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J Neurosci 2000 Jul 01;2013:4912-21.
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Active zones on motor nerve terminals contain alpha 3beta 1 integrin.

Cohen MW , Hoffstrom BG , DeSimone DW .

Active zones are the sites along nerve terminals where synaptic vesicles dock and undergo calcium-dependent exocytosis during synaptic transmission. Here we show, by immunofluorescent staining with antibodies generated against Xenopus laevis integrins, that alpha3beta1 integrin is concentrated at the active zones of Xenopus motor nerve terminals. Because integrins can link extracellular matrix molecules to cytoskeletal elements and participate in the formation of signaling complexes, the localization of integrin at active zones suggests that it may play a role in the adhesion of the nerve terminals to the synaptic basal lamina, in the formation and maintenance of active zones, and in some of the events associated with calcium-dependent exocytosis of neurotransmitter. Our findings also indicate that the integrin composition of the terminal Schwann cells differs from that of the motor nerve terminals, and this may account at least in part for differences in their adhesiveness to the synaptic basal lamina.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 10864949
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC6772282
??? J Neurosci
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
???displayArticle.antibodies??? Fluoro-BT Ab Itga3 Ab1 Itga3 Ab2 Itga3 Ab3 Itga5 Ab1 Itgav Ab1 Itgav Ab2 Itgb1 Ab1 Itgb1 Ab4 Itgb3 Ab1 Rhodamine-Conjugated with conotoxin Sv2a Ab1

References [+] :
Anderson, Fluorescent staining of acetylcholine receptors in vertebrate skeletal muscle. 1974, Pubmed