Fig. 1. (A) Xom cDNA sequence and deduced
amino acid sequence. Amino acids in bold
represent the homeodomain. The threonine at
position 47 in this homeodomain is underlined,
as is the polyadenylation signal at nucleotides
1226-1231. (B) Comparison of the
homeodomain of Xom with those of members of
the same homeodomain class. The threonine at
position 47 is again underlined. (C) Structure of
Xom. The acidic domain (amino acids 41 to 172;
red) is defined as a region in which the average
charge over 20 amino acids is consistently
negative. In the middle of this domain is a region
rich in serine and threonine (diagonal stripes).
The homeodomain is contained within amino
acids 173-233 (blue). The proline-rich domain
(amino acids 255-320) contains 14 proline
residues in a stretch of 66 amino acids (yellow).
Fig. 2. RNAase protection analysis of Xom expression. Xom
transcripts are first detectable at stage 9 and expression declines after
stage 17. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is used as a loading control.
Fig. 3. Whole-mount in situ analysis of Xom expression. (A) Vegetal
view of a Xenopus embryo at stage 9 shows asymmetric expression
of Xom. It is likely that Xom is most highly expressed in ventral cells,
because by stage 10.5 transcripts are clearly excluded from the
organizer (B). Apparent lack of expression in vegetal tissue is
probably due to poor probe penetration. (C) Dorsal view of an
embryo at stage 12.5; expression is excluded from the anterior neural
plate and the dorsal midline. (D) Dorsal view of an embryo at stage
14. Expression is becoming restricted to two domains, one anterior
and one posterior. The posterior domain surrounds the lateral and
ventral regions of the embryo. (E) Lateral view of an embryo at stage
20. The anterior domain has resolved to mark the dorsal region of the
eye. The posterior domain includes the ventral region of the embryo
and (out of the plane of the photograph) the dorsal midline in the
trunk. (F) Lateral view of an embryo at stage 32 shows expression of
Xom in the dorsal part of the eye, in the proctodeum and in the
tailbud. Scattered expression is also visible in the dorsal midline,
which may be due to migrating neural crest cells.
Fig. 4. Sections of embryos processed for whole-mount in situ
hybridization using a probe specific for Xom. (A) Section of stage-
10.5 embryo. Transcripts are absent from the organizer, but are
present in ventral and lateral regions of the embryo in all three germ
layers. The punctate staining in vegetal tissue may be due to poor
probe penetration into this yolky tissue. (B) Section of a stage-19
embryo at the level of the head. Transcripts are present in the
presumptive eye. (C) Section of the embryo shown in B in the trunk
region. Staining is visible in all three germ layers of the ventral and
lateral regions of the embryo, and in the dorsal cells of the roof plate
of the neural tube. Bars, in A and B are 50 mm; in C is 100 mm.
Fig. 5. Expression of Xom is prevented by dispersion of Xenopus
embryos. Addition of activin or BMP-4, but not FGF, restores
expression. Xenopus embryos were transferred to calcium- and
magnesium-free medium at stage 7.5, their vitelline membranes were
removed, and the blastomeres were kept dispersed by passing a
gentle stream of medium over the cells from a Pasteur pipette.
Dispersed blastomeres were cultured to stage 10.5 in the presence of
the indicated factors and analysed for expression of Xom by RNAase
protection. EF-1a was used as a loading control. Lane 1, intact
control embryos; lane 2, dispersed blastomeres with no additional
factors; lane 3, dispersed blastomeres plus 50 ng/ml FGF-2; lane 4,
dispersed blastomeres plus 100 ng/ml BMP-4; lane 5, dispersed
blastomeres plus 8 units/ml activin.
Fig. 6. Activation of Xom expression by activin and BMP-4 is not
inhibited by cycloheximide. Xenopus embryos were transferred to
calcium- and magnesium-free medium at stage 7.5, their vitelline
membranes were removed, and the blastomeres were kept dispersed
by passing a gentle stream of medium over the cells from a Pasteur
pipette. Dispersed blastomeres were cultured to stage 10.5 in the
absence of additional factors (lanes 1 and 2) or in the presence of
FGF-2 (lanes 3 and 4), BMP-4 (lanes 5 and 6) or activin (lanes 7 and
8). Samples in even-numbered lanes were cultured in the continual
presence of 7.5 mg ml-1 cycloheximide. This was sufficient to reduce
incorporation of [35S]methionine into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble
material by over 94%. Expression of Xom was analysed by RNAase
protection. EF-1a was used as a loading control.
Fig. 7. Injection of RNA
encoding noggin into one
blastomere of Xenopus embryos
at the 2-cell stage inhibits
expression of Xom. Noggin RNA
(1 ng) was injected into one
blastomere of Xenopus embryos
at the 2-cell stage and the
embryos were allowed to
develop to the early gastrula
stage (stage 10), when they were
analysed by whole-mount in situ
hybridization. (A) Noggininjected
embryo viewed from the
animal hemisphere. Note downregulation
of Xom expression in
half the embryo (arrow).
(B) Control embryo viewed from
the animal hemisphere.
Fig. 8. Expression of a
truncated BMP-4 receptor
blocks early expression of
Xom, and over-expression
of BMP-4 causes ectopic
expression. (A) RNA
encoding a truncated
BMP-2/4 receptor (tBR)
was injected into Xenopus
embryos at the 1-cell stage
and the embryos were
allowed to develop to the
indicated stages before
being analysed by RNAase
protection using a probe
specific for Xom. At stages
8 and 9 there is a dramatic
down-regulation of Xom
compared to uninjected
controls, but this has
recovered by stage 11. EF-
1a was used as a loading
control. (B) In situ
hybridization analysis of
embryos injected with a
truncated BMP-2/4 at
stage 10 also reveals
inhibition of Xom
expression. (C) Overexpression
of BMP-4
causes expression of Xom
to occur in the dorsal
marginal zone as well as in
ventral tissues.
Fig. 9. Comparison of the time of onset of expression of Xom and of
BMP-4. Xenopus embryos at the indicated times after fertilisation
(hours) were analysed by RNAase protection simultaneously for the
expression of BMP-4, Xom and EF-1a. Low maternal levels of
BMP-4 RNA are visible and zygotic expression of Xom slightly
precedes that of BMP-4.
Fig. 10. Injection of RNA encoding Xom into dorsal blastomeres of
Xenopus embryos causes loss of anterior structures and of the
notochord. Xom RNA (4 ng total) was injected into the two dorsal
blastomeres of Xenopus embryos at the 4-cell stage, and the embryos
were allowed to develop to stage 32. Control embryos received
injections of RNA encoding DXom, which encodes a truncated
version of Xom. (A) Embryos expressing DXom develop normally.
(B) Embryos injected with RNA encoding Xom lack anterior
structures. (C) Whole-mount antibody staining using the monoclonal
antibody MZ15 demonstrates that embryos injected with DXom RNA
form a notochord. (D) Embryos injected with RNA encoding Xom
lack a notochord.
Fig. 11. Xom, but not DXom, changes the fate of
prospective dorsal mesodermal cells. RNA (2 ng)
encoding DXom (A, B), or Xom (C, D) was injected
into blastomere C1 of Xenopus embryos at the 32-cell
stage along with RNA (100 pg) encoding b-
galactosidase, which acts as a lineage marker. The
embryos were allowed to develop to stage 42, when
they were fixed and processed for b-galactosidase
expression. Note that blastomeres injected with RNA
encoding DXom make a major contribution to
notochord (A, B), while those expressing Xom (C, D)
preferentially populate the somites.
Fig. 12. Animal caps derived from embryos injected with Xom RNA
do not elongate in response to activin. Animal caps were dissected
from control embryos or from embryos injected with RNA encoding
Xom or DXom. They were left untreated or were exposed to 4
units/ml activin. Caps were photographed at the equivalent of stage
17. (A) Control animal caps remain spherical. (B) Activin treatment
of animal caps derived from uninjected embryos causes dramatic
elongation. (C) Animal caps derived from embryos injected with
RNA encoding DXom remain spherical. (D) Activin treatment of
animal caps derived from embryos injected with RNA encoding
DXom causes elongation. (E) Animal caps derived from embryos
injected with RNA encoding Xom remain spherical. (F) Activin
treatment of animal caps derived from embryos injected with RNA
encoding Xom does not cause elongation.
Fig. 13. Xom inhibits induction of dorsal mesoderm by activin but
does not affect activation of Xbra or induce expression of aT4
globin. Animal caps derived from embryos injected with RNA
encoding Xom or DXom were exposed, where appropriate, to activin
(4 units/ml) and cultured to the equivalent of stage 25 for analysis of
cardiac actin expression, to stage 10.5 for analysis of Xbra and to
stage 25 for analysis of aT4 globin. (A) Induction of cardiac
(muscle-specific) actin is inhibited by Xom RNA but not by DXom.
(B) Expression of Xbra is not affected by Xom and Xom does not
induce expression of aT4 globin, even though activin-induced
elongation in this experiment was blocked (not shown). Expression
of EF-1a was used as a loading control.