Figure 2. Steady state voltage dependency of Na+/Pi transport as a function of Pi. (A) Typical set of I-V curves obtained using staircase protocol (Fig. 1 B) applied to one cell with 96 mM Na+ and Pi in the range 0.006â1.0 mM as indicated. Data points are joined for visualization only. Note the absence of zero crossing for V > 0. (B) Representative dose-response curves at Vh = â50 mV for two concentrations of Na+: 96 (âª), 50 (â¡) mM and the same cell with Pi as the variable substrate. Eq. 1 was fit to the raw data with the following parameters: (96 mM Na+) KmPi = 0.054 mM, n = 0.8, Ipmax = 74 nA; and (50 mM Na+) KmPi = 0.27 mM, n = 0.9, Ipmax = 50 nA. Inset shows the same data normalized to maximum predicted response and plotted semi-logarithmically to indicate clearly the shift in KmPi. (C) Summary of voltage dependency of fitted parameters comparing data for two concentrations of Na+: 96 (âª) and 50 (â¡) mM pooled from different cells. Data are shown as mean ± SEM (N = 4). Only SEMs exceeding symbol size are shown. Data points are joined for visualization only. (C, 1) n = Hill coefficient, (dashed line) n = 1; (C, 2) KmPi = apparent affinity constant; (C, 3) Ipmax/Ipmax(â100) = maximum induced current normalized to the value at â100 mV.
Figure 3. Steady state voltage dependency of Na+/Pi transport as a function of Na+ concentration. (A) Typical family of I-V curves obtained from one cell with 1 mM Pi and six Na+ concentrations as indicated (millimolar). Data points are joined for visualization only. (B) Typical dose-response data for the same cell at two Pi concentrations: 1.0 (âª) and 0.1 (â¡) mM with Na+ as the variable substrate and Vh = â50 mV. Eq. 1 was fit to the data points. For this cell, the fit parameters were: (1 mM Pi) KmNa = 50.1 mM, n = 2.6, Ipmax = 109 mM; and (0.1 mM Pi) KmNa = 89 mM, n = 2.6, Ipmax = 114 mM. (C) Summary of voltage dependence of fitted parameters comparing data for two concentrations of Pi: 1 (âª) and 0.1 (â¡) mM. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. Only SEMs exceeding symbol size are shown. Data points are joined for visualization only. (C, 1) n = Hill coefficient, (dashed line) n = 3; (C, 2) KmNa = apparent affinity constant; (C, 3) Ipmax/Ipmax(â100) = maximum induced current normalized to the value at â100 mV.
Figure 4. Characterization of Pi-independent current component using phosphonoformic acid. (A) Oocyte holding current (Ih) at Vh = â50 mV for continuous superfusion with the indicated solutions for a NaPi-2-expressing oocyte (top) and noninjected oocyte (bottom) from the same batch of oocytes and recorded during the same experimental session. Ih was sampled at 5-s intervals and the sample points have been joined by straight lines for clarity. Each superfusate combination was applied for 1 min to allow a stable baseline to be reached. Top and bottom dashed lines, superimposed on NaPi-2 data, indicate Ih at 9 and 105 mM Na+, respectively. (B) Typical I-V relations for the PFA-sensitive component at two concentrations of Na+: 109 (âª) and 59 (â´) mM. A staircase voltage protocol with 5-mV, 100-ms-long steps was applied to the oocyte. Points represent the difference between the steady state current at the end of each step under control conditions and the response in the presence of 3 mM PFA. As PFA is a trisodium salt, the control solution Na+ concentration in each case was adjusted to ensure that the Na+ gradient remained the same. Continuous lines are polynomial fits to the data, used to determine the reversal potential (Er). Inset shows Er plotted as a function of Na+ concentration. Note that Na+ concentration is plotted on a log10 scale. Number of cells is indicated for each Na+ tested. Straight line is a linear regression giving a slope 64.4 ± 1.7 mV. (C) Dose dependency with respect to Na+ for Ih in the absence of Pi at Vh = â50 mV. Data shown for a typical cell expressing NaPi-2. Each point represents the induced change in steady state current, relative to 0 mM Na+. Continuous curve is the fit using Eq. 1, giving Km = 128 mM, Ihmax = 74 nA, and n = 0.92. (D) The PFA-sensitive current correlates with the Pi-induced current. Data shown for 22 cells from several donor frogs displaying different levels of expression of NaPi-2. For each cell, the Pi-induced current (Ip) at 1 mM Pi was determined together with the PFA-sensitive component (IPFA) for 3 mM PFA at Vh = â50 mV. The straight line is a linear regression line forced through the origin with a slope: 0.126 ± 0.004.
Figure 5. Preâsteady state relaxations induced by voltage steps applied to oocytes expressing NaPi-2. (A) Family of current records in response to voltage steps from Vh = â100 to â140, â120, â80, â40, 0, +40, and +80 mV, and returning to Vh after 40 ms. (top) Superfusion with 96 mM Na+, 0 mM Pi. The endogenous capacitive charging transients of the oocyte have been clipped due to the high voltage clamp gain used. (middle) Superfusion with 96 mM Na+, 3 mM Pi. Dashed line, corresponding to the holding current level at â100 mV in the absence of Pi, is superimposed to indicate the change in steady state current induced by Pi (at â100 mV, Ip â 250 nA). (bottom) Superfusion with 96 mM Na+, 0 mM Pi for a noninjected oocyte from the same batch. Each record is the average of eight successive raw sweeps. Filtering at 3 kHz, sampling 50 μs/point. (B) Effect of PFA preâsteady state currents. Records in response to a voltage step from â100 to 0 mV for superfusion in the presence of 0.3 mM Pi or 3 mM PFA compared with the response for 96 mM Na+ alone, as indicated. Dashed line indicates baseline for control condition. Each record is the average of eight successive raw sweeps and has been blanked for 2 ms during the capacitive charging transient. Filtering at 3 kHz, sampling 50 μs/point. (C) Voltage dependency of the main time constant (Ï) obtained from biexponential fit to records such as in A for holding potentials (Vh) â100, â40, and 0 mV for the same cell. Filled symbols are mean ± SEM of the ON transition Ïs at the three Vh. The straight lines represent the mean of the OFF relaxation Ïs over the whole voltage range: (dotted line) Vh = â100 mV, (dashed line) Vh = 0 mV. The mean OFF Ïs are: 7.5 ± 0.06 ms (Vh = â100 mV); 7.6 ± 0.05 ms (Vh = â40 mV), and 7.13 ± 0.14 ms (Vh = 0 mV). (D) Voltage dependency of charge movement (Q) associated with NaPi-2-related component at different Vh for the same cell as in B. (âª) ON, (â¡) OFF. Continuous lines are fits of the Boltzmann function (Eq. 2) to the data. See Table I for fit parameters. (E) Correlation between estimated charge available for translocation at â100 mV (Q(â100)) and Pi-induced current at â100 mV (Ip(â100)) with 96 mM Na+ and 1 mM Pi. Data points are from 11 cells from different oocyte batches. Q(â100) was obtained by fitting the Boltzmann function (Eq. 2) to the Q-V data and Ip(â100) was obtained from steady state response of same cell under same recording conditions. Straight line is a linear regression line with slope 46 sâ1 and forced to intercept the origin.
Figure 7. The effect of changing external Pi on preâsteady state relaxations. (A) Preâsteady state relaxations recorded from a cell expressing NaPi-2 for a voltage jump from â100 to 0 mV for 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 3.0 mM Pi. The initial baseline shift reflects the steady state holding current induced by each Pi. Pi was applied in increasing concentration. Between successive applications, the cell was allowed to recover in 0 mM Pi until the initial steady state holding current at â50 mV was reestablished. (B) The Pi-suppressed current obtained by subtracting the record at 3 mM Pi from the test record under the same voltage step conditions as A and same cell. Each trace has been baseline-adjusted to the steady state value. The first millisecond of each difference record during the voltage transition was blanked. This corresponds to the time to complete most of the oocyte capacitive charging as indicated in the inset for a voltage jump from â50 to â40 mV, plotted on the same time scale (same cell). (C) Pi dose response for the same cell showing amount of apparent charge suppressed (Qsuppr.) at â100 mV as a function of Pi for five target potentials as indicated. Charge was estimated by numerical integration of the records as in B, with the steady state holding current suppressed. A small error is expected in Qsuppr. due to starting the integration at 1 ms. Continuous lines show fits with Eq. 1 for n = â1. (D) Voltage dependence of apparent Kd for suppression of preâsteady state charge found from fitting Eq. 1 to the data, for the same cell as in C.
Figure 6. The effect of changing external Na+ on preâsteady state relaxations. (A) Typical response to a voltage step from â100 to 0 mV for a cell expressing NaPi-2 (Ip = â120 nA at â50 mV, 3 mM Pi). The cell was superfused with 96, 50, 25, and 0 mM Na+ and sufficient time was allowed between changing superfusate to establish a steady holding current before making preâsteady state recordings. The preâsteady state response to superfusion with 96 mM Na+ and 3 mM Pi is also shown. For superfusion with 0 mM Na+ and 3 mM Pi, the response was the same as for 0 mM Na+ alone (data not shown). All traces were blanked for the first 2 ms after the step and adjusted to give the same steady state baseline. (B) Steady state charge distribution under varying Na+. The Q-V data (ON transition) for a typical cell with superfusion with 96 (âª), 50 (â´), 25 (â¢), and 10 (â¦) mM Na+. Continuous lines were obtained by fitting the Boltzmann function (Eq. 2) to the data. Inset shows the same data normalized to the predicted maximum charge and offset to superimpose at the depolarizing limit to indicate the shift in V0.5. (C) Ï-V data pooled (n = 4) showing main ON relaxation time constant determined for superfusion with 96 (â¡), 50 (âµ), and 25 (â) mM Na+.
Figure 8. The effect of external pH on preâsteady state relaxations. (A) Superimposed preâsteady state relaxations for ON and OFF voltage steps to the test potentials indicated from a holding potential of â100 mV for the same cell with 96 mM Na+ in external medium. Thick traces, pH 7.4; thin traces, pH 6.2. To suppress the endogenous capacitive transient, the records were blanked for the first 3 ms after the transition. (B) Apparent charge movement for three pHs indicated in the presence of 96 mM Na+. Continuous lines are fits using the Boltzmann function (Eq. 2). The fit parameters were: (pH 7.4) z = 0.38, V0.5 = â40 mV, Qmax = 7.4 nC; (pH 6.8) z = 0.37, V0.5 = â23 mV, Qmax = 7.5 nC; (pH 6.2) z = 0.46, V0.5 = â2 mV, Qmax = 5.3 nC. (C) Voltage dependence of main ON relaxation Ï for three pHs indicated and the same cell as in B. (D) Preâsteady state relaxations recorded from another cell for a step from â100 to 0 mV (ON) and returning to â100 mV (OFF) for three superfusion conditions: 96 mM Na+, pH 7.4 (thin trace); 0 mM Na+, pH 7.4, and 0 mM Na+, pH 6.2 (arrows). The graphical superposition of the traces reveals that after removal of Na+ from the external medium, a reduction in pH leads to a further suppression of the relaxations. To suppress the endogenous capacitive transient, the records are blanked for the first 3 ms after the transition.
Scheme I.
Figure 9. A state diagram representation of an ordered binding model for NaPi-2. Voltage-dependent partial reactions identified by preâsteady state experiments (translocation of the unloaded carrier, 6 â 1; binding of the first Na+, 1 â 2) are shown shaded. The empty cotransporter is assumed to have a valency of â1, but this charge translocates through a fraction of the transmembrane field to account for an apparent valency <1 derived from fits using Eq. 2. Both the slippage (2 â 5*) pathway and translocation of the fully loaded carrier (4 â 5) are assumed to be electroneutral. Depending on the availability of substrate and membrane potential, accessibility to the substrate binding sites favors either the cis (states 1, 2, 3, 4) or trans (states 5, 5*, 6) side of the membrane. Under normal physiological conditions with V < 0, the apparent transport cycle proceeds clockwise around the loop. For V < 0, and low internal Na+, external Na+ binding is facilitated on the cis side due to the outward translocation of âve charge associated with transition 6 â 1. This allows one Na+ ion to move to its binding site within the transmembrane field, leading to an increasing of the affinity of the transporter for Pi (assumed to be predominantly divalent at neutral pH), which then binds (2 â 3) in a voltage-independent manner. Then follows a further voltage-independent step involving the binding of two Na+ ions (3 â 4) to give electroneutrality. The fully loaded carrier is now able to translocate (4 â 5), release substrates on the trans side, and return to state 6. A net inward charge movement of +1 electronic units occurs per cycle, which is manifested as Ip. Except for slippage, the order of binding/release of substrates on the cytosolic side cannot be determined using the intact oocyte preparation and, therefore, the cytosolic release of cotransported Pi, together with two Na+ ions, is lumped as one reaction (5 â 5*).
Figure 10. Simulations predict voltage-dependent behavior of preâsteady state kinetics in the absence of external Pi. Values were assigned to the parameters associated with voltage-dependent partial reactions (shown shaded in Fig. 9: unloaded carrier, 6 â 1; first Na+ binding/debinding, 1 â 2) to give a reasonable match to the measured Ï-V and Q-V data under varying external Na+. (A) Simulations of preâsteady state current showing the ON and OFF relaxations for a step from â100 to 0 mV for two external Na+ concentrations (continuous lines, 100 mM; broken lines, 50 mM). The voltage step is assumed to occur instantaneously so that no account is taken of the speed of oocyte membrane charging. Note that because of the voltage dependence of k21, the fast component in the relaxation appears more prominent in the ON than OFF traces for both Na+, and this can lead to significant errors in estimating QON and QOFF (see discussion). Rate constants for voltage dependent steps are (sâ1): k61 = 60 exp(â0.16 eV/kT), k16 = 120 exp(0.24 eV/kT), k12 = 8,000 [Na] exp(â0.15 eV/ kT), k21 = 2,000 exp(0.15 eV/kT), where [Na] = Na+ concentration (Molar). The corresponding valences and asymmetry factors are: z61 = 0.4, z12 = 0.5, δ61 = 0.4, δ12 = 0.5. Ordinate scale is in electronic units (eu) sâ1, where 1 eu = 1.602 à 10â19 C. (B) Simulated Ï-V relations for two external Na+ concentrations as in A. Bold curves represent the two nonzero time constants predicted from the eigenvalue solutions of the three-state model involving transitions 6 â 1 and 1 â 2 (continuous curves, 100 mM; broken curves, 50 mM). The faster component with Ï < 1 ms would not be detected easily by curve fitting due to the oocyte charging transient. Light curves represent the voltage dependence of the reciprocal rate constants for the transitions indicated by the respective subscripts. Note that only k12 is dependent on Na+. (C) Simulated steady state Q-V relation for the same two Na+ concentrations. The amount of charge in electronic units contributed by the two transitions is shown (Q61, Q12), together with the total charge (Qt). For the simulation, the holding potential was set at â1,000 mV to obtain normalized relations. Fitting Eq. 2 to the Qt-V data predicted z = 0.5 and a shift of â16 mV for a change in Na+ from 100 to 50 mM. (D) Simulation of the effect of pH on preâsteady state kinetics. The unloaded carrier backward rate constant (K16) is assumed to be decreased from 120 to 60 sâ1, resulting from an increase in external H+ as indicated by measurements. The Ï-V curves predict an increase of the slower relaxation for V > 0. Continuous lines represent Ïs (bold) and inverse rate constants (light) under normal (pH 7.4) conditions. Broken lines are for reduced pH conditions. (E) The corresponding steady state Q-V relations for the same change in rate constant K16 showing the shift in the Q-V distribution towards depolarizing potentials (broken lines) resulting primarily from a shift in the steady state charge distribution of the unloaded carrier.
Figure 11. Simulations of Pi-induced currents in the steady state, assuming zero trans conditions. Since the transition 6 â 1 is the only translocation step involving net charge movement, the steady state current is proportional to X1k16 â X6k61, where X1 and X6 are the occupancy of states 1 and 6, respectively. Voltage-dependent rate constants and parameters are given in Fig. 10. Additional rate constants for the kinetic scheme of Fig. 9 are (sâ1): k23 = 1,000 [Pi], k32 = 100, k34 = 500 [Na]2, k43 = 50, k45 = k54 = 25, k55* = 10,000, k5*5 = 0, k5*6 = 10,000, k65* = 0, k25* = 2.5, k5*2 = 2.5, where [Pi] and [Na] are the concentrations of Pi and Na+, respectively (Molar). These were chosen to give reasonable predictions of the experimentally observed I-V relations. (A) Pi dose response. Inset shows a set of I-V curves for nominal Pi values indicated, normalized to Ip at â100 mV. Dashed curve is the slippage component (simulated with Pi = 0 mM), light curves represent the total simulated Pi-induced steady state current and bold curves represent the steady state response with slippage component subtracted (equivalent to the Pi-induced response measured). Eq. 1 was fit to the data to obtain the apparent KmPi as a function of V for nominal 100 (âª) and 50 (â¡) mM Na+. The continuous lines are for visualization only. (B) Na+ dose response. (inset) Set of I-V curves for nominal Na+ values indicated, and 1 mM nominal Pi, normalized to Ip at â100 mV. Light curves represent the simulated total steady state current, bold curves have slippage component subtracted (equivalent to the Pi-induced response measured). Eq. 1 was fit to the data to derive the apparent KmNa as a function of V for nominal 1 (âª) and 0.1 (â¡) mM Pi. The continuous lines are for visualization only.