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Dev Biol
1998 Oct 01;2021:113-24. doi: 10.1006/dbio.1998.8982.
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Voltage-dependent activation of frog eggs by a sperm surface disintegrin peptide.
Shilling FM
Magie CR
Nuccitelli R
Fertilin, a sperm protein of the metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-rich (MDC) family, plays a critical role in sperm-egg binding in mammals. Peptides corresponding to the disintegrin domain of fertilin and antibodies against fertilin have been shown to inhibit mammalian sperm-egg binding and fusion. A protein from the same family, xMDC16, was recently cloned from frog (Xenopus laevis) testis and was found to be involved in frog sperm-egg binding. Here we report that xMDC16 is localized predominantly on the posterior surface of egg jelly-activated sperm, and peptides from the disintegrin domain of this protein activate eggs when applied near the egg surface. Egg activation was dependent on (1) specific amino acid residues (KTX); (2) the presence of divalent cations, but not external Ca2+ alone; and (3) voltage across the egg plasma membrane. This is the first demonstration of egg activation in vertebrates by the surface application of a peptide derived from a sperm surface protein, supporting a model for egg activation that involves a signal transducing receptor for sperm in the egg's plasma membrane.
FIG. 2.Quantitation of the immunofluorescence labeling accom-plished by measuring the summed labeling intensity within thelabeled sperm as the amount of competing fusion protein wasvaried. The error bars are equal to the 95% confidence intervalsaround the mean;nis indicated in parentheses above each bar.Sperm from five males were used. The asterisk refers to a statisti-cally significant difference from the immune serum value (P,0.05, analysis of variance). These data suggest that the antibodies toxMDC16 recognize a protein on the surface of live, egg jelly-activated sperm and support the specificity of labeling by the rabbitimmune serum since the label intensity on the sperm is reducedwhen the serum is preexposed to the indicated amount of xMDC16fusion protein, but not with exposure to MBP alone.
FIG. 5.Peptide-induced changes in [Ca21]iin theXenopusegg. (a) Peptide-induced changes in [Ca21]iin a dejellied, albino egg injected withfura-2â dextran (50 â100mM final concentration) in Ca21-free F1 medium detected by ratio imaging. Response to soluble xMDC16 peptide(20 nmol) added from direction indicated (arrowhead). The fluorescence emitted was calibrated as described previously (Nuccitelliet al.,1993) and converted into a pseudocolor representation of the calcium concentration. Egg diameter, 1.2 mm. (b) Comparison of intracellularcalcium levels in dejellied albino eggs treated with xMDC16 (upper trace, no external Ca21) or sperm (lower trace, normal Ca21). Theinterval between data points is 10 s, and the time of sperm or peptide addition is indicated. Intracellular free calcium in eggs is elevatedin response to xMDC16 peptide in a manner identical to that at fertilization.
FIG. 6.Two-electrode voltage clamp study of peptide-induced egg activation. Activation current across the plasma membrane in eggs clampedat220 mV. The traces were copied from a chart recording and correspond to the current passed to keep the voltage constant. The times ofaddition of peptide or sperm are indicated with an arrow. (Upper trace) Egg clamped at220 mV and treated with 20 nmol of xMDC16 (1mlof20 mM stock). (Lower trace) An egg clamped at220 mV and treated with sperm. Asterisk (*) indicates initial rapid inward current.
FIG. 7.Percentage of egg activation by xMDC16 disintegrinpeptide in eggs voltage clamped at different membrane potentials.The number of eggs per data point is indicated. Activation wasscored by the elicitation of an activation current, vitelline envelopeelevation, and cortical contraction. Peptide-induced egg activationincludes an inward activation current similar to that observed atfertilization and the ability of the peptide to activate is dependenton the voltage across the eggâs plasma membrane