Fig. 1. RA exposure during gastrulation increased the expression of
activators and repressed the expression of inhibitors of primary
neurogenesis, while the retinoid antagonist Ro produced the opposite
results. Embryos were untreated (Control column), treated with RA
(RA column) or treated with Ro 41-5253 (Ro column) and the effect
on the expression of different components of the primary
neurogenesis cascade was evaluated by in situ hybridization at
neurula stage. All panels are dorsal views (anterior up). (A-C) Ntubulin
(N-tub) domains were strongly expanded by RA (B; 54%,
n=24 for 1 mMRA; 100%, n=44 for 10 mM RA). The stripes of
sensory neurons and interneurons were merged (compare arrowheads
between A and B) and shifted anteriorly. Ro certainly reduced Ntubulin
expression (C, 83%, n=12 for 1.5 mM Ro) and stripes
appeared more distant than in control embryos. m, i and s, primary
motor neurons, interneurons and sensory neurons, respectively.
(D-F) X-MyT1 domains were expanded and shifted anteriorly after
RA treatment (E, 100%, n=8 for 1 mM RA; 100%, n=6 for 10 mM
RA). Ro clearly reduced X-MyT1 expression in the neural plate (F,
100%, n=8 for 1.5 mM Ro). (G-I) X-ngnr-1 expression was increased,
stripes were merged (compare black arrowheads in G and H) and
shifted anteriorly, while trigeminal expression (white arrowhead in
G) was lost in RA-treated embryos (H, 61%, n=33 for 1 mM RA;
72%, n=29 for 10 mM RA). Ro reduced X-ngnr-1 expression in the
neural plate but enlarged the trigeminal domain (white arrowhead; I,
21%, n=14 for 1.5 mM Ro; 20%, n=10 for 4 mM Ro). (J-L) X-Delta-1
domains were increased, merged and shifted anteriorly in response to
RA treatment, while the most-anterior domain (arrowhead in J) was
lost probably due to posteriorization (K, 50%, n=16 for 10 mM RA,
38% n=16 for 1 mM RA). Ro changes the expression pattern of XDelta-
1 resolving the longitudinal stripes into a bilateral one towards
the dorsal midline, while the anterior domains (arrowhead) converge
(L, 30%, n=10 for 1.5 mM Ro). (M-O) RA treatment resulted in a
widespread expansion of Gli3 over the mediolateral axis in the
posterior neural plate, and the anterior domain was markedly reduced
(N, 100%, n=10 for 1 mM RA; 100%, n=10 for 10 mM RA). Ro
treatment only reduced the posterior expression (O, 67%, n=9 for 4
mM Ro; 63%, n=8 for 7.5 mM Ro). The low levels of Gli3 expression
in the posterior domain in control embryos makes the comparison
with Ro-treated embryos difficult. (P-R) RA produced a dosedependent
abolishment of Zic2 expression (Q, complete lost, 100%,
n=10 for 10 mM RA; posterior reduction and anterior lost, 100%,
n=10 for 1 mM RA, see inset). Ro treatment dispersed Zic2
expression over the mediolateral axis in the posterior neural plate (R,
30%, n=10 for 4 mM Ro; 40%, n=10 for 7.5 mM Ro). (S-U) X-shh
expression was strongly reduced in the posterior level and was
completely abolished in the anterior notochord and floor plate after
RA treatment (T, 100%, n=23 for 10 mM RA). Ro-treated embryos
showed a clear increase of X-shh along the dorsal midline (U).
Fig. 2. X-shh and X-bhh overexpression increased the expression of
inhibitors and repressed the expression of activators of primary
neurogenesis, and reduced neural crest markers without impairing
neural development. Embryos were unilaterally injected with 1 or 2
ng of nuc-b galactosidase mRNA as a negative control (b-gal
column), full-length X-shh mRNA (X-shh column) or full-length Xbhh
mRNA (X-bhh column) plus 100 pg of nuc-bgal mRNA as
tracer. They were analyzed at neurula stage by whole-mount in situ
hybridization with different neural markers. All are dorsal views
(anterior up). The injected side is demarcated by the pale blue
staining and is oriented to the left. IS, injected side. NIS, noninjected
side. (A-C) Suppression of primary neuron formation as
revealed by the differentiation marker N-tubulin (N-tub) in X-shhinjected
embryos (B, 90%, n=21 for 2 ng; 79%, n=14 for 1 ng; 57%,
n=21 for 0.125 ng) and X-bhh-injected embryos (C, 100%, n=24 for
2 ng; 93%, n=14 for 1 ng; 28%, n=22 for 0.125 ng). Notice the
absence of N-tubulin expression from the trigeminal ganglion in the
injected side. m, i and s, primary motor neurons, interneurons and
sensory neurons, respectively; arrowhead, trigeminal ganglion.
(D-F) Expansion of the neural plate as revealed by the general neural
marker nrp-1 in X-shh-injected embryos (E, 100%, n=10 for 2 ng)
and X-bhh-injected embryos (F, 100%, n=10 for 2 ng). (G-I)
Abolishment of Gli3 expression in the posterior neural plate in Xshh-
injected embryos (H, 67%, n=21 for 2 ng; 15%, n=13 for 1 ng)
and X-bhh-injected embryos (I, 50%, n=26 for 2 ng). Notice that
nuc-b-gal dark-blue staining may interfere with the appreciation of
Gli3 decrease on the injected side. (J-L) Widespread expansion of
Zic2 domain in X-shh-injected embryos (K, 71%, n=34 for 2 ng;
44%, n=18 for 0.25 ng) and X-bhh-injected embryos (L, 80%, n=35
for 2 ng; 32%, n=63 for 0.25 ng). Notice the absence of Zic2
expression from the medial cranial neural crest domain (arrow) in the
injected side. (M-O) Reduction and ventral displacement of the Slug
domain in X-shh-injected embryos (N, 82%, n=22 for 2 ng; 64%,
n=11 for 1 ng; 35%, n=17 for 0.25 ng) and X-bhh-injected embryos
(O, 50%, n=6 for 1 ng; 32%, n=25 for 0.25 ng). Arrows, neural
crests. (P-R) Downregulation of Krox-20 in r5 and caudal
displacement of r3 domain in X-shh-injected embryos (Q, 60%, n=10
for 2 ng) and X-bhh-injected embryos (R, 60%, n=10 for 2 ng). r3,
third rhombomere; r5, fifth rhombomere.
Fig. 3. Cross sections of X-shh- and X-bhh-injected embryos at neurula stage (A-E) and tadpole stages (F,G). Dorsal side is up. IS, injected side;
NIS, non-injected side; n, notochord; ne, neural ectoderm; s, somites. (A) N-tubulin distribution shows the ventral displacement of the primary
sensory neurons stripe (arrowhead) in the IS. (B) Hoechst nuclear labeling revealing the increased cell number in the IS including the neural
ectoderm (compare bars). (C,D) Zic2 expression. Note the expansion in the neural ectoderm and mesoderm in the IS in C. The inset shown at
higher magnification in D shows the very active transcription of Zic2 in nuclei (arrowheads) of the IS. (E) The same section as in D revealed for
Hoescht staining, confirms the nuclear location (arrowheads) of Zic2 transcripts. (F,G) Xsal-1 expression is downregulated in the VIIth cranial
ganglion (arrow in F) and reveals an expansion of ventral secondary neurons within the neural tube (arrowheads in F and G) in the IS.
Fig. 4. RA acts upstream of lateral inhibition, Zic2 and X-shh in the
primary neurogenesis cascade. Embryos were coinjected unilaterally
with 100 pg nuc-b-gal mRNA as tracer plus NotchICD, Zic2 or X-shh
mRNAs and left untreated (control column) or treated with RA
during gastrulation (RA column). N-tubulin distribution was revealed
by in situ hybridization at neurula stage. All are dorsal views
(anterior up). Dotted line, dorsal midline; IS, injected side (blue
staining); NIS, non-injected side. Sensory neuron stripes are marked
with arrows. Percentages below indicate the reduction of N-tubulin
expression in the IS. (A,B) RA treatment cannot overcome the
inhibitory effect of NotchICD on N-tubulin expression. NotchICDinjected
embryos, untreated (A, 93%, n=11 for 1 ng NotchICD; 75%,
n=14 for 0.5 ng NotchICD). NotchICD-injected embryos, treated with
RA (B, 100%, n=10 for 1 ng NotchICD + 10 mM RA; 70%, n=10 for
1 ng NotchICD + 1 mM RA; 73%, n=11 for 0.5 ng NotchICD + 10 mM
RA; 100%, n=10 for 0.5 ng NotchICD + 1 mM RA). (C,D) RA
treatment cannot rescue the inhibitory effect of Zic2 on N-tubulin
expression. Zic2-injected embryos, untreated (C, 20%, n=22 for 2 ng
Zic2; 15%, n=32 for 1 ng Zic2). Zic2-injected embryos, treated with
RA (D, 22%, n=23 for 1 ng Zic2 + 10 mM RA). (E,F) RA treatment
cannot rescue the inhibitory effect of X-shh on N-tubulin expression.
X-shh-injected embryos, untreated (E, 17%, n=6 for 0.25 ng X-shh).
X-shh-injected embryos, treated with RA (F, 30%, n=10 for 0.25 ng
X-shh + 10 mM RA). All RA-treated embryos showed the previously
described enhancement of N-tubulin expression in the uninjected
Fig. 5. Proposed model for the molecular interactions involving RA and hedgehog
signaling leading to terminal primary neuronal differentiation.