Scheme S1.
Figure 2. Properties of conductance-voltage curves measured for different β3b constructs. In A, conductance determined either from peak current or tail current is plotted as a function of activation potential at either 10 μM Ca2+ (â¢, tail; â, peak) or 300 μM Ca2+ (â¦, tail; â, peak) for a representative patch expressing α alone. In each panel, the solid lines over the tail current G-Vs are the best fit of (see materials and methods), while lines over peak or steady-state current G-Vs simply connect the points. At 10 μM, V0.5 = 48.3 mV, with k = 17.7 mV; at 300 μM, V0.5 = â31.4 mV, with k = 17.2 mV. In B, both peak current and tail current G-V curves (symbols as in A) are plotted for α + β3b currents, along with the steady-state conductance (â´, 300 μM; âµ, 10 μM) determined at the end of each activation step. For tail current G-V curves, at 10 μM, V0.5 = â18.6 mV, with k = 15.9 mV; at 300 μM, V0.5 = â49.3 mV, with k = 18.1 mV. In C, peak, tail, and steady-state G-V curves (symbols as in A and B) are plotted as in B but for α + β3b-ÎC currents. At 10 μM, V0.5 = â4.9.1 mV, with k = 12.8 mV; at 300 μM, V0.5 = â50.6 mV, with k = 14.7 mV. In D, peak and tail current G-V curves (symbols as in A) are plotted for α + β3b-ÎN currents. For tail currents, a fit of yielded, at 10 μM, V0.5 = 52.3 mV, with k = 21.4 mV; and, at 300 μM, V0.5 = â19.3 mV, with k = 25.2 mV. A function with two Boltzmann terms () better fit the tail current G-V curves. For 10 μM, V10.5 = 42.0 mV (k1 = 15.7 mV) and V20.5 = 108.0 (k2= 27.0 mV) with Gmax1 contributing 72.8%. For 300 μM, V10.5 = â34.9 mV (k1 = 14.6 nmV) and V20.5 = 50.4 (k2= 34.2 mV) with Gmax1 contributing 67.4%.
Figure 1. Activation of channels resulting from β3b constructs with or without the NH2- and COOH termini. In A, traces show currents obtained from an inside-out patch from a Xenopus oocyte injected with cRNA encoding the mouse Slo α subunit alone. Channels were activated by voltage steps from â100 to +180 mV after 20 ms at â140 mV; from left to right, panels show currents activated with 0, 1, 10, or 300 μM Ca2+. The voltage protocol is shown on the top. In B, traces show currents resulting from coexpression of α + β3b under conditions identical to those in A. In C, traces show currents resulting from α + β3b-ÎC coexpression, whereas, in D, currents reflect α + β3b-ÎN coexpression.
Figure 3. Ca2+ dependence of tail current conductance for different β3b constructs. In A, tail current G-V curves are plotted for 0 (â), 0.5 (â¦), 1 (â¡), 4 (âª), 10 (â), 60 (â¢), and 300 μM Ca2+ (âµ) for currents arising from α subunit alone. Each point shows the mean and SEM for a set of five patches. Values for V0.5 are 167.1, 153.7, 143.1, 85.4, 43.2, â7.7, and â30.3 mV, while values for k are 17.1, 18.5, 18.6, 19.2, 17.2, 17.6, and 18.0 mV for 0 through 300 μM, respectively. In B, tail current G-V curves are plotted as in A but for α + β3b currents for the same Ca2+ concentrations. Values for V0.5 were 122.1, 95.6, 57.6, 37.1, â21.6, â35.0, and â53.3 mV, while values for k were 16.4, 21.9, 18.4, 14.8, 15.3, 16.2, and 16.5 mV for 0 through 300 μM respectively. In C, tail current G-Vs are plotted for α + β3b-ÎC with values of V0.5 of 115.1, 90.4, 68.3, 22.0, â29.7, â40.6, and â60.5 mV, and values of k of 15.7, 17.5, 14.9, 15.0, 14.2, 15.0, and 14.7 mV for 0 through 300 μM, respectively. In D, tail current G-V curves are plotted for α + β3b-ÎN. Solid lines show fits of for points at 0, 0.5, and 1 μM, and fits of for 4, 10, 60 and 300 μM. For fits of , values of V0.5 were 178.7, 156.6, 124.6, 67.4, 41.4, 17.5, and â26.3 mV, and values for k were 19.2, 17.2, 16.7, 16.5, 18.0, 33.0, and 25.4 mV, for 0 through 300 μM, respectively. For fits of , at 4 μM, with Gmax1 contributing 42.5%, V0.5(1) = 66.1 mV (k = 14.0 mV) and V0.5(2) = 110.1 mV (k = 21.7 mV); at 10 μM, with Gmax1 = 57.4%, V0.5(1) = 25.0 mV (k = 15.1 mV) and V0.5(2) = 77.1 mV (k = 27.8 mV); at 60 μM, with Gmax1 = 68.9%, V0.5(1) = â23.1 mV (k = 15.3 mV) and V0.5(2) = 56.7 mV (k = 36.1 mV); and at 300 μM, with Gmax1 = 66.2%, V0.5(1) = â45.8 mV (k= 14.9 mV) and V0.5(2) = 37.9 mV (k = 41.9 mV) In E, the mean values for the V0.5 for activation for each construct (α, â¢; α + β3b, â; α + β3b-ÎC, â¦; and α + β3b-ÎN, â) are plotted as a function of Ca2+. Values for α + β3b-ÎN were taken either from the V0.5 for a fit of a single Boltzmann or, at 10, 60, and 300 μM, from the more negative V0.5 of the two Boltzmann components. Error bars indicate SD for each set of values with at least five determinations in each case. In F, the mean values for k, the parameter for voltage dependence of activation, is plotted as a function of Ca2+ for α alone (â¢), α + β3b (â), and α + β3b-ÎC (â¦).
Figure 4. The β3b subunit results in a novel outward instantaneous current rectification that is most pronounced in the absence of the NH2 terminus. In A, traces on the left show currents resulting from α alone, activated by a voltage-step to +160 mV in the presence of 300 μM Ca2+, followed by repolarization to potentials between +150 mV and â180 mV. Measurement of current levels 100 μs after the nominal imposition of the repolarizing voltage step resulted in the plot on the right, in which current amplitudes were normalized to the amplitude measured at +100 mV. In B, traces are currents resulting from expression of α + β3b subunits. Here, the instantaneous I-V is largely linear over the entire range, (but see Lingle et al. 2001, in this issue). In C, traces show currents resulting from α + β3b-ÎC subunits. The instantaneous I-V shows a small outward rectification. We attribute the differences in the examples in B and C primarily to patch-to-patch variability in the relative rates of activation and inactivation at a given set of activation conditions. In D, traces show currents resulting from α + β3b-ÎN. The instantaneous I-V curve exhibits marked outward rectification with the conductance at +100 mV being at least twofold greater than at â100 mV.
Figure 5. Channel openings resulting from α + β3b-ÎNÎC channels exhibit residual blocking behavior and an apparent nonlinearity in the average single-channel current level. Traces in each row show a lower and higher time base example of channel openings in an inside-out patch containing multiple α + β3b-ÎNÎC channels. Voltages are as indicated. At +100, +80, and +40 mV, the patch was bathed with 0 Ca2+, whereas at â40, â80, and â100 mV, the patch was bathed with 10 μM Ca2+. The dotted lines indicate the current level characteristic of α subunits alone, â¼250 pS. Even at +100 mV, α + β3b-ÎNÎC channels exhibit a flickery behavior, suggestive that a rapid blocking process is still present. For any individual channel burst, definition of an open level is unclear.
Figure 6. Asymmetry of single-channel current amplitude distributions for α + β3b-ÎNÎC currents. Total amplitude histograms were generated from the records obtained from the patch used in Fig. 5. Amplitude histograms at symmetric voltages were scaled so that the bins with maximal counts were comparable for both inward and outward currents. The histograms at symmetric voltages were then overlaid to allow comparison of the current values during periods of open channel activity. In A, total amplitude histograms are compared at +60 and â60 mV. At +60 mV, a clear peak at â¼8 pA is observed, whereas at â60 mV current values show a hint of a peak â¼3â4 pA, with a strong skewing. In B, amplitude histograms at ±40 mV are compared with peaks at â3.2 pA (â40 mV) and +5.8 mV (+40 mV). In C, amplitude histograms at ±100 mV are compared with a peak for +100 mV at 16.5 pA and no clear peak at â100 mV. In D, amplitude histograms are compared at +80 and â80 mV, with a peak at +11.5 pA for +80 mV and no clear peak at â80 mV.
Figure 7. Ensemble variance analysis reveals nonlinearity in single-channel current estimates. In A, the indicated voltage protocol was used to repeatedly activate α + β3b-ÎNÎC currents with 10 μM Ca2+. The top current trace shows the average current from 75 sweeps, while the bottom trace shows the variance of all current values around the mean. In B, the current variance was plotted as a function of mean current at +60 mV (â¦) and during repolarization to â60 mV (â). The initial slope of the variance versus mean relationship is steeper at +60 mV, indicative of a larger single-channel current amplitude. The solid lines are fits of in the materials and methods, where N and i are the fitted values for number of channels and single-channel current, respectively. At +60 mV, N = 100.1 and i = 6.1 pA, whereas at â60 mV, N = 99.7 and i = 4.0 pA. In C, mean current and variance determined for 90 sweeps are shown for the same patch with currents activated by a step to +140 mV with 10 μM Ca2+. In D, at +140 mV (â¦), N = 106.9 and i = 17.1, whereas, at â60 mV (â), N = 91.2 with i = 4.2 pA. Currents were sampled at 5 μs per point at a bandwidth of 10 kHz. At +140 mV, the ensemble variance analysis would suggest that average open probability for these channels at 10 μM Ca2+ was 0.85, whereas at +60 mV, the average open probability was 0.79. These values are generally consistent with the near maximal activation of conductance observed in Fig. 3 D for the α + β3b-ÎN currents at +60 mV. In E, estimates of average open channel current obtained by different methods are plotted as a function of voltage. Open symbols correspond to individual ensemble variance analysis estimates. Values were obtained from α + β3b-ÎNÎC (â), α + β3b (â), and α + β3b-ÎN (â¡) currents, with no obvious differences among constructs. Mean values (â¢, and SD) for all variance analysis estimates for the three constructs were also determined at each potential. Mean values were calculated based on 2â16 estimates at each potential. The plot also includes estimates (â´) of single-channel current amplitude from the amplitude histograms shown in Fig. 6. The solid line is an instantaneous I-V curve for the α + β3b-ÎN currents (see Fig. 9 A in Lingle et al. 2001, in this issue) with the values normalized to the single-channel current value at +100 mV. The line with diamonds corresponds to the function: I(V) = V · G/(1 + K(0)expâzFV/RT), with G = 173 pS, K(0) = 0.7 and z = 0.2, suggesting a limiting single-channel conductance of 173 pS.
Figure 8. Comparison of families of peak and tail current G-V curves for both α + β3b-ÎN and α + β3b-ÎNÎC. In A, normalized G-V curves obtained from α + β3b-ÎN tail (A1; same as Fig. 3D) and peak (A2) currents are plotted for 0 (â¦, â), 0.5 (âª, â¡), 1 (â¢, â), 4 (â´, âµ), 10 (â¾, â¿), 60 (â¸, â¹), and 300 (â, â) μM Ca2+. Error bars are SEM for seven patches. Lines with small dotted circles represent fits of to each G-V curve, whereas a solid line shows the fit of , and 300 μM Ca2+. In B, G-V curves obtained from α + β3b-ÎNÎC tail (B1) and peak (B2) currents (4 patches) are plotted along with the fits of and . In C, normalized peak (open symbols) and tail current G-V curves for α + β3b-ÎN are compared for 0 (â¦, â), 1 (âª, â¡), 10 (â¢, â), and 300 μM Ca2+ (â´, âµ). For each patch, the maximum tail current conductance was normalized to the maximum conductance estimated from the peak current. Error bars for the tail current estimates are larger here than in A because of additional variability in the relative amount of maximal tail to peak current conductance among patches. Fits of and to the peak current G-V curves are shown for 10 and 300 μM Ca2+ to emphasize that fails to describe the G-V curves at higher Ca2+. In D, relative amplitude of peak and tail current G-Vs are compared for α + β3b-ÎNÎC currents with symbols as in C. In E, the normalized peak (solid symbols) and tail current G-V curves for α + β3b-ÎN currents obtained at 10 and 300 μM Ca2+ are overlaid to emphasize the difference in shape between peak and tail G-V curves that is particularly pronounced at higher Ca2+. In F, a corrected tail current conductance (â¢, 10 μM Ca2+; âª, 300 μM Ca2+) at each potential based on the measured tail current conductance and the nonlinearity of the instantaneous I-V curves (Fig. 7 E) was determined for α + β3b-ÎN currents. At each potential, tail current conductances (as in Fig. 7 E) were scaled by a factor defined by the idealized instantaneous I-V curve in Fig. 8, with the instantaneous conductance at â100 mV set to 1. Actual peak conductance values are also plotted (â, 10 μM; â¡, 300 μM).
Figure 9. Coupling of voltage-dependent charge movement of closed states to changes in Ca2+ binding affinity can account for the unusual shape of the α + β3b-ÎN G-V curves. In A1, points show G-V curves arising from α alone while the lines show the best fit with the 50-state model () in which voltage sensor movement does not affect Ca2+ affinity. Best fit values are given in Table . In A2, defined by the 15-state model (Fig. 1) was used to fit the α alone G-V curves. With all parameters not constrained, the value for Kx was indeterminate. Fixing Kx near the value for Kc yielded the fit shown by the solid line. In an alternative fit (dotted line), it was assumed that the charge moved during voltage-sensor movement (Q1) and that during the closed-to-open transition (Q2) were identical to that revealed by the fit to G-V curves arising from α + β3b-ÎN. In this case, the value for Kx converged to a value near that for Kc. Best fit values are given in Table . The fit corresponding to the line with open circles resulted when all parameters except Kc and Kx were constrained to values that resulted from fitting the α + β3b-ÎN curves in B2. In B1, G-V curves resulting from α + β3b-ÎN were fit with (50-state model). Two fits are shown: one in which the peak conductance was constrained to be 100%, and the other with all parameters unconstrained. In B2, G-V curves resulting from α + β3b-ÎN were fit with (15-state model), with all values unconstrained. In comparison to the best fit for α alone, values for Kx approach that for Ko. In C1, mean G-V values for α + β3b-ÎNÎC were fit with with all values unconstrained. In C2, G-V values for α + β3b-ÎNÎC were fit with , in one case with all values unconstrained (dotted line) and the other (solid line) with values for V(0) and L(0) constrained to those obtained in the fit to the α + β3b-ÎN data.
Figure 10. Normalized current activation time course as a function of voltage or Ca2+ for each β3b construct. In A, on the left, currents resulting from expression of α alone in an inside-out patch were activated at 10 μM with the indicated voltage-protocol. Each current was fit with a single exponential function, and the currents were then normalized to the maximal current activated at each command potential. On the right, currents were activated at +100 mV with 1, 4, 10, 60, and 300 μM Ca2+. Currents were again normalized to the maximal current amplitude activated at the command potential. In B, similar normalized currents are shown for α + β3b. In C, normalized currents are shown for α + β3b-ÎC. These appear essentially identical to those for α + β3b. In D, normalized currents are shown for α + β3b-ÎN. Even at the strongest activation conditions (+180, 10 μM Ca2+ on the left and +100 mV, 300 μM Ca2+ on the right), the α + β3b-ÎN currents activate more slowly than any of the other constructs.
Figure 11. Comparison of activation time constants for α, α + β3b, α + β3b-ÎC, and α + β3b-ÎN. In A, the time constant of activation, Ïa, for currents arising from expression of the α subunit alone is plotted as a function of command potentials for 1 (â¦), 4 (â), 10 (â¢), 60 (â), and 300 (âª) μM Ca2+ for 5â7 patches at each [Ca2+]. Error bars indicate standard deviation. In B, Ïa is plotted for α + β3b currents. Note the apparent faster time constant for α + β3b currents relative to α alone. Symbols in BâD are identical to those in A. In C, Ïa is plotted for α + β3b-ÎC currents, showing the similarity with α + β3b currents. In D, Ïa is plotted for α + β3b-ÎN currents. At all potentials and Ca2+, α + β3b-ÎN currents appear to activate more slowly than those arising from α alone. In E, apparent activation rates at +60 mV were calculated and plotted as a function of Ca2+ for each of the four sets of currents (α, â; α + β3b, âµ; α + β3b-ÎC, â´; and α + β3b-ÎN, â¢). Solid lines represent a fit of k(Ca) = k(0) 1 kmax/(1 + ([Ca2+]/K)n) where k(0) is the activation rate at 0 Ca2+, kmax is the maximal Ca2+-dependent increase in activation rate, K is the concentration of half effect, and n is the Hill coefficient. For α, α + β3b, α + β3b-ÎC, and α + β3b-ÎN, respectively, the maximal k(Ca) was 3.24, 2.34, 2.18, and 0.96 msâ1, K was 54.7, 6.7, 7.8, and 37.8 μM, and n was 1.4, 6.3, 4.5, and 1.01. Confidence limits on estimates of K and n were large, but at +60 mV the steeper Ca2+ dependence of the apparent activation rate for α + β3b and α + β3b-ÎC currents is clear. In F, apparent activation rates are plotted as in E but for currents measured at +120 mV. For α, α + β3b, α + β3b-ÎC, and α + β3b-ÎN, the maximal k(Ca) was 6.6, 4.9, 4.6, and 1.8 msâ1, respectively, K was 29.1, 5.5, 5.6, and 15.6, respectively, and n was 0.99, 1.33, 1.39, and 0.99, respectively. At +120 mV, the relatively faster intrinsic rate of activation of the β3b and β3b-ÎC constructs compared with +60 mV reduces the effect of inactivation on the apparent activation rate. Note that at both +60 and +120 mV, the limiting maximal k(Ca) for α + β3b-ÎN currents is less than that for any of the other constructs.
Figure 12. Tail current deactivation is similar for β3 currents with or without NH2- and COOH-terminals. In A, normalized tail currents are shown for the α subunit alone. On the left, traces show tail currents evoked with 300 μM Ca2+ at potentials from â180 to â30 mV (voltage protocol on the top). On the right, traces show tail currents evoked at â100 mV with 0, 1, 4, 10, 60, and 300 μM Ca2+. Points show every second or fourth digitized data value, while lines are single exponential fits to the current decay. For â180, â150, â120, â90, â60, and â30, the fitted Ïd was 0.16, 0.21, 0.26, 0.38, 0.56, and 1.01 ms, respectively. For 0, 1, 4, 10, 60, and 300 μM, Ïd was 0.12, 0.21, 0.30, 0.30, 0.52, and 0.85 ms, respectively. In B, traces show normalized tail currents for α + β3b currents. Note the delay before the exponential decay of the tail current observed at more positive deactivation potentials and higher Ca2+. For â180, â150, â120, â90, â60, and â30, Ïd was 0.41, 0.58, 0.70, 1.33, 2.16, and 4.8 ms, respectively. For 0, 1, 4, 10, 60, and 300 μM, Ïd was 0.25, 0.34, 0.53, 0.46, 0.88, and 1.24 ms, respectively. In C, normalized tail currents are shown for α + β3b-ÎC. Again note the delay in current decay before the onset of exponentiality. For â180, â150, â120, â90, â60, and â30, the fitted Ïd was 0.39, 0.48, 0.71, 1.2, 2.32, and 2.74 ms, respectively. For 0, 1, 4, 10, 60, and 300 μM, Ïd was 0.25, 0.39, 0.60, 0.93, 1.76, and 1.96 ms, respectively. In D, normalized tail currents are shown for α + β3b-ÎN. Note the absence of the delay before exponentiality. For â180, â150, â120, â90, â60, and â30, the fitted Ïd was 0.29, 0.37, 0.47, 0.67, 0.96, and 1.51 ms, respectively. For 0, 1, 4, 10, 60, and 300 μM, Ïd was 0.30, 0.47, 0.58, 0.60, 1.21, and 1.56 ms, respectively.
Figure 13. Comparison of deactivation time constants for different β3b constructs. In A, deactivation time constants (Ïd) obtained from single exponential fits to the tail current time course (Fig. 7) are plotted as a function of repolarization potential for currents from α subunit alone for 0 (â), 1 (â¦), 4 (â¡), 10 (âª), 60 (â), and 300 (â¢) μM. In B, Ïd is plotted as a function of voltage for α + β3b currents with symbols as in A. In C, Ïd is plotted as a function of voltage for α + β3b-ÎC currents. In D, Ïd is plotted as a function of voltage for α + β3b-ÎN currents. In E, the deactivation rate measured at â80 mV is plotted as a function of Ca2+ for each construct (α, â; α + β3b, â¦; α + β3b-ÎC, â; and α + β3b-ÎN, â¢). In F, the deactivation rate measured at â160 mV is plotted as a function of Ca2+ with symbols as in E. Current deactivation for α alone is â¼1.5â2-fold faster than for currents resulting from any β3b construct.
Figure 14. Removal of inactivation by trypsin shifts the V0.5 for activation at low Ca2+ to higher values and results in a weaker apparent voltage dependence of activation. In A, traces show α + β3b currents activated with the indicated voltage-protocol before (left column) and after (right column) removal of inactivation by brief trypsin application to the cytosolic face of the inside-out patch. Concentrations were 0, 1, and 10 μM Ca2+ as indicated. In B, normalized tail current G-V curves are plotted for a different set of five α + β3b patches before (open symbols) and after (solid symbols) trypsin application for 0 (â¢, â), 1 (âª, â¡), 10 (â¦, â), and 300 (â´, âµ) μM Ca2+. Solid lines are fits of . Before trypsin, values for V0.5 were 132.3, 108.9, 21.1, and â51.2 mV for 0, 1, 10, and 300 μM Ca2+, respectively. After trypsin, V0.5 values were 170.2, 148.0, 50.1, and â41.3 mV for 0, 1, 10, and 300 μM, respectively. Average value of k before trypsin for this set of patches was 16.5 ± 1.3 mV (mean ± SD) and, after trypsin, 23.9 ± 2.6 mV. The solid line with smaller circles was the fit of to currents obtained at 10 and 300 μM Ca2+. For 10 μM Ca2+, Gmax1 = 60.0, k1 = 14.8 mV, V10.5 = 34.3 mV, Gmax2 = 40.0, k2 = 26.6 mV, and V20.5 = 89.3 mV. For 300 μM, Gmax1 = 70.2, k1 = 17.7 mV, V10.5 = â54.9 mV, Gmax2 = 29.8, k2 = 47.1 mV, and V20.5 = 53.2 mV. In C, mean values for V0.5 obtained from fits of at four different [Ca2+] are plotted as a function of [Ca2+] for the five patches with α + β3b currents shown in B both before (â¢) and after (â) trypsin was applied to remove inactivation. Error bars are SD. The V0.5 for four patches (â¦) expressing only α alone was also determined from the same batch of oocytes.
Figure 15. Removal of inactivation by trypsin slows the time to peak for activation of current, but has little effect on deactivation. In A, traces on the left show α + β3b currents for a patch activated with 10 μM Ca2+ by a step to +40 mV before and after trypsin application. At +40 mV with 10 μM Ca2+, there is no detectable time-dependent inactivation but just current rectification. On the right, the normalized currents are overlaid to show the faster apparent activation before trypsin-mediated removal of inactivation. In B, traces on the left show currents activated with 1 μM Ca2+ at +100 mV. The normalized currents on the right show a markedly faster time-to-peak of currents before trypsin application. In C, time constants of current activation were plotted as a function of command voltage for currents activated with either 1 or 10 μM Ca2+ either before (â, 1 μM; â, 10 μM) or after (â¢, 1 μM; â¦, 10 μM) trypsin-mediated removal of inactivation. With inactivation intact, there is a faster apparent rate of current activation at low and moderate [Ca2+]. Points are mean and SD for three patches.