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Characterization and molecular evolution of a vertebrate hyaluronan synthase gene family.
Spicer AP
McDonald JA
The three mammalian hyaluronan synthase (HAS) genes and the related Xenopus laevis gene, DG42, belong to a larger evolutionarily conserved vertebrate HAS gene family. We have characterized additional vertebrate HAS genes from chicken (chas2 and chas3) and Xenopus (xhas2, xhas3, and a unique Xenopus HAS-related sequence, xHAS-rs). Genomic structure analyses demonstrated that all vertebrate HAS genes share at least one exon-intron boundary, suggesting that they evolved from a common ancestral gene. Furthermore, the Has2 and Has3 genes are identical in structure, suggesting that they arose by a gene duplication event early in vertebrate evolution. Significantly, similarities in the genomic structures of the mouse Has1 and Xenopus DG42 genes strongly suggest that they are orthologues. Northern analyses revealed a similar temporal expression pattern of HAS genes in developing mouse and Xenopus embryos. Expression of mouse Has2, Has3, and Xenopus Has1 (DG42) led to hyaluronan biosynthesis in transfected mammalian cells. However, only mouse Has2 and Has3 expressing cells formed significant hyaluronan-dependent pericellular coats in culture, implying both functional similarities and differences among vertebrate HAS enzymes. We propose that vertebrate hyaluronan biosynthesis is regulated by a comparatively ancient gene family that has arisen by sequential gene duplication and divergence.
FIG. 1. Multiple amino acid sequence alignment of vertebrate HAS enzymes obtained from degenerate PCR products. Amino acid
sequences are aligned with reference to mouse Has2 (mHas2) amino acids 271â461 (16). Dashes indicate sequence identity; spaces indicate gaps
that have been introduced to maximize the alignment. Significantly, sequence differences among vertebrate HAS enzymes have been conserved
between species. Thus, sequences could be classified as Has2, Has3, etc. m, mouse; h, human; c, chicken (G. gallus); x, X. laevis; z, zebrafish (D.
rerio). The zebrafish Has2 (zHas2) sequence was added from previously published data (27).
FIG. 2. Nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence of X.
laevis HAS-related sequence, xHAS-rs. The open reading frame is
capitalized. 59- and 39-untranslated regions are indicated in lowercase.
The predicted start codon is underlined as is the predicted stop codon,
an in-frame stop codon within the 59-untranslated region, and the
consensus polyadenylation signal.
FIG. 3. Comparison of vertebrate
HAS enzymes and HAS-related sequence.
A, multiple amino acid sequence
alignment between known vertebrate
HAS enzymes and HAS-related sequences
(HAS-rs). Boxed residues indicate
positions within the proteins where
at least 3 out of 5 residues are identical.
Dashes indicate gaps that have been introduced
to maximize the alignment. m,
mouse; x, X. laevis. B, amino acid sequence
alignment of three regions of the
vertebrate HAS proteins with equivalent
regions of related b-glycosaminyltransferases.
m, mouse; x, X. laevis; HasA, S.
pyogenes hyaluronan synthase; NodC,
Rhizobium meliloti nodulation factor C;
celA1, Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) putative
cellulose synthase A1; Chs2, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae chitin synthase 2.
Highly conserved residues are boxed.
Site-directed mutagenesis of the Chs2
residues indicated by the asterisks resulted
in loss of enzymatic activity (39).
FIG. 4. Genomic structure of vertebrate HAS and HAS-rs genes. A, restriction maps of the mouse Has genes drawn to scale with the X.
laevis has1 (DG42) and HAS-related sequence (xHAS-rs) genes. Exons are indicated by boxes. Open boxes indicate 59- and 39-untranslated regions;
filled boxes indicate the open reading frame. The respective locations of start codons (ATG) and stop codons (TAA and TGA) are indicated.
Restriction sites for the enzymes, BamHI (B), SacII (C), EcoRI (E), HindIII (H), KpnI (K), HpaI (P), and SacI (S) are shown. B, alignment of
vertebrate HAS and HAS-rs gene exons based upon exon-intron boundaries. Exons are represented by numbered boxes. The position of exon-intron
boundaries is represented by gaps between each exon. Open boxes indicate 59- and 39-untranslated regions; filled boxes indicate the open reading
frame. The location of the start codon (ATG) is indicated for each gene. The position of AUUUA elements within 39-untranslated regions is noted.
Based upon these alignments and the results from Table I, the HAS genes could be grouped into two classes: xhas1 (DG42), mouse Has1, and
xHAS-rs comprising one class, and mouse Has2 and mouse Has3 the other.
FIG. 5. Northern analysis of vertebrate HAS gene expression.
A, expression of HAS and HAS-rs genes in the developing mouse and
Xenopus embryos. HAS-specific radiolabeled probes were sequentially
hybridized to Northern blots of staged embryonic RNAs. Xenopus developmental
stages were as follows: stage 1, fertilized egg; stage 8,
mid-blastula transition; stage 12, gastrula; stage 19, neurula; stage 25,
early tadpole. The mouse blot was hybridized with a b-actin probe to
determine variation in sample loading. The Xenopus blot was stained with methylene blue prior to hybridization to detect ribosomal RNAs
(rRNA) to determine efficiency of transfer and variation in sample
loading. All probes were labeled to similar specific activities, and membranes
were exposed to autoradiographic film for identical lengths of
time; mouse poly(A)1 RNA blot, 16 h at 280 °C; Xenopus total RNA
blot, 3 days at 280 °C. B, expression of HAS genes in a panel of human
adult tissues. Membranes were sequentially hybridized with partial
cDNA probes for the respective human HAS genes. To determine variation
in sample loading membranes were hybridized with a human
b-actin probe. Membranes were exposed to autoradiographic film for an
average of 5 days at 280 °C. Sk., skeletal; Sm., small. PBL, peripheral
blood leukocyte.
FIG. 6. Functional analysis of vertebrate HAS enzymes in
vitro. Top, COS-1 cells were transfected with the respective HAS expression
vectors (panels bâh) or with a control (empty) vector (panel a),
and HA coat assays were performed as described previously (16). Only
COS-1 cells transfected with mouse Has2 (panel e) or mouse Has3
(panel g) expression vectors generated significant pericellular coats
that were specifically destroyed by treatment with S. hyaluronlyticus
hyaluronidase (panels f and h). Identical results were observed in a
second mammalian cell line, human 293 cells (data not shown). Bottom,
agarose gel electrophoresis of radiolabeled hyaluronan synthesized in
vitro by crude cell membranes prepared from COS-1 cells expressing
vertebrate HAS genes. HA synthase assays were divided into two tubes
and incubated overnight at 60 °C in the presence (1) or absence (2) of
1 TRU of S. hyalurolyticus hyaluronidase (Hase) at approximately pH
5.0. Samples were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis as described
under âExperimental Procedures.â
FIG. 7. Characterization of HAS-reactive antisera by immunoblotting.
Crude membrane preparations from COS-1 cells transfected
with vertebrate HAS expression vectors or pCIneo control vector were
analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting
as described under âExperimental Procedures.â Antisera were
raised against mouse Has2-derived synthetic peptides or against an
N-terminal portion of Xenopus Has1 (DG42). One antiserum, MC287,
raised against mouse Has2 peptide 2, cross-reacted with Xenopus Has1
(DG42), mouse Has1, mouse Has2, and mouse Has3 (left panel). A
second antiserum, MC285, raised against mouse Has2 peptide 1, only
detected mouse Has2 by immunoblotting (middle panel). The antixHas1
(DG42) N-terminal antiserum was completely specific for Xenopus
Has1 (DG42) and failed to detect mouse HAS proteins even with
prolonged exposures (right panel), suggesting that this antiserum is not
suitable for detecting HAS proteins other than xHas1 (DG42) by