.89emV/11.14+142.10 ms, V287R: Ïrecâ=â9.42emV/21.77+13.95 ms. Inset: Representative macroscopic recovery waveforms for V287R (P2 currents at +50 mV). Peak data points fit with a single exponential relationship with time constantâ=â32 ms. Calibration bar: 200 nA, 20 ms. C) Representative recordings of recovery (HPâ=ââ85 mV) from closed-state inactivation for WT (upper panel, fit as an âa2â formulation) and V287R (lower panel, exponential fit). Calibration bars: WT: 1 µA, 50 ms, V287R: 500 nA, 50 ms. D) Voltage dependence of mean Ïrec,csi values for WT (hollow squares, nâ=â5) and V287R (solid squares, nâ=â7). Curve fits: WT: Ïrec,csiâ=â248.50emV/93.1â582.10 ms, V287R: Ïrec,csiâ=â5.80emV/19.77+34.10 ms.
Figure 4. Summary of all Kv4.3 S4 mutant data collected to date: âiâ V1/2 values as a function of âaâ V1/2 values.The solid black line (centered on WT) is a linear relationship with slopeâ=â1.0, as predicted from previous work on Shaker channels [26]. The solid gray line is a best fit to all mutant data points (WT excluded, slopeâ=â0.65, mean RâA/Q data points from [9], [10]). All ÎV1/2 shifts were less than those predicted from Shaker.